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Forums - General Discussion - Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior

I'm gonna make some people that can commit sin. And when they do which I already knew they would I'll punish them to hell. But Later I'll impregnate a girl with myself so I can be born and tortured and killed so I can forgive these people I made so they can worship me which is what I made them for.

Makes sense to me.

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dark_gh0st_b0y said:
Soundwave said:

I wouldn't be surprised if immortality is that far off to be honest. Maybe 2-3 generations away. Genetic engineering, nano tech, gene modification, brain to computer interfacing are the first baby steps towards it just like the giant room sized computers of the 1950s/60s were the first steps towards the pocket sized super computers everyone has today. 

If you have two ugly people (equally ugly) and one decides to accept they're ugly while the other one decides to believe they're beautiful, it wouldn't surprise me if the one who has chosen to deny reality would be happier. That doesn't make them good looking though, lol. One's POV can determine one's happiness, we know that, that doesn't mean the POV is necessarily correct. 

"Western countries" are happier because they generally have higher standards of living from scientific/technological/medical progress and less violent upheaval recently. But even that is a fairly recent development, Europe was probably the most violent place on earth for several hundred years culminating with World War II which almost obliterated the continent. Post World War II is the only time its known relative peace and a technological society has sprung up, but in that era of "happiness" Europe has also become dramatically less religious. 

what you say could come is ''live extension'' or better "body modification - brain preservation'', matter will always be vulnerable, don't you know

beauty is just as subjective as reality, everyone lives in his own ''reality'', the point of life is happiness, not beauty or accepting whatever reality comes with the times

anything that makes you happy is real enough, same with Christianity, if you feel it, it must be real

it's not just the recent years, Europe has always had some of the higher standards of living from scientific/technological/medical progress because their faith allowed them to progress through the years and invest their time in things that could actually make other's lives better and happier

wars are just the making of a few power-thirsty, brainless individuals who manipulate the weak souls, leading them to self-destruction, they are not as relevant as you think, Africa had the fewest wars and China the most, yet the Christian countries are much happier

I wouldn't say ''dramatically'' but yeah, watch Christian numbers drop while suicides and murder attacks are already getting more and more frequent, personal psychologists and psychotherapists will be swimming in gold, talk about the cure of the spirit, in my view happiness will start to drop, wait until the cycle comes around and Christianity will be the new fashion

regarding war, Christian prophesies from 30 years ago say that while Western countries are moving away from Christianity, WW3 is inevitable, and every detail so far is sadly, spot-on...

A few points:


1.) An airplane would also be impossible for someone in the 17th century to make sense of, in 300-400 years who knows what types of technology humans will possess. The ability to modify DNA/add nano cells/cybernetics could effectively eliminate the concept of death or delay it by hundreds, even thousands of years. 

2.) "Happiness polls" are largely a load of crap IMO (how exactly do you measure it? Is there a "happy meter"?). It's a recent survey, and yes according to those surveys Nordic European nations like Denmark, Sweden, etc. tend to top those polls. However those counties are actually becoming far less religious, so I guess you could also say less religion leads to more happiness. A country like the USA which is more religious scores low on those happiness polls (relative to Western European countries). 

The most pious, "religious" Christian countries today are actually places like Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, etc.) and places like the Philippines not the West anymore. These aren't the "happiest" places though. Eastern Europe is more religious than Western Europe, they're also less happy. 

3.) Well beauty may be subjective but I'll use another analogy -- Santa Claus makes kids happy too. Kids that believe in Santa may well be happier than kids who don't. It doesn't mean Santa Claus is real. 

4.) Large scale war doesn't need a "prophecy", humans fight over dumb shit all the time and will do so again. There I just made an amazing prophecy. 

Ultimately people are free to believe whatever they want. I don't have a problem with it unless it starts to hurt other people or becomes a danger to that person themselves. 

The fact that a large population of the planet still practices religion and worships deities/fictional figures (Jesus, Allah) goes to show how far we HAVEN'T come as a human species for the last 2,000 years.

All the technological advancements of the last 250 years and yet, there are still many of people who find it more comforting to take solace in fairy tales - even at the expense of reason and rationale.

As Chairman Mao said to the Dalai Lama when he invaded Tibet - "Religion is poison"

ye ✝️

dark_gh0st_b0y said:
OhNoYouDont said:

Nope just fundamentally wrong. Religious faith is belief absent evidence, which is antithetical to the entirety of logic. The entire point of logic is to get to what is true either deductively or inductively, e.g. via evidence. Did you even read the Bible? It says verbatim "being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."

Theology is like studying fairies, entirely fruitless. 

I think there is tons of evidence, the thing is if you trust/accept them or not, no Jesus is gonna come to you just to prove the is real :P

what is missing is ''proof'' in terms of logic, which makes sense to me, religion is based on belief that there are beings of a higher intelligence and spiritual existence in another dimension, it is to be expected that human logic is not powerful enough to understand and explain everything related

Yeah any time I've spoken to any theist about their "evidence" it isn't evidence, it isn't even coherent. Most of them cannot even explain what they mean by the word "god". It's this ineffable, ambiguous idea that has no positive descriptors e.g. NON-physical, time-LESS, space-LESS, etc. You cannot define what something is by telling me what it is NOT. 

Why wouldn't a Jesus return in this time when Christianity is dwindling in the civilized world? Seems an appropriate moment, no? Oh, he only comes when there aren't any cameras, kinda like ghosts huh? Funny how that works...

Are you saying you think logic isn't a reliable path to getting at what is true? What other method do you use to discover whether a statement about the world is true?

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I've been to a wedding, and I have passed the church's door for the first timein years.

The priest has quoted the Genesis, about creation.

This was so much bull. Roughly the sentence was : ' after trying every animal in creation to see, God finally took a rib of Adam during his sleep and made Eve'

Dafuq ? Adam had tried with animals, and finally with Eve ? Yuck

Who does believe these bullshit ? Oh, but this is going to be 'poetry', and 'I have not to take it litterally',

caz604 said:

Yes I believe. Catholic and Joyous!

Not going to get involved in this discussion further as I know this isn’t the best venue to debate, have discourse, or even teach.

However I will add that faith and logic do go hand in hand. The issue is that many dont have the background or understanding that it is true when you add the study of Theology and a sprinkle of Philosophy to the equation. I find it disappointing that the Arts have taken a backseat to Science in this generation. They need and should complement each other to have a better understanding of life, existance, and meaning.

Either way, Peace!

Peace... but what a bundle of nonsense.

Religious people can't even grasp that something that isn't proven cannot be said to be real. How could they ever be paragons of logic? They don't have a grasp on it. 

donathos said:
An all-powerful God who needed a man to die nailed to a stick of wood in some backwater Roman province in order to make up for the fact that a snake once convinced a woman to eat a magical apple?

It doesn't seem to me to be all that much different from when people thought the sun was a chariot, or that winter was due to a sky princess who ate some pomegranate seeds while touring the underworld...


Um... it's not that the All-powerful God needed it, it is that we needed it. That snake was also technically an Angel or more, Satan and he more wanted to trick Eve because he was jealous of God and since we as human were given free will, we could decide to obey or disobey.

As a Muslim, I wholeheartedly believe in, love and respect Jesus peace be upon him - but I could never accept that God had a son, or that God is His own son (?). The concept of trinity is a little hard to digest and seems antithetical to the message of Jesus

nil8r153 said:
As a Muslim, I wholeheartedly believe in, love and respect Jesus peace be upon him - but I could never accept that God had a son, or that God is His own son (?). The concept of trinity is a little hard to digest and seems antithetical to the message of Jesus

Isn't literally everything about literally every religion equally hard to swallow? I mean, none of it is based in logic and is blanketed by an omnipresent, omnipotent, perfect being that can do anything, so how do you apply logic to any of it?