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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Hypocrisy and Irony of 4K Blu-ray Exclusion

Azzanation said:
Azuren said:

So you haven't used either, and you employ double standards to push your agenda. Gotcha. 

Always good to have options ;) Fact is i can if i wanted to. 

Actually, you don't. PSNow isn't available in Australia. 

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Azuren said:
Azzanation said:

Always good to have options ;) Fact is i can if i wanted to. 

Actually, you don't. PSNow isn't available in Australia. 

Not yet nor do i need it :P

Azzanation said:
Azuren said:

Actually, you don't. PSNow isn't available in Australia. 

Not yet nor do i need it :P

"Yet". You also don't have a UHD drive in your imaginary laptop. "Yet", right?

Watch me stream games and hunt trophies on my Twitch channel!

Check out my Twitch Channel!:

Azuren said:
Azzanation said:

Not yet nor do i need it :P

"Yet". You also don't have a UHD drive in your imaginary laptop. "Yet", right?

Correct, i dont have a UHD player in my Laptop. Well done.

Azzanation said:
Azuren said:

"Yet". You also don't have a UHD drive in your imaginary laptop. "Yet", right?

Correct, i dont have a UHD player in my imaginary Laptop. Well done.


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kowenicki said:
Kerotan said:


I didn't say Sony are on a streaming crusade or that they're leading the streaming future.  They're joining it and by them doing so is a boost for streaming vs UHD which let's be real here is never going to take over the market.  Maybe some day it will be the majority physical player but by then the sales of physical will be so low it won't really matter. 

I can only assume you are being purposely obtuse.  You keep missing the point time after time in thread after thread.

You said "Sony gone straight to streaming FUTURE".... EVERYONE has gone straight to streaming PRESENT, are you suggesting Microsoft havent?  Offering a UHD option doesnt alter that.  Its an option with neglible cost to the consumer evidenced by the ONEs price.

Also if Sony have gone straight to streaming bypassing UHD, why are they going to laung UHD players?  Just for the hell of it?

You are over complicating things. Whether streaming is already the present or not, it's still the future. And sony are focusing on that. 

UHD is very niche. Companies release products for niche markets all the time as long as there's money to be made. If sony feel they can profit off UHD players then they'll sell them. It's business 101. Pretty simple really. 

LivingMetal said:

What I'm about to bring up is going to ruffle some feathers.  Also, I'm not referring to anyone in particular, but only recalling general events.

This is about the hypocrisy and irony revealed at the advent of the PS4 Pro's reveal of the exclusion of a 4K Blu-ray drive.  And as an a/v enthusiast, physical media typically provides greater clarity and quality over its streaming/digital counterpart when properly transferred.  Keep that in mind.

Rewind back to the beginning of the PS3.  One of the biggest criticisms of the PS3 was its $600 USD price tag which was blamed by the inclusion of the expensive Blu-Ray drive.  Now, I don't expect the PS3 to appeal to all consumers, but some of the fodder that detractors of the PlayStation namebrand used were "DVDs are good enough," "No one can see the difference between 480p and 1080p," Blu-Rays are too expensive," and "Who needs Blu-Ray?  We can stream HD content."  Now, let's us establish the fact that there are detractors (fanboys) in most every camp that will deny/denounce anything that competes with what they're supporting. 

Fast forward to today, we find that those detractors were wrong.  We're up to 4K televisions, Blu-Ray has been a commercial success, Blu-Ray is being sold along side with DVDs, and streaming options have mutiplied over the past few years.  But what we also have today was the PS4 Pro announcement with the exclusion of a 4K Blu-ray drive.  Now looking back at the detractors mentioned in the last paragraph, you'd logically conclude that we wouldn't have detractors with the announcement of the exclusion of a 4K Blu-ray drive on the PS4 Pro.  But you still have them, and I mainly suspect this is just another attack on the PlayStation platform just because Sony is offering a choice product at a relatively affordable price.  Now let me disclaim that there are a few who have legitimate issues over the exclusion of a 4K Blu-ray drive because like I said with the PS3,  I don't expect the PS4 Pro to appeal to all consumers.  That's for a different discussion

Let's look at history to educate us.  The migration from VHS to DVD was relatively simple because the laser disc was your only other option while there were no streaming options.  The jump from DVD to Blu-ray wasn't as great when considering that the quality difference between DVD and Blu-Ray were closer than VHS and DVD.  Also, streaming was still relatively new but was still a competing option over Blu-Ray.  Now today, you have Blu-Ray, DVD is still a viable option, streaming options have multiplied, and then there's 4K Blu-ray.  The trend is that you're receiving diminishing returns as each new media is introduced due to consumer options and the requirements to partake in those options.  So since Sony decided to exclude a 4K Blu-ray drive from the PS4 Pro, it is what it is.  It's very reasonable, logical, understandable.  For those of you who were wanting the PS4 Pro to be a 4K Blu-ray option, this  product is not for you.  For those of you who are using this as an excuse to bash Sony and belittle their decision, no one should consider you a gamer, and no one should validate your opiniated agenda.

My stance on all this?  Like I said, "physical media typically provides greater clarity and quality over its streaming/digital counterpart when properly transferred."  I recognize this, but at this stage of my life, my spending and time mangement habits need to adjust around higher priorities.  For the longest time, I've been a gamer, and I foresee I will always have the heart of one.  During the 8 and 16 bit days, I was a rabit Nintendo fanboy, but I had to swallow my pride if I claimed to be a gamer.  I loved games, but I especially loved Final Fantasy.  So I "had" to buy a PlayStation to play FFVII.  I didn't buy it to play audio CDs.  I later bought me a PlayStation 2, but not for the DVD playback since I already owned a DVD player.  Then there was the PS3.  Yes, it was my first Blu-Ray player, but I bought it for Ratchet & Clank.  Now, I'm about to buy a PS4 Pro this Christmas.  Obviously, I'm not buying it for 4K Blu-ray playback.  I am speaking for myself.  So speaking for myself as a formal rabid fanboy, those who bash Sony at every turn has more despise over a corporation than the joy of of console gaming.  If you truely believe that your non-Sony console of choice is the right fit for your gaming preferences, stop acting so threatened when PlayStation succeeds and stop blowing things out of proportion to support your console of choice.


Where is the irony? I am not seeing anything ironic here. Maybe the irony is something you don't touch on, like the fact that the fanboy pendulum swings both ways? For every "fanboy" on the Internets attacking PS4P's lack of a UHD player just because it's Sony, you have an equal counterpart that is completely accepting of the lacking feature, just because it's Sony.

Maybe the irony is that, at least on this site, the people "blowing things out of proportion" are actually people who make threads like this one? There have been many more threads trying to belittle, diminish, insult, etc people who did not like the exclusion of a UHD player, than we have had threads of people actually complaining about it. I've seen words like "mad", "angry", "drama", "controversy", among others used. It seems like if people just allowed others to have their opinions without trying to slap agendas or personal bias onto it, the whole thing would have blown over a lot easier. I mean, no offense intended, but who are you exactly to say who is genuinely surprised and disappointed Sony didn't include such a no duh feature and who is just trolling? What makes your acceptance any better than their disappointment?

Lastly, in order for it to be hypocritical, the situation would have to be the same. Here, it is not. There is no outrageous price tag, and there would be two consoles available without the UHD playback that you could choose from. It's not like the PS3 at all.