RaptorChrist said:
Super cool. I'm too old to be a patient of yours then, but last month I made an appointment and got referred to see a cardiologist because I have been getting this sensation in my chest when I sleep at night. Right as I start to fall asleep, I oftentimes get jolted back awake and I become hyper-aware of my heart-beat and an intense sensation fills my chest. I find myself gasping for air at the same time. I wore an event monitor for the last 30 days (finished it up on Sunday) where I had to submit symptoms when I felt them. It was basically an EKG monitor that was always present so that when my episodes occurred, they could see what was happening with my heart. I've never had heart problems before, and I almost never go to the doctor, as most problems seem to fix themselves, but this particular problem has persisted and even gotten worse over the last six months, and for years before that I've been getting chest pain at times. My self-diagnosis before having gone to the doctor was sleep apnea, or something with my heart, as I would notice shortness of breath when this happens, but my cardiologist believes that it is a case of anxiety, although she hasn't fully reviewed everything yet and I am going back in on the 9th of next month to follow-up with her. I just couldn't wait that long so I called to ask if they had found anything yet. Figured I'd share, as I had never understood that anxiety caused things like that. In my naive mind, anxiety was synonymous with stress, but I had no idea it caused the body to feel odd sensations like that. |
Well, if its a congenital disease (something you're born with) the Pediatric cardiologist's still your doctor. We see a lot of adults with congenital heart diseases, some of them didn't know and some who've been our patients for a long time.
But I hope you don't need one and your exams turn out good. And don't underestimate anxiety...It can bring you a lot of problems. Hope it doesn't go that way!