Tomadachi is killing it!
Tomadachi is killing it!
Tomodachi Collection : Don't know what you are.. But,I'm getting hyper for ya. GOO TOMODACHI !
That -1... Someone must've been married !!
http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/profile/92109/nintendopie/ Nintendopie Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)
Jojo Limited Edition looks amazing !!!
“No he contado ni la mitad de lo que vi...” Marco Polo
Oh, so Boobies Paradise has a release date now? XD
Tomodachi's set to smoke everybody next week.
It seems like those creepy voice tracks in Tomodachi don't keep people from buying the game!
NintendoPie said: It seems like those creepy voice tracks in Tomodachi don't keep people from buying the game! |
I was actually laughing my ass off while watching the promotional video. The voices are hilariously bad, emphasis on hilarious.
Especially when they start dropping lines like "Will you marry me?" in that digital monotone it was just too much XD
Wow, Jojo is insane!
NintendoPie said: It seems like those creepy voice tracks in Tomodachi don't keep people from buying the game! |
In the begining of the game you can set the voice for your Mii. They're hilarious XD
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