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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony first Party games sales, A huge leap from PS3 era. ( Entered Ninty Level ) Update: GOW at 10m & Uncharted 4 16M

Sony's first party isn't better than on PS3, its just more marketable. Easier to market story driven open world singleplayer games than what they were making on PS3:
1) superhero game based on a superhero which has no comic book and film history like Infamous,
2) an M rated as can be game belonging to a niche genre like hack and slash with a brooding angry protagonist and a very dark story like God of War, before they rebooted the series
3) a sci fi horror FPS game with a focus on narrative and inventive gameplay like Resistance at a time when military FPS games with generic weapons and killstreak focused multiplayer ruled
4) a military FPS game with a sci fi theme and weapons which felt heavy in a very dark war like areas like Killzone when it was mostly children playing bombastic Hollywood esque military FPS games where weapons never had any weight
5) A TPS game which was multiplayer focused released days before a massive PSN hack which rendered the game useless like Socom
6) An offroad arcade as fuck racing game where all types of vehicles fought it out in tracks which had no clearly visible limits and multiple paths like MotorStorm at a time when sales of arcade racers were dying out, and Apocalypse which focused on natural disasters like earthquakes released at around the same time as the Japanese earthquake and tsunami of 2011 which would have made Sony look insensitive to market it so they chose not to market their game at all, leaving it to die

PS3 in my opinion has the best first party games of any console. PS4 is good but much more homogenous and limited. PS3 has the sort of variety that Sony will never have again because of the success that a few proven formula can bring them.

The difference is that on Playstation both first party and third party games sell amazing, while on Nintendo consoles third party games can't sell good.

«fastest selling PS4 game since 1995 according to NPD«

*Fastest selling PS exclusive since 1995

Predicted 15+ million lifetime-sales for God of War:

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale FOR PS4 is there any chance ??

zorg1000 said:

Sony does have a long way to go to match 3DS 1st party sales. 3DS has 3 over 15 million, 7 over 10 million, 11 over 5 million.

PS4 has 0 over 15 million, 1 over 10 million, 6 over 5 million

Look at my reply with Rol but you are right but if we match the totals sales PS4 is not that far behind.

The_Liquid_Laser said:

I am not comparing Nintendo vs. Rockstar.  I am comparing Nintendo vs. Sony.  Most of those 90m copies do not help the PS4.  I am asking "how much does GTA V actually help the PS4?"  I think that is a fair question.  I am also saying that Sony's first party games do not stack up to the best third party games, like GTA V, 
on their own platform.

 GTA V has sold 18.2m on the PS4 (using VGC numbers).  That is a lot for a single platform.  It is far more than Uncharted 4, which is at 10m according to your first post.  It is also far above God of War, or Horizon Zero Dawn or PS4 version of The Last of Us.  GTA V is the PS4's flagship game.  

Now what about Nintendo?  Does Nintendo ever make games that can sell on this level on a single platform?  Yes, they do it quite frequently.  The 3DS has Pokemon X/Y 16.04m, a couple million shy of GTA V on PS4, but still far above any first party title on the PS4.  If we go back a generation, then we have quite a few games that sold extremely high: Mario Kart Wii (35.9m), Wii Sports Resort (32.9m), NSMB Wii (32.9m), Wii Fit (22.7m), NSMB DS (29.9m), Nintendogs (24.7), Mario Kart DS (23.3m), Brain Training (20.2m),  Pokemon DIamond/Pearl (18.3m).

And to be fair GTA V's best selling version was on the PS3 (20.3m).  I want to emphasize that I am not trying to criticize GTA V in any way.  It is a top tier game.  It is the best selling game on both PS3 and PS4.  No other game has helped these platforms as much as GTA V.  But when you break things down by single platform, then you see that Nintendo has made quite a few games on this same tier.  I would also put CoD Black Ops 3 (15.1m on PS4) in this top tier.  Top tier means they are the most important games for whatever platform they are on and that platform was successful (ideally the winner of the generation).  All the games I just listed are top tier.

Do you know what games are not top tier?  Sony first party games.  Sony's best game has hit 10m yet on the PS4, while all of these games I listed above have sold 15m+.  Sony first party games are good, but they are not top tier.  Sony's best selling first party game was Gran Tourismo 3 (15m on PS2).  Maybe it is top tier.  Not only has Nintendo made many games since then which have topped this amount, but Sony now struggles to even make a game that sells 10m.  Sony is just not on Nintendo's level.  Sony makes good games, but they don't make top tier games like GTA, or 2D Mario, or Pokemon, or CoD, or Mario Kart.

And it's ok for Sony to not make top tier games.  They rely on GTA and CoD to be their major tent poles.  That totally works for them and has made the PS4 very successful.  But Nintendo makes top tier games out of necessity.  When they don't make any top tier games they get results like the Gamecube or Wii U.  That is the way Nintendo has always sold their consoles.  Nintendo consoles always have their first party games be the major tent poles, with third party games supporting the library and filling in the gaps.  With Sony this is reversed.  Sony lets third parties make the biggest titles, and it uses its first party library give added support and fill in the gaps.  Sony's first party games are just not on the level of Nintendo's first party games, when you look at the successful consoles like 3DS or DS or Wii.  Because when they are on the same level you get a result like [PS2 vs. Gamecube] or [Wii U vs. PS4]. 

1.GTA V is a different beast that game is God Tier. I will highlight again how of a monster that game is. It already sold 20M on the PS3 according to you and then it sold another 18M at retail for the PS4.Since that is only retail and you compare a shipped number to a retail release and at the same time not counting DD sales then if you add that Shipped and DD sales it will destroy any games that NInty released in recent years. The fact that GTA V PS4 is still selling is and still Charting in NPD and UK sales is a a testament of how beastly GTA V is. When did GTA V was release again?

2. Did you missed Last of us for some reason? That game already sold 17M.  UC4 is still selling and the last number we have is sold thru meaning it's not shipped. Meaning 8.7 is at retail and after 2 years it could be at 11-12 M shipped and UC4 is not yet done selling. 

3. Then you might add GOW in the near future because that game is selling with Legs and this is the first time in History of Sony were they 1st party output is selling very well and that might continue with PS5. 

4. What you are trying to convey is not the point of the thread. I even mentioned that a lot of people didn't bought PS4 for Sony games. We are not here to pit Sony and Nintendo on  their games affect their console 
We are not here to discussed on how Sony game is affecting PS consoles  but if we are speaking for PS5 then that's a different discussion because that is the time we will see how Sony games affect it. 
We are here to talked about how the 4 games I mentioned are competing with games Ninty put out recently and how it is at Nintendo level of sales.

RolStoppable said:

A fair comparison is one that is intellectually honest and includes estimates for where games will end up once all is said and done. You can't say Sony and Nintendo are on the same level when Sony basically needed three times as long as Nintendo (PS4 vs. Switch) to achieve similar numbers, and a longer timeframe comes with the additional advantage of having a bigger installed base to sell to as long as a console isn't a complete failure. In the case of PS4 vs. Switch we are looking at ~80m consoles sold vs. ~20m, so it's three times as much time and four times the installed base in Sony's favor.

An extrapolation of Switch first party game sales makes it a foregone conclusion that Sony won't come close to being on Nintendo's level. Right now the most obvious example is Mario Kart 8 Deluxe which has passed 10m shipped and has added 1m+ each quarter; that game isn't slowing down and if there's no Mario Kart 9 released in 2019, then MK8D will go beyond 20m. The 3DS has sold more than 70m hardware units and is still comfortably ahead of the PS4 in terms of 15m+, 10m+ and 5m+ sellers (see zorg1000's post); the 3DS had more time on the market than the PS4, but getting several games above 10m is no easy feat. Launch-aligned Switch is outpacing the 3DS in hardware and software sales, so it is very likely that Switch will continue to stay ahead and finish ahead.

I wasn't only talking about Uncharted 4 when I said that Sony's games will stall around 10m. I include all of Sony's big sellers that have already been mentioned in this thread. Sony needs games that sell 15m+, because Nintendo is already bound to have a few games cross that mark on Switch.

Sony's sales are good on their own because their big games have sold better than on the PS3 and at the same time they've produced fewer flops, but you've set too high of a bar for this thread with "entered Ninty level."

The thing is you are so obsessed with the install base and that is not even my point. I kept repeating my self that it doesn't matter. We are speaking about raw numbers. It doesn't matter if Sony took 50 years to do it.  It doesn't matter if the games I mentioned didn't outsell Mario Kart. The point of the comparison is the 4 games that I highlighted are competing with Ninty Level of sales especially Last of US and Soon GOW. 17M  for TLoU that is Pokemon level already. 

Bringing more context. GOW 5M first month is sold thru. The good part about it that it is only 1 month and it's sold thru and not shipped. 
Then UC4's 8.7M and HZD's 7.6M is also sold thru.

Breaking the 10M barrier is Nintendo's Territory.  UC4 entered that territory. Ninty levels. As I mentioned earlier 10M is just a safe bet as a minimum sales for UC4 and we are not even talking about Shipments. So if we take a look at 3DS sales UC4 is sandwich between Animal Crossing and Smash. 
GOW has the highest chance of selling 15M when the generation ends. With how well it's selling.  If GOW sold 15M isn't that Ninty levels already? or Am I wrong?
Last of us II is another contender for 15M.  

Yes I will concede for the 3DS in terms of 15M but in terms of 10M and 5M it's not a long way for PS4. They will surely catch up when it PS4 is done. Doesn't matter if they felt short.
The moment you already using Mario Kart, Pokemon and Smash in our argument to win a point is enough for me.
That says a lot of how good Sony game is doing at the moment. 

NoCtiS_NoX said:
zorg1000 said:

Sony does have a long way to go to match 3DS 1st party sales. 3DS has 3 over 15 million, 7 over 10 million, 11 over 5 million.

PS4 has 0 over 15 million, 1 over 10 million, 6 over 5 million

Look at my reply with Rol but you are right but if we match the totals sales PS4 is not that far behind.

RolStoppable said:

A fair comparison is one that is intellectually honest and includes estimates for where games will end up once all is said and done. You can't say Sony and Nintendo are on the same level when Sony basically needed three times as long as Nintendo (PS4 vs. Switch) to achieve similar numbers, and a longer timeframe comes with the additional advantage of having a bigger installed base to sell to as long as a console isn't a complete failure. In the case of PS4 vs. Switch we are looking at ~80m consoles sold vs. ~20m, so it's three times as much time and four times the installed base in Sony's favor.

An extrapolation of Switch first party game sales makes it a foregone conclusion that Sony won't come close to being on Nintendo's level. Right now the most obvious example is Mario Kart 8 Deluxe which has passed 10m shipped and has added 1m+ each quarter; that game isn't slowing down and if there's no Mario Kart 9 released in 2019, then MK8D will go beyond 20m. The 3DS has sold more than 70m hardware units and is still comfortably ahead of the PS4 in terms of 15m+, 10m+ and 5m+ sellers (see zorg1000's post); the 3DS had more time on the market than the PS4, but getting several games above 10m is no easy feat. Launch-aligned Switch is outpacing the 3DS in hardware and software sales, so it is very likely that Switch will continue to stay ahead and finish ahead.

I wasn't only talking about Uncharted 4 when I said that Sony's games will stall around 10m. I include all of Sony's big sellers that have already been mentioned in this thread. Sony needs games that sell 15m+, because Nintendo is already bound to have a few games cross that mark on Switch.

Sony's sales are good on their own because their big games have sold better than on the PS3 and at the same time they've produced fewer flops, but you've set too high of a bar for this thread with "entered Ninty level."

The thing is you are so obsessed with the install base and that is not even my point. I kept repeating my self that it doesn't matter. We are speaking about raw numbers. It doesn't matter if Sony took 50 years to do it.  It doesn't matter if the games I mentioned didn't outsell Mario Kart. The point of the comparison is the 4 games that I highlighted are competing with Ninty Level of sales especially Last of US and Soon GOW. 17M  for TLoU that is Pokemon level already. 

Bringing more context. GOW 5M first month is sold thru. The good part about it that it is only 1 month and it's sold thru and not shipped. 
Then UC4's 8.7M and HZD's 7.6M is also sold thru.

Breaking the 10M barrier is Nintendo's Territory.  UC4 entered that territory. Ninty levels. As I mentioned earlier 10M is just a safe bet as a minimum sales for UC4 and we are not even talking about Shipments. So if we take a look at 3DS sales UC4 is sandwich between Animal Crossing and Smash. 
GOW has the highest chance of selling 15M when the generation ends. With how well it's selling.  If GOW sold 15M isn't that Ninty levels already? or Am I wrong?
Last of us II is another contender for 15M.  

Yes I will concede for the 3DS in terms of 15M but in terms of 10M and 5M it's not a long way for PS4. They will surely catch up when it PS4 is done. Doesn't matter if they felt short.
The moment you already using Mario Kart, Pokemon and Smash in our argument to win a point is enough for me.
That says a lot of how good Sony game is doing at the moment. 

What do you mean if we match the total sales its close? Its not at all.

Dont you think adding PS3 sales of TLOU in a discussion about PS4 is disingenuous? I mean if we allow that than we have to add re-release sales of Nintendo games which puts PS4 even further behind.


Sony first party is doing great but its not on Nintendo levels yet and probably wont ever be.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

NoCtiS_NoX said:
zorg1000 said:

Sony does have a long way to go to match 3DS 1st party sales. 3DS has 3 over 15 million, 7 over 10 million, 11 over 5 million.

PS4 has 0 over 15 million, 1 over 10 million, 6 over 5 million

Look at my reply with Rol but you are right but if we match the totals sales PS4 is not that far behind.

The_Liquid_Laser said:

I am not comparing Nintendo vs. Rockstar.  I am comparing Nintendo vs. Sony.  Most of those 90m copies do not help the PS4.  I am asking "how much does GTA V actually help the PS4?"  I think that is a fair question.  I am also saying that Sony's first party games do not stack up to the best third party games, like GTA V, 
on their own platform.

 GTA V has sold 18.2m on the PS4 (using VGC numbers).  That is a lot for a single platform.  It is far more than Uncharted 4, which is at 10m according to your first post.  It is also far above God of War, or Horizon Zero Dawn or PS4 version of The Last of Us.  GTA V is the PS4's flagship game.  

Now what about Nintendo?  Does Nintendo ever make games that can sell on this level on a single platform?  Yes, they do it quite frequently.  The 3DS has Pokemon X/Y 16.04m, a couple million shy of GTA V on PS4, but still far above any first party title on the PS4.  If we go back a generation, then we have quite a few games that sold extremely high: Mario Kart Wii (35.9m), Wii Sports Resort (32.9m), NSMB Wii (32.9m), Wii Fit (22.7m), NSMB DS (29.9m), Nintendogs (24.7), Mario Kart DS (23.3m), Brain Training (20.2m),  Pokemon DIamond/Pearl (18.3m).

And to be fair GTA V's best selling version was on the PS3 (20.3m).  I want to emphasize that I am not trying to criticize GTA V in any way.  It is a top tier game.  It is the best selling game on both PS3 and PS4.  No other game has helped these platforms as much as GTA V.  But when you break things down by single platform, then you see that Nintendo has made quite a few games on this same tier.  I would also put CoD Black Ops 3 (15.1m on PS4) in this top tier.  Top tier means they are the most important games for whatever platform they are on and that platform was successful (ideally the winner of the generation).  All the games I just listed are top tier.

Do you know what games are not top tier?  Sony first party games.  Sony's best game has hit 10m yet on the PS4, while all of these games I listed above have sold 15m+.  Sony first party games are good, but they are not top tier.  Sony's best selling first party game was Gran Tourismo 3 (15m on PS2).  Maybe it is top tier.  Not only has Nintendo made many games since then which have topped this amount, but Sony now struggles to even make a game that sells 10m.  Sony is just not on Nintendo's level.  Sony makes good games, but they don't make top tier games like GTA, or 2D Mario, or Pokemon, or CoD, or Mario Kart.

And it's ok for Sony to not make top tier games.  They rely on GTA and CoD to be their major tent poles.  That totally works for them and has made the PS4 very successful.  But Nintendo makes top tier games out of necessity.  When they don't make any top tier games they get results like the Gamecube or Wii U.  That is the way Nintendo has always sold their consoles.  Nintendo consoles always have their first party games be the major tent poles, with third party games supporting the library and filling in the gaps.  With Sony this is reversed.  Sony lets third parties make the biggest titles, and it uses its first party library give added support and fill in the gaps.  Sony's first party games are just not on the level of Nintendo's first party games, when you look at the successful consoles like 3DS or DS or Wii.  Because when they are on the same level you get a result like [PS2 vs. Gamecube] or [Wii U vs. PS4]. 

1.GTA V is a different beast that game is God Tier. I will highlight again how of a monster that game is. It already sold 20M on the PS3 according to you and then it sold another 18M at retail for the PS4.Since that is only retail and you compare a shipped number to a retail release and at the same time not counting DD sales then if you add that Shipped and DD sales it will destroy any games that NInty released in recent years. The fact that GTA V PS4 is still selling is and still Charting in NPD and UK sales is a a testament of how beastly GTA V is. When did GTA V was release again?

2. Did you missed Last of us for some reason? That game already sold 17M.  UC4 is still selling and the last number we have is sold thru meaning it's not shipped. Meaning 8.7 is at retail and after 2 years it could be at 11-12 M shipped and UC4 is not yet done selling. 

3. Then you might add GOW in the near future because that game is selling with Legs and this is the first time in History of Sony were they 1st party output is selling very well and that might continue with PS5. 

4. What you are trying to convey is not the point of the thread. I even mentioned that a lot of people didn't bought PS4 for Sony games. We are not here to pit Sony and Nintendo on  their games affect their console 
We are not here to discussed on how Sony game is affecting PS consoles  but if we are speaking for PS5 then that's a different discussion because that is the time we will see how Sony games affect it. 
We are here to talked about how the 4 games I mentioned are competing with games Ninty put out recently and how it is at Nintendo level of sales.

RolStoppable said:

A fair comparison is one that is intellectually honest and includes estimates for where games will end up once all is said and done. You can't say Sony and Nintendo are on the same level when Sony basically needed three times as long as Nintendo (PS4 vs. Switch) to achieve similar numbers, and a longer timeframe comes with the additional advantage of having a bigger installed base to sell to as long as a console isn't a complete failure. In the case of PS4 vs. Switch we are looking at ~80m consoles sold vs. ~20m, so it's three times as much time and four times the installed base in Sony's favor.

An extrapolation of Switch first party game sales makes it a foregone conclusion that Sony won't come close to being on Nintendo's level. Right now the most obvious example is Mario Kart 8 Deluxe which has passed 10m shipped and has added 1m+ each quarter; that game isn't slowing down and if there's no Mario Kart 9 released in 2019, then MK8D will go beyond 20m. The 3DS has sold more than 70m hardware units and is still comfortably ahead of the PS4 in terms of 15m+, 10m+ and 5m+ sellers (see zorg1000's post); the 3DS had more time on the market than the PS4, but getting several games above 10m is no easy feat. Launch-aligned Switch is outpacing the 3DS in hardware and software sales, so it is very likely that Switch will continue to stay ahead and finish ahead.

I wasn't only talking about Uncharted 4 when I said that Sony's games will stall around 10m. I include all of Sony's big sellers that have already been mentioned in this thread. Sony needs games that sell 15m+, because Nintendo is already bound to have a few games cross that mark on Switch.

Sony's sales are good on their own because their big games have sold better than on the PS3 and at the same time they've produced fewer flops, but you've set too high of a bar for this thread with "entered Ninty level."

The thing is you are so obsessed with the install base and that is not even my point. I kept repeating my self that it doesn't matter. We are speaking about raw numbers. It doesn't matter if Sony took 50 years to do it.  It doesn't matter if the games I mentioned didn't outsell Mario Kart. The point of the comparison is the 4 games that I highlighted are competing with Ninty Level of sales especially Last of US and Soon GOW. 17M  for TLoU that is Pokemon level already. 

Bringing more context. GOW 5M first month is sold thru. The good part about it that it is only 1 month and it's sold thru and not shipped. 
Then UC4's 8.7M and HZD's 7.6M is also sold thru.

Breaking the 10M barrier is Nintendo's Territory.  UC4 entered that territory. Ninty levels. As I mentioned earlier 10M is just a safe bet as a minimum sales for UC4 and we are not even talking about Shipments. So if we take a look at 3DS sales UC4 is sandwich between Animal Crossing and Smash. 
GOW has the highest chance of selling 15M when the generation ends. With how well it's selling.  If GOW sold 15M isn't that Ninty levels already? or Am I wrong?
Last of us II is another contender for 15M.  

Yes I will concede for the 3DS in terms of 15M but in terms of 10M and 5M it's not a long way for PS4. They will surely catch up when it PS4 is done. Doesn't matter if they felt short.
The moment you already using Mario Kart, Pokemon and Smash in our argument to win a point is enough for me.
That says a lot of how good Sony game is doing at the moment. 

You have to remember that if you give any of the Nintendo fans (like Rol, etc) here an inch...

Your title leave open the inclusion of any Nintendo system so they are obviously going to use the most successful Nintendo system to show that Sony has a long away to go or use Nintendo's least selling system to show that even with everything the PS4 has going for it, it can only muster Wii U level software sales for first party games.

The normal person would understand that Sony first party games have sold extremely well during the PS4 era, where only a game like Gran Turismo would get to 10+ million prior to this gen, Sony this time around has five to six titles that can reach that level (and more), something only exclusive to Nintendo consoles.

Train wreck said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

Look at my reply with Rol but you are right but if we match the totals sales PS4 is not that far behind.

1.GTA V is a different beast that game is God Tier. I will highlight again how of a monster that game is. It already sold 20M on the PS3 according to you and then it sold another 18M at retail for the PS4.Since that is only retail and you compare a shipped number to a retail release and at the same time not counting DD sales then if you add that Shipped and DD sales it will destroy any games that NInty released in recent years. The fact that GTA V PS4 is still selling is and still Charting in NPD and UK sales is a a testament of how beastly GTA V is. When did GTA V was release again?

2. Did you missed Last of us for some reason? That game already sold 17M.  UC4 is still selling and the last number we have is sold thru meaning it's not shipped. Meaning 8.7 is at retail and after 2 years it could be at 11-12 M shipped and UC4 is not yet done selling. 

3. Then you might add GOW in the near future because that game is selling with Legs and this is the first time in History of Sony were they 1st party output is selling very well and that might continue with PS5. 

4. What you are trying to convey is not the point of the thread. I even mentioned that a lot of people didn't bought PS4 for Sony games. We are not here to pit Sony and Nintendo on  their games affect their console 
We are not here to discussed on how Sony game is affecting PS consoles  but if we are speaking for PS5 then that's a different discussion because that is the time we will see how Sony games affect it. 
We are here to talked about how the 4 games I mentioned are competing with games Ninty put out recently and how it is at Nintendo level of sales.

The thing is you are so obsessed with the install base and that is not even my point. I kept repeating my self that it doesn't matter. We are speaking about raw numbers. It doesn't matter if Sony took 50 years to do it.  It doesn't matter if the games I mentioned didn't outsell Mario Kart. The point of the comparison is the 4 games that I highlighted are competing with Ninty Level of sales especially Last of US and Soon GOW. 17M  for TLoU that is Pokemon level already. 

Bringing more context. GOW 5M first month is sold thru. The good part about it that it is only 1 month and it's sold thru and not shipped. 
Then UC4's 8.7M and HZD's 7.6M is also sold thru.

Breaking the 10M barrier is Nintendo's Territory.  UC4 entered that territory. Ninty levels. As I mentioned earlier 10M is just a safe bet as a minimum sales for UC4 and we are not even talking about Shipments. So if we take a look at 3DS sales UC4 is sandwich between Animal Crossing and Smash. 
GOW has the highest chance of selling 15M when the generation ends. With how well it's selling.  If GOW sold 15M isn't that Ninty levels already? or Am I wrong?
Last of us II is another contender for 15M.  

Yes I will concede for the 3DS in terms of 15M but in terms of 10M and 5M it's not a long way for PS4. They will surely catch up when it PS4 is done. Doesn't matter if they felt short.
The moment you already using Mario Kart, Pokemon and Smash in our argument to win a point is enough for me.
That says a lot of how good Sony game is doing at the moment. 

You have to remember that if you give any of the Nintendo fans (like Rol, etc) here an inch...

Your title leave open the inclusion of any Nintendo system so they are obviously going to use the most successful Nintendo system to show that Sony has a long away to go or use Nintendo's least selling system to show that even with everything the PS4 has going for it, it can only muster Wii U level software sales for first party games.

The normal person would understand that Sony first party games have sold extremely well during the PS4 era, where only a game like Gran Turismo would get to 10+ million prior to this gen, Sony this time around has five to six titles that can reach that level (and more), something only exclusive to Nintendo consoles.

So basically what you are saying is Sony 1st party is on par with Nintendo if we exclude their popular consoles and only focus on their less popular ones?

That sounds like a very valid comparison. But yes everybody agrees (or should agree) that Sony 1st party is doing great, its just not on Nintendo's level.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Anyone who thinks a Nintendo series is at the level of popularity as GTA, COD, FIFA is deluded. At the same time Sony's to dawgs aren't as popular as Nintendo's top dawgs, mostly because Nintendo characters have a history while Sony whips out new IP's every gen.

mostly because Nintendo characters have a history while Sony whips out new IP's every gen.

That doesnt make sense, Nintendo games have a history because they were big sellers right off the bat, not the other way around. Its not like they started out small and only got big after multiple entries.

This means it doesnt make sense to say Sony games dont sell as much because they dont have a history. 

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.