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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why does the Playstation 3 continue to receive poor ports?

ZenfoldorVGI said:

There is no generalized easy answer. In the case of Bayonetta, the developers were forced(or chose to) oursource the port. What we ended up with is one of the best action games ever made on the 360, and a lazy ass PS3 port.


 Easy with the hyperbole/stealth trolling there Zen. Based on the demo the ps3 version of Bayonetta is perfectly playable. Even if there are framerate drops or worse textures, someone with only a ps3 will enjoy this game just fine. Anyone with both systems would reasonably get it for x360 though, for obvious reasons. There is a difference but I hope it wouldn't be a deal breaker for what looks to be the best action game since Devil May Cry 3.

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ameratsu said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

There is no generalized easy answer. In the case of Bayonetta, the developers were forced(or chose to) oursource the port. What we ended up with is one of the best action games ever made on the 360, and a lazy ass PS3 port.


 Easy with the hyperbole/stealth trolling there Zen. Based on the demo the ps3 version of Bayonetta is perfectly playable. Even if there are framerate drops or worse textures, someone with only a ps3 will enjoy this game just fine. Anyone with both systems would reasonably get it for x360 though, for obvious reasons. There is a difference but I hope it wouldn't be a deal breaker for what looks to be the best action game since Devil May Cry 3.

I have no idea about bayonetta and couldn't care less. I'm commenting on the OP's assertion that Bayonetta is an inferior port and taking his assumptions as my own when I form my argument. These assumptions are his, and are not based on any sort of bias that I personally have against the PS3. I'm using Bayonetta as an example to illustrate my point because the OP did, and I'm not trying to offend any defensive PS3 owners with said example, but at the same time, I don't feel the need to sugar coat the percieved situation either.

I don't need your console war.
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CommonMan said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:

There is no generalized easy answer. In the case of Bayonetta, the developers were forced(or chose to) oursource the port. What we ended up with is one of the best action games ever made on the 360, and a lazy ass PS3 port.

Now, the developers obviously aren't lazy, or they couldn't put out the best action game so far released, and indeed in this instance, they didn't even do the port themselves.

Publishers just know that most gamers are ignorant, and what they buy has little to do with the quality of it, but instead the public perception.

Whining over lazy ports is kinda spoilt, if you ask me. You should be thanking the gaming gods that you even get the chance to play Bayonetta or FFXIII, instead of whining over longer loadtimes or lack of lossless audio. Let's not be fanboys, shall we? Attacking a company or a game because you think they didn't do a well enough job catering to your console, is simply that. If you don't like it, don't buy it, whining is lame, and flaming or insulting the developer is fanboyism. I'll tell you like PS3 fans would have told you 2 years ago. If you want to play the game, but the console. They're cheap, especially the 360, and it does have the definitive version of Bayonetta if nothing else.

I actually teared up a little reading this. You sir are a credit to gaming.

Thank you sir, I've accepted your friend request. :)

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
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they should not be allowed to release the game. for example, i know that its not legal to sell bad food, cars that freeze and lag around, books with several pages missing, dvds where half of the movie is erased. i can't believe that there are not rules about selling broken games in 2009. in any other market, companies would be sued left and right.

akuseru said:
they should not be allowed to release the game. for example, i know that its not legal to sell bad food, cars that freeze and lag around, books with several pages missing, dvds where half of the movie is erased. i can't believe that there are not rules about selling broken games in 2009. in any other market, companies would be sued left and right.

I'm sorry, but that's completely wrong.. The term broken is an industry term, and it doesn't actually mean the game doesn't work, or that its unplayable. In most cases, it simply means that a game is inferior to its counterpart on another console in some way. Should MS not be allowed to sell the 360 because it doesn't have BR? Should Square be stopped from selling FFXIII on the 360 due to lossless audio?

Truth is, with Bayonetta and Ghostbusters, PS3 fans probably will get an inferior version of the game, however, saying that you would rather not let any PS3 owner have the option to play it at all, is bad for gamers. If there was no 360 version, you wouldn't know a difference, and it wouldn't be called "broken" at all.

Broken products SHOULD NOT be sold. However, defining an inferior but perfectly functional port as "broken" in the sense that it should be recalled, is totally misunderstanding an industry buzzword, and mistaking that buzzword's definition for its literal meaning.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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who cares when the game is boring. gow3 will be better

snoddas said:
who cares when the game is boring. gow3 will be better

You have likely never played Bayonetta, and you certainly haven't played God of War III. You can have a hopeful opinion, but the truth is, with the praise this game is getting on the 360 and PS3, GAMERS should care, but bias console fans seem to care a lot more, because they certainly put a lot of effort in marginalization.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


TRios_Zen said:
darkknightkryta said:
CommonMan said:

I am also a happy PS3 owner that posed this very same question, and was ripped up one side and down the other for it. I was told in no uncertain terms that it's 80% lazyness on the developers and 20% lack of understanding of the hardware. In no way can we dare hold Sony in any way responsible. Yeck. . . I wash my hands of this.

I'll go on a limb here and blame the devs.  Why?  Cause Sony told them time and time again, make the game on the PS3 first with the 360 in mind you'll have no problems porting it over.  What do they do?  Make it on the 360 and run into problems when they make their PS3 version.  I myself would figure devs would have finished up their games in the pipeline that programmed on the 360 first, but I guess not, or they in a sense are lazy and program on the 360 first to get it out of the way and run into problems on the PS3 later.  Like, I know before you could chalk up Sony cause of the CPU they put in, but ultimately, the CPU wasn't he biggest problem early on, it was the unified shader/ram vs dedicated shaders/ram.  Going from dedicated to unified works, going unified to dedicated doesn't.  But at this point in the game, there's no reason why ANY dev is starting a multiplatform game on the 360 unless Microsoft is paying for it (Fallout 3 for instance, though I recall reading this on the interwebs, could be false). 

I know I'm late responding to this (Christmas Eve travels and all...) but...  If I understand correctly, your answer is that every developer in the world should just do what Sony says...and everything will be alright, huh?

Spelled out that you really believe this?  EVERYONE just listen to Sony!  You'll be good then!!  That is flat out ridiculous man, sorry.

@commonman - too bad I didn't catch that other thread, I would've at least stuck with you.

No worries about the response, this is a forum and you can respond whenever, even 10 months from now .  And who said they should listen to everything Sony says?  The one point they should is the "start on PS3 first and move to the 360", and is probably what every dev, yes in the world, should be doing.  You have a PS3 version to make, it's highly documented that going from the 360 to the PS3 is a big pain in the ass, but going the other way around is significantly easier.  Why should devs waste time, money and resources struggling to get a PS3 port of a game up and running when if they just made it on the PS3 first with the 360 in mind, would save them time, resources and more importantly money.  Disagree with me if you want, that's cool, but look at the devs that did do that? Games like Burnout, Devil May Cry, others I can't think of off the top of my head, they all started on the PS3 and moved to others.  Well Devil May Cry was made on a PC framework, but that framework was specifically designed to run 99% identicle on each other and Devil May Cry was probably working hand in hand on a PS3 since it was "exclusively on Playstation 3". Game was designed to run on the PS3 a 360 port was made late in development and came out 99% identicle.   Can you say the same for 90% of the other games with problems?  Why do you think Bayonetta has such problems?  It wasn't designed for the PS3 at all, took advantage of coding practices that's good for the 360 and horrible on the PS3 and look at how the game turned out.  I can go on with another paragraph about that too, but long story short if the game was made on the PS3 or atleast with the PS3s ram/shaders in mind there would have been no problem with that port or the majority of the ports on the PS3 for that matter.

heruamon said:
L4D2 is about to overtake Uncharted 2 on the sales chart, and it's DEFINITELY overtaken it on the PC/360 sales this is why Valve isn't bothering. When the most vaunted game on the PS3 can only manage these sales numbers, and an "expansion" like Halo ODST topped 4 million this week...what buisness sense if there to dedicate effort to develop for the PS3 from scratch?

wow, what a great sense of busines you have. So now Uncharted 2 "only" selling over 2 million in 2 months is nothing compared to L4D2? The key with Business is opening up your line of products to more consumers, wider range of potential buyer. Which is why 85% of the games this gen are multiplat. If other 3rd parties went by your logic, that's like Activision saying, well we sold 8 million copies of MW2 on 360 and only 5 milion copies on PS3, we should not even bother with ps3 anymore.

Yes, L4D2  is selling great passing over 2 M thus far far on 360, but if it was on PS3, it might have sold a million or so on that system as well. By not being on PS3, there losing potential sales. The same reason now why Insominiac are thinking of going mulitplat.

Blood_Tears said:
heruamon said:
L4D2 is about to overtake Uncharted 2 on the sales chart, and it's DEFINITELY overtaken it on the PC/360 sales this is why Valve isn't bothering. When the most vaunted game on the PS3 can only manage these sales numbers, and an "expansion" like Halo ODST topped 4 million this week...what buisness sense if there to dedicate effort to develop for the PS3 from scratch?

wow, what a great sense of busines you have. So now Uncharted 2 "only" selling over 2 million in 2 months is nothing compared to L4D2? The key with Business is opening up your line of products to more consumers, wider range of potential buyer. Which is why 85% of the games this gen are multiplat. If other 3rd parties went by your logic, that's like Activision saying, well we sold 8 million copies of MW2 on 360 and only 5 milion copies on PS3, we should not even bother with ps3 anymore.

Yes, L4D2  is selling great passing over 2 M thus far far on 360, but if it was on PS3, it might have sold a million or so on that system as well. By not being on PS3, there losing potential sales. The same reason now why Insominiac are thinking of going mulitplat.

The key to buisnees is managing your limited resources to provide the greatest ROI..period!  I've said it before, and I'll say it again, companies make games to make money...based on the statistics of attach rates, there should be ANY 3rd party developers NOT working on the 360, but they do...why?  It's because of ROI, but somehow, people forget to think about that when looking at why people do what they do in the industry.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder