- Natal is going to be 'big' for fitness games, and party games. Outside that, I can't help thinking that it's a terrible control scheme for "hardcore" games (accuracy is terrible - 4cm at each end of a bone? do the maths... ouchies). Expect to see 'EA sports active+ 360, 2010 edition', "bowl-a-rama",'jump-around-like-an-idiot', 'pop-music-with-dance-thingy-star' and 'soccer-thats-so-realistic-we-can't-bend-it-like-beckham'. I wouldn't expect to see 'gears of war: natal', I would expect lawsuits over 'omg - I kicked the cat out the window'.
The ice cream cone is just a (cheaper?) motion+ with a bit more motion/position information being passed to the game. The accuracy *might* be enough for a 'hardcore' game. Expect to see 'Wii bowling PS3', 'jedi-something-or-other', 'cliche-fps-swinging-sword','EA sports-just-as-bad-as-the-wii-version 2010'. I'm not convinced that it would work very well for a gun-FPS, so "killzone: ice-cream edition" is probably not going to happen. Expect 9 million obscure attachments that each cost the low, low price of $49.99.
That's my view anyway...