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Forums - Sony Discussion - Opinions on ps pro so far?

This thread is like those Spot the differences books.

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Kwaidd said:
I'm curious as to why current ps4 users would feel that the investment into a pro would be so worthwhile. If one doesn't have a ps4 and is in the market for that machine, then of course it would make sense to get the pro model. But for those that paid msrp on the original, are now paying basically new box $ that is a half gen step up, and will undoubtedly pay full msrp on the next gen ps when it releases in the not so distant future....what is the allure? I guess if ya got the cash a plenty, why not?...but seems like quite the investment for a half step. So, for those people, I'd like to hear your thoughts once you've had a chance to play the machine for a bit and get a feel for if the upgrade was worth the expense. Perhaps it will be some real quality time with the games before the answer becomes clear? Looking fwd to your critique D21! Edit - you beat me by 12 min D21. I started the post and had to walk away for customers and to close up shop and came back to your answer. =p

For me it was several things.
- I was juggling games on the 500GB hdd for over a year already, and buying two new drives, 1 to back up to, 1 to put in, felt like a waste of money.
- My kids use the ps4 too, so I've been moving it between my game room and the living room almost daily. Not that big a deal with the internal powerbrick yet sharing games on the 500GB became even more cumbersome.
- PSVR is simply incredible, anything that makes it even better is very welcome.

So now I have the pro, pro is in my game room. Kids games removed (PvZ GW2, Lego Dimensions etc).
Base ps4 stays the primary in the living room with VR and M rated games removed. Both have plenty of disk space again.

PSVR has some nice upgrades on the pro, it makes a big difference in Robinson: The journey, and 120fps in Trackmania is very nice. If that's worth $400 by itself, dunno yet. Depends on more VR games getting worthwile pro support. Bound has nice improvements too but already looked incredible on base PS4, wouldn't have missed the updates. Just as Tethered, Thumper, Rez Infinite, Windlands, Wayward sky, Tumble, and Eagle flight don't need any enhancements. Here They lie, RE7 demo and DC VR could use higher render resolution yet no patch yet. RIGS looks better after the patch, didn't really need it though.

I haven't seen much of an improvement to 1080p gaming, after vr it looks as boring on pro as on the ps4 :p I'll give it one more try to spot the differences with Infamous first light. I accidentally deleted it already from the base model, have to download the 11GB again, still 4 hours left. However I don't mind getting the best version of The last guardian. The only game I'll put down the vr goggles for.

Anyway more disk space, no more moving the ps4 back and forth, and best version of psvr, worth it to me.

I got one on Thursday. Honestly I have nothing to compare it to, other than my original Xbox One, so I don't really know. I intentionally have held off until now on a PS4 once I heard earlier this year that Sony was working on a mid-generation upgrade.

The interface is snappy. I really like how quickly everything loads, saves, and moves from app to app. Compared to my Xbox One, it is much faster. I don't know about graphics yet, because I'm waiting for black friday to pick up these games that have Pro enhancements. As of right now I do not have a 4k tv yet, but I may in the near future. I have a 1080p 55'' currently.

Like the PS4 Pro so far. Right now playing through Uncharted Trilogy, and loving it. Never played an Uncharted game before. The controller is nice, I like the touchpad. Battery on the controller isn't great if you're plugigng in headphones for game audio, but otherwise I really like it over the previous Sony dual shocks. The triggers are much better, the face buttons are perfect, and the joysticks are much improved.

Can't wait to see how nice ROTR and Last Guardian look on Pro!

The Screamapillar is easily identified by its constant screaming—it even screams in its sleep. The Screamapillar is the favorite food of everything, is sexually attracted to fire, and needs constant reassurance or it will die.

Ariakon said:
SvennoJ said:

I can't see much of a difference in the screenshots I made of Ratchet. The gains come more from temporal stability. The image looks more stable as the anti aliasing works better accross multiple frames, less flicker from fences appearing for example. You can't really capture that in screenshots or compressed video. Yet although my screenshots of The last of Us are pretty much identical, there is a noticeable although slight boost while playing it.

The gains for PSVR are much bigger though. See my post of page 9. Even in the lossy compressed 720p social screen screenshots you can already see a clear difference. Plus I think the upscaling/warping method is better on the pro since even titles without a pro patch look cleaner already. I guess most early psvr titles run at lower resolutions than what the glasses are capable of.

For 1080p the gains are so small I would rather have other improvements, 60fps or higher lod with improved shadows etc. Perfectly anti aliased stair stepped shadows are still ugly.

I've seen bigger improvements to Ratchet, I have to admit. The image quality has seen a definite increase on my TV even over the latest patch on OG ps4. Of course, it's just a case of an already gorgeous game becoming even more gorgeous :) Granted, there is certainly more of an "increase" in games such as Rise of the Tomb Raider or the Infamous games, as the high frame rates make a huge difference. Games that used to run in sub-1080p, such as Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1, look much, much cleaner as well on the Pro. I certainly don't mean to deny your opinion, I just hope to express my own, and so far I am quite pleased with the gains on my 1080p TV and digital projector. 


Also, did you set your screenshots to 1080p instead of 4k? You most likely did, but I found that the 4k shots were rather blurry in comparison. 


EDIT: I'll try to post a few images here, though I don't have comparison pics at the moment. Plus, my laptop only does 720p, so I can't tell if they're uncompressed or not (pasted them on imgur). 

Double EDIT: Hmm, they don't look as good on the forum as they do even on my 720p laptop. I must be doing something wrong. Kind of frustrating, a lot of people on neogaf are posting much better shots. 


I took them on both 4K and 1080p settings. 4K version looks slightly better, yet doesn't really translate to the downsampled version, at least not when you're not moving, perhaps that's the problem. This is what Insomniac said:

The technique we’re using to get to those better resolutions is something we’re calling Temporal Injection. This allows us to not only hit a much higher resolution, but also to do it with jaggie-eliminating anti-aliasing as well. The extra resolution and HDR’s ability to display even more of the colorful Solana Galaxy should combine for the best image quality you’ve ever seen in a Ratchet & Clank game.

So it looks better in motion while playing, not when stationary lining up for a screenshot.
4K Pro to 1080 Pro to 1080 PS4 screenshot comparison looks like this

1080p versions were simply quadrupled to 4K before cropping. (200% zoom viewed above)
ps4 version is at a slightly different angle hence the right side doesn't line up. Same distance though.

Anyway there's no big wow factor there, visible when zoomed it (335x180 originally), improvements are better in motion.

What I did forget is to put both machines in full RGB mode. Those are taken in limited RGB as my projector doesn't switch automatically. Since it's not really a noticeable difference I just let it sit on tv mode. It does make screenshots look a bit washed out on PC monitors.

Kwaidd said:
I'm curious as to why current ps4 users would feel that the investment into a pro would be so worthwhile. If one doesn't have a ps4 and is in the market for that machine, then of course it would make sense to get the pro model. But for those that paid msrp on the original, are now paying basically new box $ that is a half gen step up, and will undoubtedly pay full msrp on the next gen ps when it releases in the not so distant future....what is the allure? I guess if ya got the cash a plenty, why not?...but seems like quite the investment for a half step. So, for those people, I'd like to hear your thoughts once you've had a chance to play the machine for a bit and get a feel for if the upgrade was worth the expense. Perhaps it will be some real quality time with the games before the answer becomes clear? Looking fwd to your critique D21! Edit - you beat me by 12 min D21. I started the post and had to walk away for customers and to close up shop and came back to your answer. =p

I haven't gone in depth like I would like. At this point, there isn't much need unless I'm discussing it from a "2 PS4, 2 Xbox One" owner point of view.  Most of the user experiences here mirror my own.

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Screamapillar said:
I got one on Thursday. Honestly I have nothing to compare it to, other than my original Xbox One, so I don't really know. I intentionally have held off until now on a PS4 once I heard earlier this year that Sony was working on a mid-generation upgrade.

The interface is snappy. I really like how quickly everything loads, saves, and moves from app to app. Compared to my Xbox One, it is much faster. I don't know about graphics yet, because I'm waiting for black friday to pick up these games that have Pro enhancements. As of right now I do not have a 4k tv yet, but I may in the near future. I have a 1080p 55'' currently.

Like the PS4 Pro so far. Right now playing through Uncharted Trilogy, and loving it. Never played an Uncharted game before. The controller is nice, I like the touchpad. Battery on the controller isn't great if you're plugigng in headphones for game audio, but otherwise I really like it over the previous Sony dual shocks. The triggers are much better, the face buttons are perfect, and the joysticks are much improved.

Can't wait to see how nice ROTR and Last Guardian look on Pro!

As an Xbox lover, I would LOVE to see your critique on how the two compare in multiple aspects. I'm afraid I'm too biased to give an honest opinion these days. Do you have a Kinect? PS4 camera?

SvennoJ said:
KBG29 said:

No luck with the splitter. The screen keeps flashing on and off. I was able to get it to stablize, but with both plugged in it locks it to the limits of HDMI 1.4. I hooked up just the Z9D, and it worked fine, but then when I unpluged it, and plugged in the PSVR, the sceen went back to flickering, and I couldn't get it to stop. I am using brand new HDMI 2.0 cables for every connection, so I don't know if the switch is defective, or what, but I gave up for now. After swapping cables for about an hour today, I am actually getting really good at doing it,so I may just live with it and hope a PS4 with PSVR built in comes out in the next year or two. Or maybe Sony will licences an official splitter/switch to patch their fumble.

You probably need a hdmi source duplicator, if that exists. Perhaps amps with dual hdmi will work, if each hdmi port can run with independent settings since one has to render in 1.4 and the other in 2.0a. Yet that will introduce lag to psvr depending on the amp.

Perhaps you can use the splitter if you turn the psvr unit off when you want to use 4K HDR. Kinda pointless I know, you'll still need to uplug the power cable to the processing unit.

Btw, do you still have your old ps4? Can you confirm that HDR actually works on the base ps4 and in what mode? The options are ofcourse simply grayed out on my system, but I'm curious how it is supposed to work. Does a 4K HDR tv accept 1080p HDR, or does the base ps4 somehow output a 1.4 2160p HDR signal? And how does it compare to HDR on the pro?

On HDR on PS4. It absolutly works on the base unit. It just displays the game at the oginal resolution with HDR implemented. I set the HDR and Deep Color to Automatic, and my Z9D switches to HDR mode when firing up any game that supports it. As far as quality, the colors are amazing, but the low resolution definitly shows up. I would say, OG PS4 with HDR beats PS4 Pro 4K, and PS4 Pro 4K + HDR is miles ahead of both. HDR is by far the biggest most impressive new tech in flat display tech. Without HDR, the ability to really diplay detail is not possible, and without that extra detail available, higher resolutions don't really shine the way they should. 

d21lewis said:
Finished downloading everything to both PS4s. I finally decided I'm just going to keep my PSVR connected. I only tried HDR on The Last of Us. The game already looked great in 4K so I'm just going to accept that.... for now.

Noticed a slight improvement in a couple of VR titles. Nothing life changing. I'll have to test it out more. I like the Pro and don't regret the purchase but I think most gamers will be totally fine with the Vanilla PS4 experience. I'll be jumping between both 1080p regular PlayStation and 4K Pro and it should be painless.

PlayStation's handling of cloud storage is a generation behind Xbox, btw. It's perfectly acceptable if you only have one console but, as an owner of two of each? Nope. Xbox--walk out of one room and into another. Boot up the game. The saves will sync for a couple of seconds. You continue where you left off.

On PlayStation, you have to go out of your way to save your game to the cloud (though it's done automatically, once a day, I think...). Then, if you go to another console, you have to go back to the menu and download the save to the second PS4. Then, begin your game. Much more complicated and cumbersome.

Really sucks to have to choose between HDR and VR. I have decided I will just switch HDMI's  when I want to play VR. I watch a lot of TV and Movies, so the expanded color range and HDR is absolutly vital to me. I also don't have an XBO or any other device hooked up that can display this, so the PS4 has to display it's best first and foremost.

I will also be switching between PS4 Pro and PS4. I have the OG PS4 in the office (32" 1080p Display), the PS4 1200 unit in the bedroom (43" 4K Display), and the Pro in the living room (75" 4K HDR Display). In all honesty, PS4 is perfectly fine on the 32" and 43" screens. Once you get up to 75" though, the Pro is absolutly required. 1080p at 75" is really starting to hurt.

 As for the Cloud Storage, you are absolutly right. PlayStation needs to switch to storing directly to the cloud, and backing up to the system storage, or save simultaniously to system and cloud like World of Final Fantasy does. It really sucks to get done playing something early in the day, and then want to hope back to it in bed just to see you can't play because it is an old save, and you didn't manually upload it to the cloud.

Kwaidd said:
I'm curious as to why current ps4 users would feel that the investment into a pro would be so worthwhile. If one doesn't have a ps4 and is in the market for that machine, then of course it would make sense to get the pro model. But for those that paid msrp on the original, are now paying basically new box $ that is a half gen step up, and will undoubtedly pay full msrp on the next gen ps when it releases in the not so distant future....what is the allure? I guess if ya got the cash a plenty, why not?...but seems like quite the investment for a half step. So, for those people, I'd like to hear your thoughts once you've had a chance to play the machine for a bit and get a feel for if the upgrade was worth the expense. Perhaps it will be some real quality time with the games before the answer becomes clear? Looking fwd to your critique D21! Edit - you beat me by 12 min D21. I started the post and had to walk away for customers and to close up shop and came back to your answer. =p

As a day one buyer of both PS4 and PS4 Pro, I think the value depends on a lot of factors. For me personally, I have wanted to move to 4K for about 4 years now, but I have not see any reason. Once the Pro was announced, and I saw the Sony Z9D, I saw the tech that showed me a total shift in technology. After getting my 75" Z9D, I was absolutly sure I could not go wrong with the PS4 Pro. At 75" 1080p is so stretched out, that it starts to look really take a hit, and 720p pretty much looks like SD again. So for me, moving to the 75" Z9D made the Pro an absolute neccessity.

I think it is great that we have the option to upgrade within the generation now. I would not call the Pro a half step. Pro is really only about 1/4 of the leap we typically see between generations. Even by  2020, the tech for a true gnerational leap will be well out of hand. With the knowledge of where tech is going, I have absoltuly no problem upgrading on a 2 or 3 year cycle, in which the gains are only marginal. I understand now, that the leaps we saw each 6 year between PS1, PS2, and PS3 are never going to happen, again. I don't want to wait until ~2024 when we will have 20TF APU's, 128GB of HBM RAM, and 4TB SSD's in a $400 box which would be equal to the advances we saw between previous generations.  

For now PS4 Pro offers a lot off great new technologies, that we would have never seen if this in gen upgrade never occured. The move to SATA III, the new Wireless AC, Direct USB connected controllers, Bluetooth v4.0, an extra USB port in the back, and HDMI 2.0 + HDCP 2.2 is well worth the upgrade to me. I am absolutly thrilled that I can get this through PlayStation without having to wait 3 - 4 more years, and or switch to another platform for parts of my entertainment desires.

Going forward, I would love to see another PS4 model in 2018, built on 10nm tech, with a slight boost in performance, UHD Blu-ray support, and PSVR tech built in. Another PS4 in 2020, built on 7nm tech again doubling the power of the PS4 Pro, would be something I would by as well. These minor performance upgrades are definitly not for everyone, but with the advances they make for 4K displays, and VR, they are absolutly worth it, and for me, a much bigger value that having a phone on contract that costs even more, and does so much less.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Got mine today with that Best Buy TV & system deal. (Thanks to whoever posted that, guessing the thread was deleted or something.) Love it so far, though all I've really played today was Witcher 3 so not a real test of the system. (It is very quiet, at least.)

On an unrelated note, this is the second time W3 has really pissed me off with its saves. First time the wife lost 15+ hours when the old save wouldn't work with the 'Complete' version, and then when I transfered saves to the new system I had to set it as my primary PS4 for the game to even load them. Unreal.

KBG29 said:

On HDR on PS4. It absolutly works on the base unit. It just displays the game at the oginal resolution with HDR implemented. I set the HDR and Deep Color to Automatic, and my Z9D switches to HDR mode when firing up any game that supports it. As far as quality, the colors are amazing, but the low resolution definitly shows up. I would say, OG PS4 with HDR beats PS4 Pro 4K, and PS4 Pro 4K + HDR is miles ahead of both. HDR is by far the biggest most impressive new tech in flat display tech. Without HDR, the ability to really diplay detail is not possible, and without that extra detail available, higher resolutions don't really shine the way they should. 

Thanks for the info! When I upgrade my living room tv I'm not looking for anything over 55" and since the couch isn't very close I'll keep the base ps4 with HDR for there. I've looked over some more differences in Infamous First light, switching back and forth on my projector at 92". Yes, it does look better in motion on pro, mainly due to reduced aliasing, or really only due to reduced aliasing differences between frames. Less edge shimmer. Good for those who are sensitive for that yet I was expecting more along the line of seeing that clarity when you go from upscaled to native content, diminishing returns with downsampling. (Except if the base ps4 can't hold native 1080p, then pro would ofcourse give that extra clarity)

Some more screens.

Bedspread and floors are slightly sharper on the pro (at best graphics, full RGB 1080p) PS4 first, then PRO

Link to 4K version (imgur converts the 9MB png to jpg :/)

Aliasing is still an issue on the Pro, although half as much as on the ps4, PS4 on top again

Link to 4k version (compressed)

Difference in motion is bigger than looking at stills, temporal anti aliasing works much better on the pro.
Difference in PSVR trumps all imo, that does have that feeling a veil has been lifted in for example Robinson: The Journey.

Going to 4K without higher res textures has limited results. But I believe you that HDR makes all the difference. Which is what's a bit disappointing with Robinson: The Journey. Sure PSVR can't produce high brightness for HDR, but plenty titles have proper black level. It's an OLED screen after all which can do inky blacks in the headset. For some reason Crytek's engine bottoms out at dark grey, no black. The whites also don't seem to have that dazzling impact as in Rez Infinite. It's a lovely looking game, yet for color range it's not Crytek's best effort.

Btw, 2 ps4's, why isn't that better supported. Not only cloud saves need to be improved, why can't I log in on the primary and 1 secondary console at the same time. Annoying blue screen of login death every time I turn the other one on. And why can't I see stored screenshots made with a different account, or have to restart a game to load the save from another profile. Multiple profiles is bloody annoying. Plus I already got the message on my secondary ps4 that Infamous First light would exit in 15 minutes since authentication failed, while I was logged into my ps+ account, wtf.

Now how do I transfer my Minecraft saves to my kids accounts so they don't blue screen log me out to play...

Kwaidd said:
I'm curious as to why current ps4 users would feel that the investment into a pro would be so worthwhile. If one doesn't have a ps4 and is in the market for that machine, then of course it would make sense to get the pro model. But for those that paid msrp on the original, are now paying basically new box $ that is a half gen step up, and will undoubtedly pay full msrp on the next gen ps when it releases in the not so distant future....what is the allure? I guess if ya got the cash a plenty, why not?...but seems like quite the investment for a half step. So, for those people, I'd like to hear your thoughts once you've had a chance to play the machine for a bit and get a feel for if the upgrade was worth the expense. Perhaps it will be some real quality time with the games before the answer becomes clear? Looking fwd to your critique D21! Edit - you beat me by 12 min D21. I started the post and had to walk away for customers and to close up shop and came back to your answer. =p

I decided to get it cause i had a launch ps4 and has had 3 good hard years of use as well as travelled multiple countries.  I thought since launch consoles don't have the best reputation ill miles well trade it in and buy a pro at 65% of the launch price.