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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Sonic Forces Switch ver. wll be 720p / 30fps on Docked and Undocked

The last two considered to be some what good 3D Sonic games (Generations and Colors) ran at 30fps on consoles so I don't think it'll matter to me.

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Dang, I had such high hopes for the game of the generation. I guess Switch owners will have to settle for playing an almost perfect game.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Nuvendil said:
nuckles87 said:

As someone who's actually played both games: yes, the Sonic Forces trailer footage is at least as good as the actual gameplay footage, of not a bit worse given the loss in quality that tends to happen on YouTube. Forces is gorgeous game and, from a technical stand point, a better looking game than Odyssey. On screen, in motion, and in person, it LOOKS like a 1080p current gen game. 

Of course, having played both I also know Super Mario Odyssey will be a much BETTER game, but the fact that they managed to get this running on Switch at all is impressive, especially as other companies are struggling and making compromises to bring their own current gen games to the system.

Visually, Super Mario Odyssey will look better than Sonic Forces Switch. But that's a pretty typical story when it comes to exclusives vs multi platform games. Exclusives are able to put the time and resources into exploiting a console's power that a multiplatform game cannot. And in the case of Forces, it was made for vastly more powerful platforms first, and then the development team had to take that current gen tech and assets, and put them onto a platform they were not built for. I've no doubt that if this game was built for Switch, it would probably perform better. Sonic Lost World ran at 60 FPS on Wii U, after all.

The demo I played at E3 was certainly rougher. In addition to the frame rate and resolution stuff, it also has lower quality textures. That being said, the game demo was just as playable as the other versions, and for a Switch game it looks perfectly fine. And at 30 frames, it has the exact same frame rate as Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations.

The Switch is an awesome system, but is also a console running on a friggin mobile processor. XD If you want games ported, you're going to have to accept sacrifices like this. It's not a matter of devs being lazy. They just aren't literal wizards. Doom is making the same sacrifices. So did Snake Pass. So will literally any port of a 3D game.

Graphically, this game blows Generations away. At 60FPS the PS4/Xbone versions have twice the frame rate, as well,as higher quality character models and environments. Easily the best looking Sonic game ever made, at least on those platforms.

Unfortunately, the Avatar plays like crap regardless of platform, at least in the E3 demo.

The game appears to take no advantage of the Dock mode at all.  And Doom is WAY more technically demanding than Sonic Forces.  And Snake Pass cut back on visuals but kept the same performance.  I'm not raging too hard here because it isn't a $60 game aiming to be among the biggest selling games on the Switch (*cough*Fifa*cough*).   But at least upping the resolution in dock would be a token effort even if they didn't want to code to the metal and shoot for 60fps.  

That's the "lazy" part people are complaining about.

I really wouldn't say Doom is "way more technically demanding." Both games are very different in terms of design and art style, but both are gorgeous looking, current gen games. Both games are also made for current gen hardware, and both games feature the same resolution and frame rate in both docked and undocked modes. The same is also true of Rocket League, which managed 60 fps in portable mode and has 720p resolution in both modes.  I think people are overestimating how much of a boost Switch games get in docked mode. No boost in resolution and frame rate in docked mode ain't just a Sonic Forces thing. I've no doubt Wolfenstein 2 will have similar issues. There is more to a game's graphics than resolution and frame rate, and its very possible these demanding games simply need to put the extra power docked mode provides into other things that will help them look better on a big tv.

Docked or undocked, the Switch is still a console with a mobile processor trying to run games that were designed to run on hardware FAR more powerful than it.

Super Mario Odyssey: 900p and 60fps with big open sandbox levels

Sonic Forces: 720p and 30fps (with drops) and pseudo-3D gameplay (it's really a 2D game where everything's rendered in 3D, let's not kid ourselves).

Guess which game I'll skip?

"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides

Mar1217 said:
Alkibiádēs said:
Super Mario Odyssey: 900p and 60fps with big open sandbox levels

Sonic Forces: 720p and 30fps (with drops) and pseudo-3D gameplay (it's really a 2D game where everything's rendered in 3D, let's not kid ourselves).

Guess which game I'll skip?

None, cuz you love both, see ?

720p to 900p is +42% pixels. It's a big difference.

1,440,000 / 983 520 = 1,423

Similarly, 720p to 1080p is +110% (more than twice the pixels).

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Resolution isn't everything. Sonic Team is just bad at optimization.

(They're not alone.)

Got the walmart preorder for 49 canadian in June.

I bought a Switch for this. This will be good.

It does look like it has some demanding graphical features. If looks pretty decent though, although I would have suspected a 900p docked mode.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

mZuzek said:
poroporo said:

I bought a Switch for this.

Oh dear god. My condolences.

Why this game doesn't look all that bad, especially for someone who actually enjoys Sonic games.

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

This is a bad trend and looks like Doom set the FPS standard.  Doom is understandable as the graphics powerhouse that it is, but this game should not be at those same expectations.  I would expect at least 1080p docked or higher framerate.  Sadly, I think Mario Odyssey set the 720p standard. I know we are still seeing the limitations of the system, but we have also seen some pretty impressive outcomes with some titles.  I think it comes down to an efficiency issue with how the games were designed and developed and the amount of time that the developers are willing to put into the port.  I would say that it is much easier to just make a PS4/Xbox one port 720p and 30fps and call it a day.  Take NBA 2K18, sure the game has pretty high visuals, but the files sizes are outrageous.  I do not think that developers are at an acceptance with Switch where they are willing to dedicate their development cycle to these considerations just yet.  As they game more experience with the system and Switch keeps dominating the market in the upcoming year, we will likely see these trends change but how long until is the issue.