arsenicazure said: The OP is a total fanboy... who cares if tekken saw a 360 release. If you like the game you'll play it, even if it is on the 360. To dislike a game just because its on a competing platform is juvenile. Hell I want every game released to be multiplat.. even Mario! |
Didn't I already say I first played Tekken 6 on the 360, and enjoyed it, as I was able to translate every combo I knew in Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection over to Tekken 6 on 360? Didn't I also say I don't care if Tekken, or hell, even Uncharted 2 (if it were possible) were multi-platform as LONG as it didn't hurt my experience in the end?
In case you missed it, I'm saying it again, I don't care which games are multi-plat as LONG as they dont gimp the game unless the version being gimped is the version that can't support the full game.
And btw, you "if you like the game, you'll play it" statement is total bull shit, I don't like Tekken 6, however, I don't believe in trading, or selling my games, so, I still play it and make the best of it, I only want future games to not suffer the same fate as Tekken 6. Next time take the time to read the thread to a full understanding, or keep comments like that to yourself. I have a 360, I don't hate it, I just don't prefer it. Hell, I played DJ hero (don't like it) last week. And played Gears of War 2 over a friends house (liked that one a lot) and Smash Brothers Brawl.. Although I cant get into that game because I'm so noob at it. I also played Some megaman game... I think it was ZX, or something.
Lastly, Tekken is an exception to the 360 release thing, because it effects the PS3 owners directly, if it didn't have any effect what-so-ever, I wouldn't care if it was released on Wii-DS-360-Zeebo and Onlive.