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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bungie splits with Activision, keeps Destiny IP

Distancing oneself from Activision is a good idea in general—the publisher seems to embrace the worst, most cynical instincts—but I feel like this divorce won’t help Bungie or Destiny. The studio just isn’t the same one that ruled the roost from 2001-2010. The personnel are different, the design philosophy is different.

I have a hard time believing all of Destiny’s sins are due to Activision.

Or we might see a Destiny reboot with Bungie's original vision of the game. Look up some of the stuff activision made them cut, it is sickening...

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kirby007 said:
Agreeing with kapi bungie going back to halo would be the dream

Nah, current 343i is better than the current Bungie.

OP- This is good new imo. I hope Bungie changes how the game is being monetized. 

At first glance I thought it was Blizzard splits with Activision :(


Maybe this time they can get Destiny right on the first go.


AngryLittleAlchemist said:

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This is pretty much what I was thinking too.  

Veknoid_Outcast said:
Distancing oneself from Activision is a good idea in general—the publisher seems to embrace the worst, most cynical instincts—but I feel like this divorce won’t help Bungie or Destiny. The studio just isn’t the same one that ruled the roost from 2001-2010. The personnel are different, the design philosophy is different.

I have a hard time believing all of Destiny’s sins are due to Activision.

I don't even think Bungie will necessarily make good games after this - but it's the first time I've ever been interested in the next Bungie game since basically I got into them. And that's exciting. 

No way to save destiny unless you perhaps reboot it.

I lost interest after the dramas with the first one. Couldn't be fucked with it no more.



Generally speaking, I see the devs having more freedom as a good thing. But, I don't think this necessarily means they have more freedom. They've now lost their deep pocketed sugar daddy, and gotta make a go of it on their own (or find a new sugar daddy). They're a for-profit enterprise, not an artists' collective. So, they don't just get to do whatever they want. Every dollar is now more important than ever. They gotta get 'em somewhere.

Well hopefully we get Destiny 3 that's not full of greedy corporate crap that gets supported for 6 or 7 years. While that's maturing they work on a new IP again free from corporate crap.