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Forums - Sony Discussion - More Evidence for Mass Effect on PS3

twesterm said:
Reasonable said:
twesterm said:

I still seriously doubt it.

Mass Effect is just not coming to PS3 and without it, it doesn't make sense for Mass Effect 2 to come to the PS3.

If it were coming, little snippets like that would be everywhere.  Someone didn't go in and manuelly remove all references to PS3, they would make a script to remove those and a script wouldn't miss that.

Like they removed all the PS3 references from the Unreal .INI files for Bioshock... wait!

I'm not convinced myself, but for the .INI file to even have PS3 references - and not generic ones, Mass Effect 2 specific ones, is pretty interesting.  There wouldn't be any PS3 references if they hadn't as a minimum toyed with PS3 support.

They may have decided against it, MS might have sweeted Mass Effect 2 for EA by covering some marketing costs and the like, but for sure somewhere along the line the engine was tried on PS3 based on those .INI enteries.

Anyway, I wouldn't hold my breath as a PS3 only owner unless you really don't want to play the game on PC or 360.

But again, why would there be a single reference and not 1000 references?

If there actually was a PS3 version in the works then those references would be all over the place.  That means for just one to be left then someone would have to go through line by line and remove those references?  Only a moron would do something like that because it would waste hours and possibly even days.  Anyone with a lick of sense would just write a script.

But then why would a script miss that?  Simple answer-- it wouldn't.

So what does that leave us?  There might have been some PS3 functionality in the works possibly near the beginning of the project when it could have been in question or that could just be simple book keeping on someone's part or it could actually be evidence of a PS3 version.  Short answer it doesn't leave us anything but speculation and NOTHING else.

It's pointless for people to get their hopes up over this.


You're reading too much into my post.  I play ME on PC for one thing so have no real vested interest in a PS3 version.  However, having used Unreal engine a fair bit around Version 2.0 and worked on some mods, it is interesting that there is a PS3 reference at all.  Why its there, why they didn't remove it all or why their aren't more I don't know.  But unless this is an outright fake (which I guess I'll check myself on PC) then for any reference to be there it's just interesting as it meant somewhere along the line some basic tests were conducted.  If ME2 was never, ever put on PS3 or even considered for PS3 there would be zero references and no mistakes to be made cleaning up .INI files as there would be nothing to clean up.  BTW, I will note in my experience Unreal .INI files often contain unused references, etc.  Seems that they're not always tided up that clean in a lot of cases, although that's nothing to do with ME specifically, just something worth noting.  It's also not uncommon if you open Unreal based games assets up to find unfinished assets and unused elements.  Just seems to go with the territory of that engine.

Anyway, back on ME, they might never have even put their Unreal build on PS3 properly, just added references for a while to the .INI in preperation, but to even do that indicates at some point the PS3 was considered as a potential platform.

I don't see any other conclusion and that's my point.  I'm not seeing this as strong evidence one way or the other for what will happen, just an interesting indication of something that must have happened in the past.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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You could choose which way you like your Wiistation360. You can choose if you want to use Sony controls MS controls or nintendo controls. Or if you want to use their Online services aswell as their software. Nothing would change just the number of boxes in front of your tv. What is the benefit of choosing a console ? What exactly is good on the fact that there are three consoles ? The only thing what happens is that passionate gamers have to buy all three consoles or someone who dont own a console cant play a game because its just on the other console. I cant see the benefits that the market is divided in 3 consoles.

The only thing what happens is that it costs more money. And causes gigabytes of nonsense in Forums. It takes away the focus from the games.

The Hardware itself is not the reason why I play games. The only real difference is the graphics. If all developers would agree to a special hardware design which all would support equaly it would be the best. It would have tons of nice effects. like money would be safed because no need for ports. All tools would be the same. A lot of work would just vanish and a lot of costs too this money could be used for even more games. Smaller developer could also programm games for this Super console because it reaches hundreds of million people if it would be secured like the PS3 there would be no piracy.

Its infact the best thing the industry could make, and I bet the developers see it the same way. The costs for designing one console instead of three would be a lot smaller so they could take the money and lower the price even more.

I dont see a single thing which would be bad. You have still the option to choose where it matters. The concurency would still be there just on another level. The level that really matters software and control innovations. Plus online features. The fight over hardware is senseless and costs billions.

MS wants to spread their own standards thats why they would never agree.

I am confident that in the future the consoles will vanish and we will have the same hardware to make everything. It will be cheap because of the high numbers.

We will reach a time where hardware is not even important. If all over the planets will be strong networks. So strong that data can be transported with smaller lag. I dont think that there will be even hardware except a mobile screen all calculations will be done in the centers. And everywhere will be every application you will pay a monthly fee lets say 100 Dollar/euro but you will have everything everywhere. You will be able to switch a TV on and play all games which ever existed or see all movies hear music you can use all aplications you want eveywhere like GPS.

everything will melt together. The step between those worlds will be unified hardware.

CGI-Quality said:
twesterm said:

Another thing, Bioware does not do the ports for their games.

If Mass Effect 2 were going to the PS3, they would hire someone else to port it to the PS3, probably the same people that ported Dragon Age to the consoles.

In that case, they would be two completely separate builds that have never seen each other and there would be no reason to have that above stuff mixed in there.

All this thread and the "evidence" in the OP is just wishful thinking.  Face it, not every game comes to every console.  It sucks but that's life.  If you want to play Mass Effect, buy a PC or 360, if you want to play God of War, buy a PS3, if you want to play Super Mario Galaxy, buy a Wii.

Completely agree.

...but 1 out of 3 of those games is 3rd party... can anyone guess which one?

zuvuyeay said:
jneul said:
SpartanFX said:

they found this in PC version of MAss effect 2:


Does PC version of Mass Effect contains evidence of PS3 version?
Today my communicator brought me a message from my buddy containing this:

m_srSpendTalentPointsMessagePS3=?348755 <<<<
m_srParagonRenegadeMessagePS3=15?3007 <<<<

For the uninitiated, the above is a source of code from PC version of new Bioware creation.
Does this mean that the PS3 version will be released later? (Temporary exclusively for Xbox 360 and PC?)Do work on port for PS3 were discontinued?

OR are those only remains of the Multi-platform game engine (which is contradicted by a fairly accurate command names like "ParagonRenegadeMessage" - Paragon and Ranegade are the status of reputation for our characters.
I got this strange filling that the Shepard is closer to the PS3 than we all think. What is your opinion ?




let's not forget the last game that this happened to.Bioshock Pc version had some PS3 codings exactly like this when asked 2K the said no no no and we all know what happened .

for all those who don't understand programming, m_srSpendTalentPointsMessagePS3 and m_srParagonRenegadeMessagePS3 are variables which are part of a class, i can tell because of the way they have been named, m stands for member whilst the prefix sr could mean string or something like that(n is used for whole numbers, f for float, p for pointers, obj for objects).

I hope this source is legit, because if it is, then I agree that ME2 is now inevitable.

Finally before anyone makes a claim that is is from the unreal engine(which allows developmet on x360,ps3, and pc), it will not be as the unreal engine is compiled into a seperate library.

i haven't got a clue about programming,i love it when a girl gets technical

do you want to go out on friday night?


lol sorry i'm already taken.

it's the future of handheld


The official Vita thread

andremop said:

EA. Obviously will go multiplat. It's naive to believe the opposite, imo.
The only question in my mind is if Bioware is doing the port themselves or not.

Last thing we want is a Bayonetta

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Its all business, EA isn't like Sony or Microsoft
EA sees a decent amount of demand for ME2 on the PS3
Why wouldn't a business large as EA wants to increase their revenue?
EA don't give a fuck about Exclusivity, Since Bioware is an famous asset to them why wouldn't they want to Utilize their resources to increase profit.
Do you really think they care if a game segment a console from another? Nah i doubt it lol
I don't see EA or Bioware saying "NO PS3 VERSION EXCLUSIVES TO 360 ONLY" All they'av said is
"No comment" and i think we all know that ME2 is coming to PS3

PSN: HienTran2691

XBL: IVietCong


You think the whole industry will just disappear because of unified hardware ? Could you explain that, why will this be the downfall ?

Is there a negative effect you discovered ?

What exactly do you expect to happen ?


What you seem to fear is the trend which is there since decades. This is no novelty. And infact the technological landscape benefited from 

look at mobile phones and  cloud computing if the trends wouldnt exist this would be the real downfall of the industry imo.

letsdance said:
CGI-Quality said:
twesterm said:

Another thing, Bioware does not do the ports for their games.

If Mass Effect 2 were going to the PS3, they would hire someone else to port it to the PS3, probably the same people that ported Dragon Age to the consoles.

In that case, they would be two completely separate builds that have never seen each other and there would be no reason to have that above stuff mixed in there.

All this thread and the "evidence" in the OP is just wishful thinking.  Face it, not every game comes to every console.  It sucks but that's life.  If you want to play Mass Effect, buy a PC or 360, if you want to play God of War, buy a PS3, if you want to play Super Mario Galaxy, buy a Wii.

Completely agree.

...but 1 out of 3 of those games is 3rd party... can anyone guess which one?

Meh, I just picked three games out of the air-- the point remains though that Bioware doesn't do their own ports.

Knowing that, then it's pretty pointless to get excited over two references to the PS3 because it really doesn't mean anything.  We could speculate all day what it means, but the only thing we know is that Bioware doesn't do its own ports.

Again, assuming they still aren't doing the port, why would that be in the game?

I agree, Reasonable, it's interesting, but I don't think it's any hint that the game is coming to the PS3.  If I had to guess they kept it open as an option to them when they started the game but I think that's all it was.  Perhaps when they finished Mass Effect it still wasn't nailed down if the series was exclusive or not so they kept their options open.  As time went on it was obvious that Mass Effect wasn't going to the PS3 or at least they weren't going to put it on the PS3 so they stopped leaving that door open.

Things fall through the cracks and little snippets like that just get left in.

That sounds *much* more likely than a script missing a reference to the PS3.

@ twesterm

Bioware doesnt do their own ports ?

Infact I remember a news right after the release of DAO they said they enjoyed developing for the PS3 and that they will develop  inhousefor PS3 in the future.


"When asked if BioWare will be keeping their PS3 development in-house, Zeschuk replied: “We have quite a few people working in-house as well. So yeah, absolutely. We think it’s one of the key platforms, obviously, so we’re definitely going to be doing PS3. You know, I can’t say anything aboutMass Effect in that regard but you know, I can definitely say Dragon Age and other things we do will definitely be on PS3."

If I were a ps3 only owner, I'd seriously considering upgrading my pc or buying a 360 to play this game. It may or may not come over, but between ME1, ME2 and other great pc/x360 titles it would be well worth it.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka