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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Article: Forget Nostalgia, Super Metroid Was Embarrassingly Easy


How difficult is Super Metroid?

Very easy. 7 7.45%
Easy. 9 9.57%
Medium. 47 50.00%
Hard. 16 17.02%
Very hard. 2 2.13%
Scoreboard 13 13.83%

Yeah, it's not so hard. I give the game a 2.5/5 in terms of difficulty, there are a lot of Nintendo games out there more complicated. But it's an awesome game!

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Maelstrom's opinion on Super Metroid sucks.

Super Metroid is awesome and it can be as difficult as you want. It all depends on how many energy tanks you decide to get.

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

What a weird article. It discusses how the multiple opportunity of sequence breaking, something that takes familiarity with the game and a modicum of skill to achieve, and acts like those things themselves render the game easy. Never mind her argument that the game is easy because it has so many items, so it logically follows that skipping those items should make the game harder...

Ugh, that conclusion alone shows the whole article is trash, and not worth talking about.

I don't understand these new age gamers who play a game with gameFAQs open on their browser the whole time and then complain that the game is easy...

Have a nice day...

Hmmmm. I suppose I agree that it's not a particularly tough game. 1.5 out of 5 seems about right. I am trying to remember the first time I played the game back in the 90s, but iirc, boss fights are not difficult and neither is figuring out the next place to go in the game.

Technical skill/fighting difficulty: 1/5.
Problem-solving difficulty - 2/5.

So yeah, average is a 1.5.

It'll be awhile before I figure out how to do one of these. :P 

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A 2. It isn't so difficult mechanical wise, but it's kinda hard to get used to the setting, when you play it for the first time, like every other Metroid game... aside from Other M.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

I think the fact that I never even thought about the games difficulty says that it was pretty much right where it needed to be.

I'd say Super Metroidis easy, but hard difficulty doesn't make a good game. OT, but go play any Souls game then play Lords of the Fallen. Lords of the Fallen may have taken the style of gameplay and a similar hard difficulty, but the with all that, the game is garbage. It has no 'soul.' Being similar to the Souls games is probably why its meta is even as high as it is.

In Super Metroid, recharge stations will fill your health and missiles in seconds, on the original the player was forced to sit in front of an enemy respawn or enter exit areas repeatedly, etc. Stuff like that just makes the game drag. What's the difference in creating your own map or having it auto populate? Back in the day I'd commit everything to memory as best I could, disliked drawing the maps. It was a feature not implemented on most games, probably because they never thought of it rather than it being because the hardware wasn't capable. Allowing the player to put more time into progressing rather than drawing maps, trying to remember where you have or haven't been, and running into the same dead end 13 times is one of the greatest features added to traditional games.

More about level design, exploration and finding items/power ups. Superb game though, any way you look at in, imo of course :P

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.

Leadified said:
Difficulty really wasn't the main draw to Super Metroid, (I mean sure you can make it challenging if you want) but the exploration, item collecting and speed are. So I really do not understand this article, at least from my perspective with the game.


One of my all time favorite games.