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Forums - Gaming Discussion - hardcore gamer = hardcore loser

Hey guys,

I really have to do this thread. I used to post here more frequently, but the new desing kept me off. I miss the old VGC. The community was or is great, but the new design is a total failure. However, this shall not be the topic of this thread.

I want to talk about the most stupid, the most arrogant, the retarded being on earth: Hardcore gamers... like myself.

Let me explain:
The reason I am so sick of hardcore gamers is pretty basic. All the bashing against the Wii and Kinect made me do it. On N4G, probably the worst community out there, you hear all the time stuff like "MS is killing its fanbase, the core gamer, they will fail etc etc etc". The reason behind this is that MS supports Kinect on Xbox 360 with a lot of casual titles. And the reaction is not like "Hey, they want to expand the audience and get more people into gaming" but "OMG CR4P CaSUaL GaMEz! N0 CoRe GamE LefT M$ SucKZzZz!"

Look at it seriously. MS will publish Sesame Street and Kinect Disneyland Adventures this holiday season. Yes these games are for casual gamers, but you have a decent chance to survive this. I can't believe people complaining about MS losing its core audience when in the same months you will see releases of Halo Anniversary, Gears of War 3, Forza Motorsport 4 and Ryse. And these are just exclusives published by MS. Add Witcher 2, Skyrim, Assassin's Creed, Rage, Battlefield 3, Modern Warfare 3, Dead Island,  and the list goes on and on and on.

Yet people complain about not enough core games. I love core games, I do not play Sesame Street, Disneyland, JoyRide etc. but the lineup is so freaking huge, that I will have to chose which 3 or 4 games to pick this holiday season.

The reason why core gamers are hating casual games is not clear to me. You still have your games and now somebody not into gaming can get into it more easily. I could understand the fact that core gamers ignore the Wii, because the 3rd party support was tiny and a lot of the core games were not on that platform. However, just ignore it and stfu. That is the best thing to do in this case. But hating on a platform that delivered so much core gaming experiences for 6 years in a row, just because there are casual games popping up here and there is stupid and arrogant.


Your thoughts?

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Well, hardcore gamers can easily be openminded. I consider myself a hardcore gamer, but I welcome Microsoft's Kinect efforts.

But yeah, people who act as you described are pretty stupid. Exclusives or not, that lineup is exhausting to just look at, and Microsoft isn't abandoning anyone.

They're idiots.

You are right. There are too many game releases anyways. It is not the movie industry where a new movie comes out and we are done with it in 2-3 hours. So i don't know. Maybe those people can play games 10 hours a day and need more and more.....hardcore games.

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It's because they're not actually hardcore gamers.

Hardcore gamers are the open-minded ones who appreciate the competition and the way that the industry is expanding to include more people.

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I agree with you 10000000000%

I mean seriously, these "Core Gamers" are some of the most biased and over opinoinated people I've ever met. Not to mention they have ZERO idea on how a business works.

Look at my Gamerscore and Trophy list if the average gamer saw that would think "Hey he must be pretty hardcore" but the thing is I HAVE ZERO desire to be lumped with that group. The Wii and Kinect are GREAT for the audience they are playing to. Just because someone doesn't enjoy that type of experience doesn't mean they should BASH on the console and the gamers who do enjoy those experiences.

I play Halo, Gears of War, Final Fantasy, Mass Effect, Alan Wake, Infamous, Uncharted, Killzone, and all those other core games and love them. But at the same time I can flip on my Kinect pop in Dance Central, Kinect Adventures, or Kinect Sports and have the time of my life playing with my Girlfirend and Family. They are both great types of experiences.

I think gamers who aren't happy over Kinect are just disappointed that Microsoft isn't supporting them as much, like at E3, Kinect got a lot of hype and attention, but not many new hardcore oriented titles (nothing like a new gears or something, or even something smaller like Crackdown)

but more importantly, you pay attention to what N4G comments say? :P


Really? Core gamers on the 360 will have PLENTY to play this year. These are all core titles that released on the system already or will over this year.

- Forza 4
- Halo CEA
- Gears of War 3
- Assassins Creed Revalations
- Call of Duty MW3
- Battlefield 3
- Batman Arkum City
- Dark Souls
- Elder Scrolls Skyrim
- Saints Row 3
- Dead Space 2
- Portal 2
- Mortal Kombat
- Rage

and I could name 100 more. The fact is that core gamers are gettin catered to massively on the 360. Just because a game is multi-plat by the way means nothing. The majority of average gamers don't care about exclusives or buy exclusives just because they are. Case in point look at LittleBigPlanet 2, Infamous 2, and Killzone 3's sales. The ones who like to sit and brag and throw around "TEH AAA EXCLUISVES LIZTZ" are people who sit on gameing forums which isn't remotley reflective of the demographics of the consoles.

MS has seen how crowded the core game market is and how shallow the amount of more casual experiences there were being offered on the HD platforms and jumped in and took advantage, to see huge success and profits. They'll still make core games by the way Halo 4 is coming after all, but they made a smart business decision and said " Hey we need to cater to more than just the hardcore shooter / RPG gamer who is already being served plenty by the 3rd parties and grow our userbase." Honestly it was a brilliant choice by them.

Ah yes, the hardcore gamers. I personally just use the term as a euphemism for "pompous elitist jerk." And my face sinks into my palms every time someone calls themselves a "hardcore gamer" with great zeal and pride, as if they've accomplished something.

The reason why "hardcore gamers" hate on... "Casual gamers" is because they cannot emotionally handle someone saying something different about gaming than what they believe, or liking something they don't.

Fuck these stupid labels.