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Hey guys,

I really have to do this thread. I used to post here more frequently, but the new desing kept me off. I miss the old VGC. The community was or is great, but the new design is a total failure. However, this shall not be the topic of this thread.

I want to talk about the most stupid, the most arrogant, the retarded being on earth: Hardcore gamers... like myself.

Let me explain:
The reason I am so sick of hardcore gamers is pretty basic. All the bashing against the Wii and Kinect made me do it. On N4G, probably the worst community out there, you hear all the time stuff like "MS is killing its fanbase, the core gamer, they will fail etc etc etc". The reason behind this is that MS supports Kinect on Xbox 360 with a lot of casual titles. And the reaction is not like "Hey, they want to expand the audience and get more people into gaming" but "OMG CR4P CaSUaL GaMEz! N0 CoRe GamE LefT M$ SucKZzZz!"

Look at it seriously. MS will publish Sesame Street and Kinect Disneyland Adventures this holiday season. Yes these games are for casual gamers, but you have a decent chance to survive this. I can't believe people complaining about MS losing its core audience when in the same months you will see releases of Halo Anniversary, Gears of War 3, Forza Motorsport 4 and Ryse. And these are just exclusives published by MS. Add Witcher 2, Skyrim, Assassin's Creed, Rage, Battlefield 3, Modern Warfare 3, Dead Island,  and the list goes on and on and on.

Yet people complain about not enough core games. I love core games, I do not play Sesame Street, Disneyland, JoyRide etc. but the lineup is so freaking huge, that I will have to chose which 3 or 4 games to pick this holiday season.

The reason why core gamers are hating casual games is not clear to me. You still have your games and now somebody not into gaming can get into it more easily. I could understand the fact that core gamers ignore the Wii, because the 3rd party support was tiny and a lot of the core games were not on that platform. However, just ignore it and stfu. That is the best thing to do in this case. But hating on a platform that delivered so much core gaming experiences for 6 years in a row, just because there are casual games popping up here and there is stupid and arrogant.


Your thoughts?

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