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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do *YOU think Link NEEDS a voice in the next ZELDA???


Do *YOU think Link NEEDS a voice in the next ZELDA???

NO, I prefer Link stay a silent hero 129 76.33%
YES, I'd prefer if Link had a voice 40 23.67%

Yes of course! As in, for the grunts, the hiyas! and stuff.

Hopefully Akira Sasanuma will do his voice again. lol

As for other characters. I wouldn't mind. Link, no.

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Hell no. Voice acting in fantasy movies / games is usually cheesy, over-the-top and embarrassing. I prefer imagining the voices.

Claiming that silent games are "outdated" is pretty ignorant... a bit like saying books are outdated because today there are movies. It's an artistic choice.

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Link (and all the characters in Zelda) should never have a voice. Considering Miyamoto has already said that's how its going to be, that's how its going to be.

The extend of voices we're going to have in a Zelda game is probably going to be what we've already seen with the small giggles and one word yells/affirmations. They might do something like Midna again, but I doubt they'll do it with one of the main three characters (Link/Zelda/Ganondorf).

Miyamoto has shown he thinks voices in games hardly work out and didn't like their implementation in past games he worked on such as Star Fox, F-Zero and etc. So I highly doubt we'll see it in games such as Mario, Zelda or Pikmin, etc.

Six upcoming games you should look into:



no voice for link, silent protagonists are there for you to superimpose over. making link speak would mean giving him a personality and removing the superimposing of the player into the character. after all, thats why you get to name him.

I'd like to reiterate

If there are no voices in the next game, I'm fine with that. There are legitimate reasons for not using voices, and a lot of them have to do with immersion and pacing.

I think an orchestrated - or at least really well-sampled - soundtrack should be a higher priority than voices

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No, he's the silent hero.

That's what I like from Zelda games, you know everything that everyone else says, except for Link. So, you can put Link's words.

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Siko1989 said:
if they add a voice i want a serious badass voice actor... not an actor thats not serious for his roll
letsdance said:
I voted yes... but its got to be done right... Not a whiny little boys voice and not a butch roid man voice. He still needs to be timid/shy too and rarely speak. (basically just speaking when spoken to)

You guys should listen to Samus' voice in the E309 trailer for Metroid OtherM. Nintendo pretty much nailed it with Samus' voice in that trailer, I really liked the way she sounded.

Maybe if we heard a sample of GOOD voice acting for Link we wouldn't feel as negative about the idea?

Personally, I think it would be awesome if Link could speak, albeit in an in-game lingo... Not necessarily Hylian (as my guess is that this game dates to a point in the Zelda timeline BEFORE Ocarina of Time, as there is little chronological real estate left between the events of that game and those portrayed in The Wind Waker), but DEFINITELY not English (although I would appreciate a little humor at the expense of the Philips CD-i games, but they shouldn't overdo it)... It would be like the cutscenes in Super Mario Galaxy, with the characters speaking a foreign language and equipped with subtitles for the player's benefit... Hopefully the text would be larger and easier to read quickly, though...

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I personally think that Link should remain silent but that other characters should speak some form of language.

Actually i would be thrilled if Nintendo devised a language for the npcs that would seem kind of elfish and just add text as translation. That would be awesome.

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Happy Wii60 user. Me and my family are a perfect example of where hardcore meets casual and together mutate into something awesome.

Of course he needs a voice, it'd be awkward if he didn't make any sounds!

But seriously, talking, for Link, no. And I doubt they'd do something like that anyway, going by Aonuma's and Miyamoto's comments concerning this subject. Other characters, fine, but Link, no.

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