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first off circumcision is mutilation of the penis, hence should not be done to any poor defenceless male children.

I don't care if circumcision is for religious acts or not, it's a barbaric act which should be shunned, I'm sorry but the well being of your child should come first while god takes a back seat, people who put god in first place and their children in second should be ashamed of themselves. If god is good and loving he would applaud you for having such dedication to your children, only a satanic god would punish you for putting him in second while demanding the foreskin of your babies penis. Which brings me to question the type of god the Jewish people worship.

There are two instances where circumcision is allowable;
1. Medical conditions, as in those where circumcision is the best medial solution.
2. The male is of the age of consent and has made the decision for him self whether it be medical or personal choice.