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Forums - General Discussion - Are you with or against circumcision ?

To be honest I don't care what people decide to do with their own penis. Who am I to say that you cannot circumcise your weenier if you choose to?

What I am against however is infant circumcision, unless it is a medical problem for the infant. You are born with foreskin for a reason, there is nothing wrong with having foreskin (generally, rare medical conditions do exist). So leave the foreskin on until that boy is grown up and can make a decision on their own whether they want to get it done or not. Parents should not be allowed to choose such an important decision on their children's behalf.

Circumcision can leave scars if not done correctly, or even worst, leave you with a deformed penis if the doctor cuts too much. Why would you want to risk that on your child's future? Let them decide when they get older if they need/want it done.

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You guys sure are obsessed with circumcision.

Only if you are a Jew or it is absolutely needed. You know, circumcision without an actual reason was ruled illegal in Germany a few months ago :)

I don't have anything against it. It's hygenic and looks way better lol!!

Im gonna go on a limb here and say i'm circumcised. I dont regret it lol but its the worst thing you can experience.

Look at it like this:

The pain of accidentally zipping your pants up while peeing x 100^1000 = The pain of Circumcision after the anaesthesia has worn off.

And then imagine feeling that pain for two weeks NONE STOP as opposed to feeling the pain only for a few hours. 


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I don't care either way, but if anything I'd lead more on the against it side since it really is sort of unnecessary.

I was walking down along the street and I heard this voice saying, "Good evening, Mr. Dowd." Well, I turned around and here was this big six-foot rabbit leaning up against a lamp-post. Well, I thought nothing of that because when you've lived in a town as long as I've lived in this one, you get used to the fact that everybody knows your name.

Circumcising a Babies weenier is wrong.

I am absolutely against

Botched circumcisions can have heavy consequences, and the foreskin there for a reason.

first off circumcision is mutilation of the penis, hence should not be done to any poor defenceless male children.

I don't care if circumcision is for religious acts or not, it's a barbaric act which should be shunned, I'm sorry but the well being of your child should come first while god takes a back seat, people who put god in first place and their children in second should be ashamed of themselves. If god is good and loving he would applaud you for having such dedication to your children, only a satanic god would punish you for putting him in second while demanding the foreskin of your babies penis. Which brings me to question the type of god the Jewish people worship.

There are two instances where circumcision is allowable;
1. Medical conditions, as in those where circumcision is the best medial solution.
2. The male is of the age of consent and has made the decision for him self whether it be medical or personal choice.