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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan PRE-ORDER Chartz Thread - Will Be Updated Daily!

On April 3rd I predicted 500 points for tomodachi...I was pretty close!

Playing Xenoblade 2 before I buy Xenoblade 3 (otherwise I couldn't wait to play 3).

Can they announce a new Fire Emblem? A remake of Genealogy or Tellius would suffice !

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Ok guys, let the prediction begins. I won't mind compiling them, unless somebody would like to do that.
And let's be fair, all predictions should be done before the weekly charts ;)

SMT4 is related to the Persona series right?

522,562 copies first week.

Remember all the games that were competing for the bottom slot in the chart?

They're all going to be in here tomorrow.

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VGKing said:
SMT4 is related to the Persona series right?

Sort of. Time for a little gaming history lesson!

The Megami Tensei series started in the 80's with the original "Megami Tensei", followed a couple of years later by "Megami Tensei 2". Then, for the third iteration, they changed the name to "Shin Megami Tensei," sort of like how the third "Metal Gear" game was called "Metal Gear Solid."

Anyhow, Shin Megami Tensei became a fairly well received series, so they made a spinoff called "Persona." The Persona games were so popular, that they've actually become more popular than the original series in the west, like how Mario Kart actually sells at least as much as Mario platformers nowadays.

So basically, this is roughly the equivalent of Metal Gear Solid 4 for Atlus and their main series, in terms of being the fourth/sixth main game in its series while having a bunch of spinoffs.

The last main series game was in 2003 for the PS2, so there's a fair amount of pressure on SMT4. That game sold under half a million lifetime, so the bar is actually fairly low. If SMT4 can break a quarter million in Japan lifetime, it becomes one of the top few games in franchsie history.

510k first week

3DS - 65k

1st week = 480k
3DS = 150k

TC first week 536,879
3DS 83k


495k Tomodotchi, 90k 3DS


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.