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Forums - Movies & TV - The new Star Trek movies are the BEST ones


Do you agree?

The numbers don't lie! 13 36.11%
Who cares? 4 11.11%
I reject your reality and... 19 52.78%

They are. I was never into Star Trek before Into Darkness. I just found it unappealing on boring. Still haven't watch Beyond yet. Can't wait.

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To me, only the original TV series actors will do. They may be good movies, idk, but for me personally, I can't get immersed because it's not really Kirk and Spock.

I like the new Trek films but I also love the old ones and Generations is my fave series with Voyager right behind it.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

I've only seen the first of the new ones and I liked it. I still like the old ones better though. I don't know, for me they are both good. And far far better than Star Wars btw. =P

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

like the original and the new ones. didn't like the picard movies. but if you really want a "boldly go where no man has gone before" experience, try the new star trek game called no mans sky.

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I like First Contact the best.

Haven't seen Beyond yet, probably wednesday. Seems decent. Thought the first reboot film was pretty cool, though I didn't like that they went for the cheap alternate timeline approach. Still, one of the better Star Treks to me. Into Darkness was okay, I liked Cumberbatch, but a step down overall though and below say Wrath of Khan or The Search for Spock for me. I'd say The Voyage Home and Generations come after that. I actually enjoyed Nemesis, ignoring the issues in Data's story, as well, but found the very first movie incredibly boring.

The first reboot Star Trek was retroactively dubbed "The Future Begins", by the way if you want to be thorough...

Not a big fan but they are fun and overall well directed, which is more than you can say about the old ones.

However they do lack personality and they are too much action focused for a franchise like this one that originally was way more focused on the sci-fi side.

If I had to choose I would definitively choose the new ones, but I can totally understand why fans of the old ones may completely hate them.

flint said:
If someone said I had to watch a Star Trek film right now I'd chose Wrath of khan, voyage home and first contact over Into darkness... That film gets worse every time you watch it or even think about it.

I've not seen Beyond yet (damn Irish weather stopped that last week)

But if you think of a few things about Into Darkness it just gets worse

The scene where McCoy bought the healing and revival abilitys of Khans Blood to the attention of the other members of the Crew.... why was he doing that? it was during a battle sequence they were just after getting ripped apart by Robocops giant secret ship (that he has a model of on his desk in star trek HQ), why was their chief medical officer doing blood tests on a tribble rather than the hundreds of dying crew? Sure JJ had to inject the reincarnation possibility into the movie somehow, but was then the best choice?

And why was the tribble on the table perfectly when kirk died for McCoy to see it come back to life.... every single thing on the ship was flipped over hundreds of times on it's fall to earth, the whole crew was bounced from wall to wall... but the dead tribble on the tray managed to remain still in the same place Bones injected Khan blood into it? Does Khans blood also have inertial dampening properties?

Also you have the fact of how they were able to use the Cryo pods to freeze/Defrost Kirk when he dies, even though earlier they were not able to do anything with the pods to get the crew out of them but with just 4 button presses she can calibrate the pod to freeze Kirk? No.

Also why send Spock after Khan to get his blood.... They literally remove an Augmented human from a pod to put kirk into it... use that augments blood... or ya know one of the other 70 of them you have on the Enterprise, why does it need to be Khans?


Peter Weller in this movie... he is just mirroring the role he played in Star Trek Enterprise... I know not a lot of people seen that series especially not the final season of it, but Weller is playing a different character in the universe but almost identical plot ideas to protect earth with a huge gun.


Edit - Dear lord have to mention, the security guard on Robocops ship, he is the worst guard ever, it's clear he can even hear Scottys communicator and what is being said on it, why doesn't he react and kill Scotty but instead just stands there pointing a gun at him for almost 10 mins asking him questions about what he is doing there and why the man on his radio is giving him commands to open the door.... even asks him why the radio is counting down, worst, security guard, ever.

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@OP as for things like internet movie ranking sites keep in mind that to rank an old star trek movie online it's exactly that... IMDB/Rotten Tomatoes didn't exist 20-30-40 years ago when the original star trek films were coming out, Star Trek The Wrath of Khan was released in 1982 everyone watching it then would have been more blown away by how awesome it's special effects were for a 1982 film, people on the Internet ranking them in 2016 can only do that and hope to imagine how the special effects would have been back when the movie launched.

I'm sure in 2050 when people look back at movies which are out today we will judge them a lot harsher then considering that how much of films today is just CGI shots of bullshit, which will age terribly compared to practicle effects from older movies, sure seeing a ship breaking into 1000s of pieces is impressive today... but it's just a CGI effect not something you will quote in 34 years time like KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN, or about how vengence is a dish best served cold... seriously in a matter of 5 years can you quote great lines from the first Star Trek Reboot? will you still have those so well preserved in your mind in 3 decades time?

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The new movies are not even worth discussing imo, let alone ranking, and most of the old movies are overrated (First Contact was the best one for me and the only really enjoyable one). I don't know why people even discuss or rank these mediocre-at-best old and new movie spinoffs from the ST franchise. It's simple entertainment you want out of those? Yes, some of them are mildly entertaining, but Guardians of the Galaxy has only one movie so far and is already way more entertaining than several old and new ST movies duct together, and then some. I take future GotG movies over current ST movies any day.

The TV shows, this is where it's at. Completely different beast and still light years ahead of any other scifi franchise ever created for TV.

So far for me: TNG > TOS > DS9 > VOY > ENT

The new series is around the corner. Star Trek: Discovery. If it's as good as DS9, Netflix can have my monthly latinum fee.