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Train wreck said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

Look at my reply with Rol but you are right but if we match the totals sales PS4 is not that far behind.

1.GTA V is a different beast that game is God Tier. I will highlight again how of a monster that game is. It already sold 20M on the PS3 according to you and then it sold another 18M at retail for the PS4.Since that is only retail and you compare a shipped number to a retail release and at the same time not counting DD sales then if you add that Shipped and DD sales it will destroy any games that NInty released in recent years. The fact that GTA V PS4 is still selling is and still Charting in NPD and UK sales is a a testament of how beastly GTA V is. When did GTA V was release again?

2. Did you missed Last of us for some reason? That game already sold 17M.  UC4 is still selling and the last number we have is sold thru meaning it's not shipped. Meaning 8.7 is at retail and after 2 years it could be at 11-12 M shipped and UC4 is not yet done selling. 

3. Then you might add GOW in the near future because that game is selling with Legs and this is the first time in History of Sony were they 1st party output is selling very well and that might continue with PS5. 

4. What you are trying to convey is not the point of the thread. I even mentioned that a lot of people didn't bought PS4 for Sony games. We are not here to pit Sony and Nintendo on  their games affect their console 
We are not here to discussed on how Sony game is affecting PS consoles  but if we are speaking for PS5 then that's a different discussion because that is the time we will see how Sony games affect it. 
We are here to talked about how the 4 games I mentioned are competing with games Ninty put out recently and how it is at Nintendo level of sales.

The thing is you are so obsessed with the install base and that is not even my point. I kept repeating my self that it doesn't matter. We are speaking about raw numbers. It doesn't matter if Sony took 50 years to do it.  It doesn't matter if the games I mentioned didn't outsell Mario Kart. The point of the comparison is the 4 games that I highlighted are competing with Ninty Level of sales especially Last of US and Soon GOW. 17M  for TLoU that is Pokemon level already. 

Bringing more context. GOW 5M first month is sold thru. The good part about it that it is only 1 month and it's sold thru and not shipped. 
Then UC4's 8.7M and HZD's 7.6M is also sold thru.

Breaking the 10M barrier is Nintendo's Territory.  UC4 entered that territory. Ninty levels. As I mentioned earlier 10M is just a safe bet as a minimum sales for UC4 and we are not even talking about Shipments. So if we take a look at 3DS sales UC4 is sandwich between Animal Crossing and Smash. 
GOW has the highest chance of selling 15M when the generation ends. With how well it's selling.  If GOW sold 15M isn't that Ninty levels already? or Am I wrong?
Last of us II is another contender for 15M.  

Yes I will concede for the 3DS in terms of 15M but in terms of 10M and 5M it's not a long way for PS4. They will surely catch up when it PS4 is done. Doesn't matter if they felt short.
The moment you already using Mario Kart, Pokemon and Smash in our argument to win a point is enough for me.
That says a lot of how good Sony game is doing at the moment. 

You have to remember that if you give any of the Nintendo fans (like Rol, etc) here an inch...

Your title leave open the inclusion of any Nintendo system so they are obviously going to use the most successful Nintendo system to show that Sony has a long away to go or use Nintendo's least selling system to show that even with everything the PS4 has going for it, it can only muster Wii U level software sales for first party games.

The normal person would understand that Sony first party games have sold extremely well during the PS4 era, where only a game like Gran Turismo would get to 10+ million prior to this gen, Sony this time around has five to six titles that can reach that level (and more), something only exclusive to Nintendo consoles.

So basically what you are saying is Sony 1st party is on par with Nintendo if we exclude their popular consoles and only focus on their less popular ones?

That sounds like a very valid comparison. But yes everybody agrees (or should agree) that Sony 1st party is doing great, its just not on Nintendo's level.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.