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The new movies are not even worth discussing imo, let alone ranking, and most of the old movies are overrated (First Contact was the best one for me and the only really enjoyable one). I don't know why people even discuss or rank these mediocre-at-best old and new movie spinoffs from the ST franchise. It's simple entertainment you want out of those? Yes, some of them are mildly entertaining, but Guardians of the Galaxy has only one movie so far and is already way more entertaining than several old and new ST movies duct together, and then some. I take future GotG movies over current ST movies any day.

The TV shows, this is where it's at. Completely different beast and still light years ahead of any other scifi franchise ever created for TV.

So far for me: TNG > TOS > DS9 > VOY > ENT

The new series is around the corner. Star Trek: Discovery. If it's as good as DS9, Netflix can have my monthly latinum fee.