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Forums - Sales Discussion - Holy Hell hardware adjustments!

I'm feeling the love in this thread, and it's a beautiful thing.

Anywho, hardware adjustments shmardware adjustments. Where's Others software sales for this past week?

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@ Carl

Shipped means they are at the store waiting to be picked up.

Sold means they're already in the costumers hands.

Sony shipped 34 million to shelves, didn't sold 34M to costumers.

kowenicki said:
Bamboleo said:
@ Carl

Shipped means they are at the store waiting to be picked up.

Sold means they're already in the costumers hands.

Sony shipped 34 million to shelves, didn't sold 34M to costumers.

he knows that

Carl is saying is that if the shipped figures are 34m and vgc has it at 30.4m at the end of the year then that is too large an amount to be in storage and on shelves.


The problem with the Sony number is they switched their accounting method of recording sales in 2007.  I haven't seen any corrected numbers published by Sony for historical numbers prior to the switch. This applies for both the PSP and PS3.

Anyone can guess. It takes no effort to throw out lots of predictions and have some of them be correct. You are not and wiser or better for having your guesses be right. Even a blind man can hit the bullseye.

Smeags said:
I'm feeling the love in this thread, and it's a beautiful thing.

Anywho, hardware adjustments shmardware adjustments. Where's Others software sales for this past week?

We've had like half a dozen permabans - or more. It never occurred to me - and I mean this - that the topic might turn out this way.

Khuutra said:
Smeags said:
I'm feeling the love in this thread, and it's a beautiful thing.

Anywho, hardware adjustments shmardware adjustments. Where's Others software sales for this past week?

We've had like half a dozen permabans - or more. It never occurred to me - and I mean this - that the topic might turn out this way.

Let's see: BigBoobieHead, fxa5209, Bullza, Choppedliver, scabab, ultraslick. Yep, half a dozen indeed.


They brought it on theirselves, though.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

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Khuutra said:
Smeags said:
I'm feeling the love in this thread, and it's a beautiful thing.

Anywho, hardware adjustments shmardware adjustments. Where's Others software sales for this past week?

We've had like half a dozen permabans - or more. It never occurred to me - and I mean this - that the topic might turn out this way.

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atma998 said:
Scruff7 said:
I don't think people are frustrated/angry/disappointed that the figures have been adjusted, we all know that this is a sales estimate and prediction website, so adjustments are always going to happen.

I do think people are frustrated/angry/disappointed that they weren't given an explanation, just apparent changes.

After putting their heart and soul into the website, and i dare say defending it from attacks on other websites, an explanation or a little heads up is small thing to ask for for the loyal community that has formed here.

But the real question is would you still ask for explanation if the Wii would have adjusted down while the HD twins would have adjusted up? Just asking...

There is too much HD fans moaning here.

I'm not asking anything, i'm pretty sure that if changes are made its in the sake of accuracy and there'll be a good reason behind it. The more accurate the better.

I'm just speculating on why people seem so vocal about it.

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Hmm actually if only numbers from like 2007 and 2008 are corrected then it's kinda interesting that previously those numbers with like 800k PS3 overtracking were considered ok when compared to Sony shipments.


In the end all that really matters is that the site is as accurate as possible. I have no problem with adjustments but I think the real issue here is the timing of it. I'm not saying that Nintendo, gfk, Chart Track, or any of the other tracking agencies are wrong but I would imagine that from a raw data standpoint it would be best to wait until you have all the information you can possibly get to have the clearest picture possible before you start recalculating things. Even if Sony's report ends up changing nothing I still would think that it would have been best to wait for all of the big 3 to report before doing adjustments. This isn't the first time I've mentioned this.

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kowenicki said:
Carl2291 said:
kowenicki said:
Carl2291 said:
kowenicki said:
Carl2291 said:
Killergran said:
After calculating a bit more, I found that the second change was:

Wii - UP 160k
PS3 - UP 330k
Xbox - UP 470k

Bringing the total of this round of adjustments to:

Wii - UP 140k
PS3 - DOWN 820k
Xbox - DOWN 180k

Im shocked that one console can be overtracked by so much...

Will be interesting to see if there are any future adjustments after shipment numbers come in.

keep hearing this.... clearly we are talking about sony here, all the others are now known...

sp what level of shipping would mean an adjustment in your opinion.

For Sony... 34m shipped.

sorry, that not very clear...

above 34m?  so if its 34,500,000 youd expect an adjustmnet of 500,000?

and if its 33,999,999 no adjustment?

No, i mean...

If Sony say 34m shipped, i expect an upwards adjustment. How much by? I dunno...

then how can you even have a figure in mind that would require adjustments? 

the vgc numbers for end of the year have the ps3 at 30.3m. 

vgc numbers for the 360 at end of year were 36.6m, so after the shipping numbers it implies 2.1m on shelves/storage.

what is your acceptable limit for in storage/shpping?  you must have one otherwise your original post is just sounding off.

I just think 2.7m on shelves, despite shortages... Is way too much.