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I agree with you 10000000000%

I mean seriously, these "Core Gamers" are some of the most biased and over opinoinated people I've ever met. Not to mention they have ZERO idea on how a business works.

Look at my Gamerscore and Trophy list if the average gamer saw that would think "Hey he must be pretty hardcore" but the thing is I HAVE ZERO desire to be lumped with that group. The Wii and Kinect are GREAT for the audience they are playing to. Just because someone doesn't enjoy that type of experience doesn't mean they should BASH on the console and the gamers who do enjoy those experiences.

I play Halo, Gears of War, Final Fantasy, Mass Effect, Alan Wake, Infamous, Uncharted, Killzone, and all those other core games and love them. But at the same time I can flip on my Kinect pop in Dance Central, Kinect Adventures, or Kinect Sports and have the time of my life playing with my Girlfirend and Family. They are both great types of experiences.