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Forums - General Discussion - What to do when the girl you like just wants to be friends?


Is Kapi a stupid bear?

Yes, very stupid 14 42.42%
A bit stupid 11 33.33%
No 8 24.24%

Everyone saying you should move on... On one hand, yeah, because the chances that you'll get romantically involved with her after this event are very slim, so don't even bother, so just let things flow. On the other end, you can remain on good terms with her and keep a polite and neutral relationship with her. Eventually (i.e., a couple of months), it's likely that matters will settle down and you'll be able to recover her trust and maybe restablish a good friendship again, but you can't force this, it'll have to pop up naturally. Another thing for certain here is that you'll have to do your best to get over her and find other things to do, including chasing other women, IDK.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

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mZuzek said:

I mean, come on, one of y'all is arguing that Ka-pi should do this or that to get laid with the girl by any means for the survival of humanity, why am I even trying to discuss here?

I don't think anybody has said this, I assume you're referring to Ganoncrotch (since he has brought up a point about human reproductive instincts) who, as I recall, gave the advice to move on and find another woman. That's the overwhelming response as far as I can see. I don't think anybody has told him to ignore her wishes and keep desperately chasing her anyway, using any tactic possible.

I thought your first piece of advice was pretty good, but you keep jumping to conclusions about what others are saying, to the point of fabricating arguments to take offense to. So I am starting to agree with the last part of your quote here and wonder why you're trying to discuss if you won't properly read and consider what others are even saying.

Ask her if you can ask her a question

If she says no and calls you a creep. Shrug shoulders and just walk away.
Rinse and repeat on girl after girl.

You keep asking girls until you get a score.
Never worry if they say no and move onto next. Never let rejection upset your day.

Do not bother with online dating that is just a waste of time and plenty of girls flake and waste guys time.
Online dating you will stumble across plenty of people asking you for money to save them from bad situation and they promise to pay you back. Never send money to help or to buy a cute puppy dog because you will never hear from them again.

Just asking a question, pick up chicks, score. Do this every day, on streets, library, at college/school.
Alpha does not worry about rejection he goes on and on and uses game to get what he wants.

If you are not a fat/obese neck beard you have a good chance of picking up chicks in real life. It takes courage to pursue and chase your dreams in life.

Last edited by Dark_Lord_2008 - on 09 June 2019

Bisa said:
Looking at the replies in here, i hope you've learnt your lesson of why you should never ask for relationship advice on this forum.

Hey at least no one suggested turning her off and on again or taking out her cartridge and blowing on it to see if that would make her play :D

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

Approaching offline shows you are showing confidence. Any idiot can steal photos and claim to be a chick and mess around online and waste other people's valuable times.
Most 9 or 10/10 guys on dating sites are fat ugly neck beards that steal male model pics and claim to be someone else like it was back in chat room days.

When a girl says just want to be friends or they have a boyfriend or insert some other stupid excuse = they are not interested in you. Move onto next!

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I doubt any of us neck beards on VGChartz will be able to provide any useful advice.
We will hear stories of fellow neck beards how they score with heaps of chicks and how it is so easy to score. They will will call other neck beards incels and virgin and other names that describe themselves. They are posting on a game forums and provide no proof and anyone claim anything online.
Neck beards on reddit or 4chan are LOL, their stories of success are so fake and made up and no proof/evidence to verify their claims. No proof/evidence = Nice story Bro..

I feel sorry for you ka-pi.(polar bears also deserve love)
You will keep thinking of her for a while but it might be best to try and make some new female contacts and maybe you will meet a better match,just don't torture yourself over this too much and try to not give yourself too much false hope .Good luck!

Guys have to have at least equal educational status to the girls they want to date. Pref. women want a guy above them in educational status.
Guys are trapped to a gender role. Guys have to show they are desired by other women (in demand). This is why so many women fall for married men, and so few value single, unpopular men.
Guys have to show they are respected by other men.
Guys have to show alpha male traits and be assertive.
Women just have to be healthy looking (as in not being fat). Simple as that. An average-looking female as soon as she walks outside will have dozens of guys ready to date you. As a man you have to work hard as hell just for one girl to look at you.
Men have to do all the first moves and must prove himself a good catch. Women only have to sit there and not be fat.
Women can get the numbers of 180 men out of 200 guys. Men if lucky can get 5 numbers out of 200 women.
At the end of the day as a man I question my existence as a man. Is life really worth it if women and society only need you for utilitarian purposes?

As an average-looking male I'm freaking tired of this disposable feeling I get when I'm around females in general. I've seen it so many times when a guy is sick of his gender role in the world of dating ALL women discard his existence while other men punish him for it.

Um... just be friends. That's all you got, buddy. 

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Pinkie_pie said:
Ask her why shes not attracted to you and what you could do to make her like you. Japanese women dont find fat men attractive

Now I am getting conflicting info, I had a Japanese girl say there is a few that do, they like sumos, and if they whiter the better lol.