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Forums - Sony Discussion - Uncharted 2 has outsold Killzone 2

Love both games, hope Killzone 2 hits 3million and Uncharted 2 4.5million

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Pristine20 said:
Simulacrum said:
Killzone 2 dissapoints...But I think its gettin Goty edition next year...And might get boost from many awards it has got.
Then again, Uncharted 2 has got almost 3 times more awards and might also get Goty edition.

While the sales may disappoint you depending on what you were expecting, the game definitely didn't disappoint. I feel bad for the people who missed out on the best MP this gen. It's hard to believe I've burnt 39 days of my life playing it and havent had enough. Well I guess to each, his own

Yes I agree..Its best Fps I have played.I played online non stop for past 3-4 months, but some point I lost intrest on it, mainly because of our clan..



Take my love, take my land..

Killzone 2 deserves more sales than it's gotten so far.

It's annoying how many people I'll recommend the game to at my store, only to find them trading it in later, complaining that it's not enough like Call of Duty. It's as if Call of Duty is the only shooter that exists on ps3. People aren't willing to give others a chance, despite their quality.

Killzone 2 and Resistance: Fall of Man are the only non-Call of Duty shooters that have managed to pass 2 million on ps3, and the latter only managed such a feat becuase it was the only good launch title.

At least 360 owners seem more receptive to different types of shooters, with Halo, Gears of War, and Left4Dead - all uniquely different styles of shooter - seeing success on the platform in addition to Call of Duty.

well, we have to take in count the Xmas release to be fair

Time to Work !

KZ 2 is fantastic and deserves more sales, but it didn't really get a holiday boost, but should keep selling, but Uncharted 2 is just even better

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Its a shame more people havent bought Killzone 2, its easily the best FPS on the PS3.

This game is just selling like hot cakes. I want to buy this game so badly but I have no money. I keep going to the Gamestop in the mall and looking at all the copies of Uncharted 2.


BHR-3 said:
that sux KZ2 should be in the 4mill range by now thats wat i think it deserves i guess PS fans are more into TPS and Action adventure more than FPS it has always been that way maybe thats y L4D isnt on ps3

anyway U2 rules and every ps3 owner should grab a copy it that good

hopefully KZ3 will do better i think thats y KZ2 sales arent as good as they should be most passed up on the game b/c they thought that KZ2 would be the quality of KZs from the ps2 era but its clearly not

well kz2 was never meant to the be the fps franchise that cud be selling in huge numbers, but still it had impressed a lot with the gfx atleast...and with the demand for console increasing..i agree KZ3 will be receiving higher fanbase by the time it releases. UC 3 is gonna rock nyways!!


good news for uncharted! it's showing some Chun-li legs!

See, there are good games, and then there are really good games.

Uncharted 2 has passed Killzone 2 already due to the quality behind it.