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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Let's rant about our gaming backlogs.

Most of the games I have not beaten are digital games and PS and XBOX games, someday I will finish them, but my priority are always Nintendo games and I keep buying new games which just adds to the problem.

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Full time job means plenty of cash to buy games, but no real time to play. (Especially if you gotta share the game room time with the wife!) I'm at a point where I just won't buy any new games until I complete enough of them. Probably need to quit playing all the PS+ games, too...

AlfredoTurkey said:

I don't have any. I use to do that, but it never worked. I'd have wrapped games laying around everywhere... and Steam games that never got played. So you know what I did? Sold the physical games and deleted the digital ones.

I'd suggest it to all of you who feel stressed trying to cram 100 games into your schedule a month. Just... let go. Pick like the start of a month, and buy the first big game you want, and go in fresh. And when you do? KEEP UP WITH THEM THIS TIME.

You'll thank me later lol

I'm thanking you now, because this is a good gameplan. I'm so excited to get my PS4 in a few weeks so that I may start fresh; and this mentality is one that I want to move forward with. Buying games in excess and becoming overwhelmed ruins a lot of (probably good) games for me. I'm hoping that a new system, a new mentality, and the ridiculous new price of new games in Canada will help me take things a little slower.

#1 Amb-ass-ador

ReimTime said:
AlfredoTurkey said:

I don't have any. I use to do that, but it never worked. I'd have wrapped games laying around everywhere... and Steam games that never got played. So you know what I did? Sold the physical games and deleted the digital ones.

I'd suggest it to all of you who feel stressed trying to cram 100 games into your schedule a month. Just... let go. Pick like the start of a month, and buy the first big game you want, and go in fresh. And when you do? KEEP UP WITH THEM THIS TIME.

You'll thank me later lol

I'm thanking you now, because this is a good gameplan. I'm so excited to get my PS4 in a few weeks so that I may start fresh; and this mentality is one that I want to move forward with. Buying games in excess and becoming overwhelmed ruins a lot of (probably good) games for me. I'm hoping that a new system, a new mentality, and the ridiculous new price of new games in Canada will help me take things a little slower.

Glad I could help lol.

Leadified said:

My backlog is at like 330 games or so in total. I don't think it's humanly possible to finish them at this point, but who knows. 

Yep, mine is about the same and maybe even bigger. It's a bit ridiculous, actually. It takes me about 2 weeks to finish a game, so I can finish about 25 in a year. At this rate, I'll finish my current backlog in 10-15 years, at which point the future backlog will be up to 300 or 400 and the cycle starts over. I need some immortality asap. 

On topic, my 2015 backlog is UC Trilogy (on game 2 right now), Xenoblade Chronicles, Metroid Prime 3, Zelda TP and SS plus the DS games, Nier, and Ico/Shadow of the Collossus collection. 

Oh and I just got my PS4 in the mail today so add another zillion games from that catalog. I'm screwed. 

It'll be awhile before I figure out how to do one of these. :P 

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My new year's resolution was to beat ten JRPGS during the whole year. Mostly past gems from past gens that I didn't have a chance to play.

Unfortunately I don't have much time, and although lately I've had a bit more... It all went to the supper addictive SMT Nocturne (finally beat it last night, clocked at 101:22), and there's still 7 JRPGS that I need to beat, plus the ones that won't count as a resolution, plus the other games from different genres that I bought anyway, plus the upcoming new releases... School won't let me play them, but I'll try!

Here's to Luminous Arc!

My backlog is huge. I think I've got over 40 games im yet yo play. Time is to sort to get some serious gaming in. I may have to quit my job to free up some time.