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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Bungie splits with Activision, keeps Destiny IP

JRPGfan said:
KLAMarine said:
Whoa, they can just do that?

probably alot of legal work done first but yeah..

lol, seems Activision wasn't too focused on keeping its hands on Destiny.

This is a BIG blow to Activision.

Nintendo has money and needs a stable Metroid developer, Microsoft is in a shopping-spree and Sony might want a new FPS exclusive. Let the race begin.

It's easy to blame Activision for the bad reception TWO, not one, Bungie games have received. It's not like their union was forced upon Bungie.

I want to know just how big Destiny of an IP is at the moment, with the game being given for free just months ago and the rise of Fortnite-like games, it doesn't look like the IP is standing on solid grounds.

Luke888 said:
Nintendo has money and needs a stable Metroid developer, Microsoft is in a shopping-spree and Sony might want a new FPS exclusive. Let the race begin.


Luke888 said:
Nintendo has money and needs a stable Metroid developer, Microsoft is in a shopping-spree and Sony might want a new FPS exclusive. Let the race begin.

Not entirely sure that Bungie is quite right for Metroid, but I do like the idea of Bungie I.P being exclusive to Nintendo consoles. It would be a good timeline. 

The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?

dx11332sega said:
VAMatt said:
Generally speaking, I see the devs having more freedom as a good thing. But, I don't think this necessarily means they have more freedom. They've now lost their deep pocketed sugar daddy, and gotta make a go of it on their own (or find a new sugar daddy). They're a for-profit enterprise, not an artists' collective. So, they don't just get to do whatever they want. Every dollar is now more important than ever. They gotta get 'em somewhere.

Microsoft pockets are very deep and provide freedom I hope bungie makes an exclusive deal with them activision pockets are 2nd behind microsoft me thinks I don't know any other that comes close to that?

Microsoft's pockets are deep , but the money would come from  the xbox division and they have a budget, plus there was no deep pocketed sugar daddy just a commercial publishing arrangement that made both parties money.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

LurkerJ said:

It's easy to blame Activision for the bad reception TWO, not one, Bungie games have received. It's not like their union was forced upon Bungie.

I want to know just how big Destiny of an IP is at the moment, with the game being given for free just months ago and the rise of Fortnite-like games, it doesn't look like the IP is standing on solid grounds.

I don't know the numbers currently for D2.  But, D1 was very big, on the new IP scale.  So, it is safe to say that the Destiny franchise is very significant.  Certainly not make-or-break for Activision. But, it is definitely worth some real money, considering that it has a fairly sizeable, extremely dedicated fanbase.   

LurkerJ said:

It's easy to blame Activision for the bad reception TWO, not one, Bungie games have received. It's not like their union was forced upon Bungie.

I want to know just how big Destiny of an IP is at the moment, with the game being given for free just months ago and the rise of Fortnite-like games, it doesn't look like the IP is standing on solid grounds.

It's is one likely scenario behind Activision deciding to sell the IP to bungie , the other  scenario being when they came up with the ten year plan there may have been a clause where it came back to Bungie at the end of the ten year contract if there wasn't a renewal of contract , this would tie in with activision selling now ,  not wanting to renew contract due to gaming climate and  Destiny had made them good money but  was now past its peak so rather than wait for the  IP to revert to Bungie make an early sale.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

Shadow1980 said:
Okay. Good. Now drop the MMO elements and make the story mode a proper single-player offline FPS experience with a definite beginning, middle, and end (co-op and RPG elements are fine, but none of that farming shit). Without Activision's grubby little paws on Bungie there's no excuse for Bungie to do any of the bullshit that's forced into AAA games these days by the likes of Acti and the other majors.

I have some doubts that Bungie would even have sided with Activision in the first place if the MMO elements were forced on them. So, this is exactly what they wanted the game to be initially.