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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan PRE-ORDER Chartz Thread - Will Be Updated Daily!

Wow. Shin Megami looking to pull some really decent numbers this time around.

Could it get to 200-250? Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

Around the Network

Summon Night 5 is going to be huge!

_crazy_man_ said:
EricFabian said:
tbone51 said:
great increase yet again, especially a Wed!

★ Comparison ★

Days Left ⇒ [Luigi 2 vs Tomodachi vs Animal Crossing]

20) ⇒ 45 ⇔ 83 ⇔ 261
19) ⇒ 48 ⇔ 93 ⇔ 273
18) ⇒ 56 ⇔ 115 ⇔ 291
17) ⇒ 69 ⇔ 120 ⇔ 291
16) ⇒ 72 ⇔ 131⇔ 291
15) ⇒ 75 ⇔ 143 ⇔ 300
14) ⇒ 79 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 315
13) ⇒ 85 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 327
12) ⇒ 92 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 355
11) ⇒ 105 ⇔?? ⇔ 387
10) ⇒ 128 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 412
9) ⇒ 135 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 442
8) ⇒ 148 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 470
7) ⇒ 168 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 491
6) ⇒ 172 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 514
5) ⇒ 186 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 558
4) ⇒ 215 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 591
3) ⇒ 243 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 610
2) ⇒ 256 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 626
1) ⇒ 273 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 655

Animal Crossing ended with 655. Holy Mother of Gods! Insane. Nothing in this universe is capable to beat it

Except the god crusher that is Pokemon.

O and Jojo is beast atm. BEAST.

hell yeah Pokemon! I completely forgot. But I don't think Jojo will end with more than 655.

I'm not expecting LTD sales to eclipse 3 million like its predecessor, but Tomodachi seems like a 1.5-2 million seller with an opening of over 400k.

2013 is really going to be a killer year for the 3DS in Japan. On a side note, do you think Nintendo might turn Luigi's Mansion into a franchise judging by the overall success of LM2? 750K seems like a lock at this point. In Japan, Fire Emblem Awakening brought over 30 million in revenue with approximately 450k sold as of September 2012. LM2 is going to outdo it and doing so in 3 weeks :) This is truly the year of Luigi!

Kresnik said:
benao87 said:

This chart is very Sony centric, and there are very few occasions when people can actually cheer for a Nintendo game, and even rarer to cheer for a successful one. Considering all the beating they've taken from the performance this attitude is good for their sanity ;)

Don't you agree?

Like I said, I don't have a problem with cheering games.  I just think it's time to say something different every once in a while.  For everybody else's sanity!

But you know, I've suggested it nicely and it hasn't stopped.  Noctis brought it up too.  If I'm the one with the problem then I'll just stop following the thread, since it's making everyone else happy (and because although COMG is heavy on Sony now, there are always going to be 3DS games in the chart so... yeah :P).

I understand your feelings, thats getting boring. Cheer game you're waiting for is good but doing it all the time for each game on your favorite console, that's an other story...

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Around the Network

Damn, Jojo's will be EPIC.

tbone51 said:
great increase yet again, especially a Wed!

★ Comparison ★

Days Left ⇒ [Luigi 2 vs Tomodachi vs Animal Crossing]

20) ⇒ 45 ⇔ 83 ⇔ 261
19) ⇒ 48 ⇔ 93 ⇔ 273
18) ⇒ 56 ⇔ 115 ⇔ 291
17) ⇒ 69 ⇔ 120 ⇔ 291
16) ⇒ 72 ⇔ 131⇔ 291
15) ⇒ 75 ⇔ 143 ⇔ 300
14) ⇒ 79 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 315
13) ⇒ 85 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 327
12) ⇒ 92 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 355
11) ⇒ 105 ⇔?? ⇔ 387
10) ⇒ 128 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 412
9) ⇒ 135 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 442
8) ⇒ 148 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 470
7) ⇒ 168 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 491
6) ⇒ 172 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 514
5) ⇒ 186 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 558
4) ⇒ 215 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 591
3) ⇒ 243 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 610
2) ⇒ 256 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 626
1) ⇒ 273 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 655

Awesome! Thanks. XD

Interesting, Tomodachi is at almost double LM's numbers, almost half Animal Crossing's. So maybe it will end around... 400?

EricFabian said:
tbone51 said:
great increase yet again, especially a Wed!

★ Comparison ★

Days Left ⇒ [Luigi 2 vs Tomodachi vs Animal Crossing]

20) ⇒ 45 ⇔ 83 ⇔ 261
19) ⇒ 48 ⇔ 93 ⇔ 273
18) ⇒ 56 ⇔ 115 ⇔ 291
17) ⇒ 69 ⇔ 120 ⇔ 291
16) ⇒ 72 ⇔ 131⇔ 291
15) ⇒ 75 ⇔ 143 ⇔ 300
14) ⇒ 79 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 315
13) ⇒ 85 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 327
12) ⇒ 92 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 355
11) ⇒ 105 ⇔?? ⇔ 387
10) ⇒ 128 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 412
9) ⇒ 135 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 442
8) ⇒ 148 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 470
7) ⇒ 168 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 491
6) ⇒ 172 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 514
5) ⇒ 186 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 558
4) ⇒ 215 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 591
3) ⇒ 243 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 610
2) ⇒ 256 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 626
1) ⇒ 273 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 655

Animal Crossing ended with 655. Holy Mother of Gods! Insane. Nothing in this universe is capable to beat it

Actually a lot of games have surpass that number.

Which will sell more Resident Evil: Revelations on Wii U or Resident Evil: Revelations on 360 :P

Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here?

PhantomLink said:
EricFabian said:
tbone51 said:
great increase yet again, especially a Wed!

★ Comparison ★

Days Left ⇒ [Luigi 2 vs Tomodachi vs Animal Crossing]

20) ⇒ 45 ⇔ 83 ⇔ 261
19) ⇒ 48 ⇔ 93 ⇔ 273
18) ⇒ 56 ⇔ 115 ⇔ 291
17) ⇒ 69 ⇔ 120 ⇔ 291
16) ⇒ 72 ⇔ 131⇔ 291
15) ⇒ 75 ⇔ 143 ⇔ 300
14) ⇒ 79 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 315
13) ⇒ 85 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 327
12) ⇒ 92 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 355
11) ⇒ 105 ⇔?? ⇔ 387
10) ⇒ 128 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 412
9) ⇒ 135 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 442
8) ⇒ 148 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 470
7) ⇒ 168 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 491
6) ⇒ 172 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 514
5) ⇒ 186 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 558
4) ⇒ 215 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 591
3) ⇒ 243 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 610
2) ⇒ 256 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 626
1) ⇒ 273 ⇔ ?? ⇔ 655

Animal Crossing ended with 655. Holy Mother of Gods! Insane. Nothing in this universe is capable to beat it

Actually a lot of games have surpass that number.

Which will sell more Resident Evil: Revelations on Wii U or Resident Evil: Revelations on 360 :P

WiiU version, but PS3 version will rape both

Not bad JoJo lol.