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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan PRE-ORDER Chartz Thread - Will Be Updated Daily!

VicViper said:
I wonder how much that Gundam game will do FW, its doing some pretty good numbers here. More than 200k? That would be great.

And AKB is Vita's redemption for the year, it's going to be pretty big too, maybe even on Vita.

When it's multiplat with PSP? I don't see it...

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DemoniOtaku said:
Tridrakious said:
VicViper said:

This game will enter the list, imo. Right before release but it will.

Releases on October 18th, more or less in a month.

Looks like the kind of Vita game that would spend it's last 5 days on the chart.

well.. is a Port/remake of a popular game for PSP.... the new game is coming to PSP.. I wish that at least it come to PSVita too like God Eater 2 recently was announced...

(bolded) This is the curse that plagues the Vita right now.

(bolded/underlined) and this just adds to the problem.

Tales not doing so good


8001st post!

Could someone please do a comparison between Xillia and Xillia 2?

Around the Network
thelalaby said:
Could someone please do a comparison between Xillia and Xillia 2?

There was one a few pages back.

Love and tolerate.

Hmm so will Resident Evil 6 reach 1000 points?

Did anybody expect Style Savvy to do so well?

Love and tolerate.

Come on Braverly
its doing worst than i thought