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Forums - Sony Discussion - GT5: 500k polygons in a car

The original Gran Turismo was a marvel piece of gaming technology back when it launched on the PSOne. With remarkable graphics for the time, the series has since evolved into something much more. While talking with Venture Beat, Kazunori Yamauchi discussed many aspects of the title, but the most impressive definitely comes from the amount of polygons the game is currently moving at. Back when Gran Turismo first launched, the title had cars detailed with 300 polygons. With Gran Turismo 5, they were able to utilize 500,000 polygons in each car.

Kazunori Yamauchi: “We had maybe 300 polygons in a car in the first game. Now we have about 500,000 polygons in each car. Back then, pieces of the car were more like symbols. Now they are real and reflect light.”

The exact number of polygons used in Microsoft's Forza 3 isn't known. We have tons of GT5 screens for you to bask at below in the slideshow. Sony has just released completely new screens which you can find here.




That's quite the difference from the first game lol

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I thought turn 10 said that Forza 3 has 10 X Forza 2 polygons.

they also said back in the day that Forza 2 has 100K polygons per car.

So if we do the math...

Not that I care how many polygons each has or that the polygons count makes the game better.

polygons dont chance much, i could put a smooth modifer or sub surf on something i model and bam its poly count sky rockets.

gt5 cars look photoreal,

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

No 1 million polygon cars = no buy.

Around the Network

Forza 3 has 300k polygons per car.

How many polygons is Mario Kart? That game kicks ass...

Forza 3 has 1 million polygons for showroom cars. 300k in-race.

yeah polygons aren't everything.

Anyone who believed Forza 3 really had 1 million polygons per car, had never read the specs of 360's GPU...

1 million polygons per car * 8 cars * 60 frames per second = 480 million polygons per second.

Which would mean that the GPU would be 90% used even before drawing the track, scenery and calculating the pixel shaders.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957