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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What will sell more, Animal Crossing Switch or Pokemon Sword/Shield?

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I think the bigger seller will be...

Animal Crossing 63 42.28%
Pokemon Sword/Shield 86 57.72%
curl-6 said:

Of Nintendo's two flagship dreadnoughts of the 2019 sales war, which do you think will sell more lifetime, and why?

Well what about you? What do you think? Do you think there's a chance that Animal Crossing will beat a mainline Pokemon entry, and the first one with a home console experience at that?

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short term: Pokemon, im talking first few weeks, it will sell way more

long term though over both titles life times, Animal Crossing will outsell Pokemon

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

Pokemon, and I never bought a pokemon game.

While animal crossing will have nice growth in the west, it will not surpass Pokémon. Doesn’t matter when the next PKMN title is release

PwerlvlAmy said:
short term: Pokemon, im talking first few weeks, it will sell way more

long term though over both titles life times, Animal Crossing will outsell Pokemon

Makes sense, with Pokemon getting a new game sooner than later and AC only seeing the one release this generation making it an evergreen title

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HylianSwordsman said:
curl-6 said:

Of Nintendo's two flagship dreadnoughts of the 2019 sales war, which do you think will sell more lifetime, and why?

Well what about you? What do you think? Do you think there's a chance that Animal Crossing will beat a mainline Pokemon entry, and the first one with a home console experience at that?

My first impulse was that it has a chance if Sword/Shield's legs are cut off by a followup in 2020/2021 while AC continues to have evergreen legs for years to come. After checking the figures though, I dunno. Honestly I was just bored out of my mind when I posted this thread, I can't believe how dull VGC is these days.

curl-6 said:
HylianSwordsman said:

Well what about you? What do you think? Do you think there's a chance that Animal Crossing will beat a mainline Pokemon entry, and the first one with a home console experience at that?

My first impulse was that it has a chance if Sword/Shield's legs are cut off by a followup in 2020/2021 while AC continues to have evergreen legs for years to come. After checking the figures though, I dunno. Honestly I was just bored out of my mind when I posted this thread, I can't believe how dull VGC is these days.

I know what you mean. We need to do something to liven this place up. It had so much going on back in the day. I remember when we had regular Mafia threads, elimination threads, the occasional roleplay thread, sales and metacritic prediction leagues for every game and system and year, threads for arranging meet ups and parties for online play for various games, all kinds of threads analyzing all kinds of data from various angles, and participatory threads of all sorts, all going on at once, all the time. All of that stuff still happens, but it's fewer and farther between with mostly empty, pointless discussions like this one most days. I think part of the problem is that we've lost a lot of creative contributors that were willing to put in the time and effort to create some of our best stuff. I know what I blame for that, but I don't feel like starting anything here. Suffice to say I think they were driven away.

World: Pokemon
Japan: Animal Crossing

curl-6 said:
HylianSwordsman said:

Well what about you? What do you think? Do you think there's a chance that Animal Crossing will beat a mainline Pokemon entry, and the first one with a home console experience at that?

My first impulse was that it has a chance if Sword/Shield's legs are cut off by a followup in 2020/2021 while AC continues to have evergreen legs for years to come. After checking the figures though, I dunno. Honestly I was just bored out of my mind when I posted this thread, I can't believe how dull VGC is these days.

That's weird, I would say taking the numbers at face value actually gives AC more of a chance. It's only a few million away on 3DS and you could make an argument AC has more room for potential growth than Pokemon. 

Still, I would wait till more info was announced.

Has got to be Pokemon