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You could choose which way you like your Wiistation360. You can choose if you want to use Sony controls MS controls or nintendo controls. Or if you want to use their Online services aswell as their software. Nothing would change just the number of boxes in front of your tv. What is the benefit of choosing a console ? What exactly is good on the fact that there are three consoles ? The only thing what happens is that passionate gamers have to buy all three consoles or someone who dont own a console cant play a game because its just on the other console. I cant see the benefits that the market is divided in 3 consoles.

The only thing what happens is that it costs more money. And causes gigabytes of nonsense in Forums. It takes away the focus from the games.

The Hardware itself is not the reason why I play games. The only real difference is the graphics. If all developers would agree to a special hardware design which all would support equaly it would be the best. It would have tons of nice effects. like money would be safed because no need for ports. All tools would be the same. A lot of work would just vanish and a lot of costs too this money could be used for even more games. Smaller developer could also programm games for this Super console because it reaches hundreds of million people if it would be secured like the PS3 there would be no piracy.

Its infact the best thing the industry could make, and I bet the developers see it the same way. The costs for designing one console instead of three would be a lot smaller so they could take the money and lower the price even more.

I dont see a single thing which would be bad. You have still the option to choose where it matters. The concurency would still be there just on another level. The level that really matters software and control innovations. Plus online features. The fight over hardware is senseless and costs billions.

MS wants to spread their own standards thats why they would never agree.

I am confident that in the future the consoles will vanish and we will have the same hardware to make everything. It will be cheap because of the high numbers.

We will reach a time where hardware is not even important. If all over the planets will be strong networks. So strong that data can be transported with smaller lag. I dont think that there will be even hardware except a mobile screen all calculations will be done in the centers. And everywhere will be every application you will pay a monthly fee lets say 100 Dollar/euro but you will have everything everywhere. You will be able to switch a TV on and play all games which ever existed or see all movies hear music you can use all aplications you want eveywhere like GPS.

everything will melt together. The step between those worlds will be unified hardware.