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Sony's first party isn't better than on PS3, its just more marketable. Easier to market story driven open world singleplayer games than what they were making on PS3:
1) superhero game based on a superhero which has no comic book and film history like Infamous,
2) an M rated as can be game belonging to a niche genre like hack and slash with a brooding angry protagonist and a very dark story like God of War, before they rebooted the series
3) a sci fi horror FPS game with a focus on narrative and inventive gameplay like Resistance at a time when military FPS games with generic weapons and killstreak focused multiplayer ruled
4) a military FPS game with a sci fi theme and weapons which felt heavy in a very dark war like areas like Killzone when it was mostly children playing bombastic Hollywood esque military FPS games where weapons never had any weight
5) A TPS game which was multiplayer focused released days before a massive PSN hack which rendered the game useless like Socom
6) An offroad arcade as fuck racing game where all types of vehicles fought it out in tracks which had no clearly visible limits and multiple paths like MotorStorm at a time when sales of arcade racers were dying out, and Apocalypse which focused on natural disasters like earthquakes released at around the same time as the Japanese earthquake and tsunami of 2011 which would have made Sony look insensitive to market it so they chose not to market their game at all, leaving it to die

PS3 in my opinion has the best first party games of any console. PS4 is good but much more homogenous and limited. PS3 has the sort of variety that Sony will never have again because of the success that a few proven formula can bring them.