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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Japan makes the best!? (poll discussion)

Hasn't anyone noticed that the J man simply stirred up a wasps nest and ran? He seems to enjoy stirring up controversy/trying to wind people up and then sitting back and laughing at the mayhem he has caused. Considering he has not made ONE effort to justify his opinion i can only assume it's not even his opinion, he just knew it would be a topic that would cause endless arguments. It obviously appeals to his sick sense of humour. All he had to do was to check the poll to see what the majority of peoples' opinions were. By arguing against it he has stirred the vocal minority into action. Yet there has not been one post from him giving any ebvidence as to why he thought this way. That's probably because he doesn't.



In my opinion the N64 was not just the best console of the 5th gen but, to this day the best console ever created!

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leatherhat said:
Kasz216 said:
leatherhat said:
Kasz216 said:
leatherhat said:
Kasz216 said:
leatherhat said:
Kasz216 said:
The wii is the most popular system this generation... driven by... software from Nintendo mostly.

So... no, i'd say Japan makes the best.

Wii sales are driven by some of the lowest quality software I've ever seen, not exactly a great argument for quality.

That's what we'd call a personal opinion.

It isn't backed up by sales.  Which is basically the only way of judging a medium that isn't based on performance (like cars) or artistic merit. (Like books or movies.)


1. "lowest quality software Ive ever seen" implied that it was my opinion even I didn't come out and say it

2. Games have no artistic merit? I gotta leave this thread somebody just opened pandoras box.

Some games do... however the Wii actually wins in that regard.

For a piece of work to have artistic merit it needs to embrace the strengths of it's medium.  Few games do this.

Most run from it... like say MGS4 which tries to be "like a movie."


You won't see a movie praised for "Being just like a book by having large walls of text."

Games like Shadow of the Collosus, Super Mario Brothers, The Mario Kart games... these games actually have way  more artistic merit then the games most people mistake for artistic because they have a lot of cutscenes.

Who said anything about Metal Gear? I was talking about Demons Souls. And please don't tell me you don't think it embraces the medium.

Couldn't say, haven't played it.

It's still one game versus... well many. 

Also on a side not, I'm a huge metal gear fan and realize that the cutscenes are a turnoff for some, but I was just doing some verbal jujistu to throw you off. I think Metal Gear has huge artistic value, and Kojima has embraced the medium in a big way to make a great entertainment experince. Just think about Psycho Mantis. You want to tell me that wasn't embracing the medium? Look past the cutscenes and you find one of the richest gameplay experiences in history.

The fact that you like MGS is why I brought it up.

I'll put it simply.  Take Citizen Kane.  Often considered the best movie of all time.

Say you replaced about half the scenes with scrolling text that read like a book.  Is this still the greatest movie of all time?  No, is it even to 100?  No.


It's not pure gameplay expierence that defines the artistic value, but instead what that gameplay conveys...


I'll use another HD example, one I have played.  L4D.   You know pretty much nothing about the characters but what visual cues say, and what they say during gameplay.  You don't even really know why everyone else is a zombie.

The story though is told purely through gameplay.  The horror of giant swams of zombies, the unease of hearing a witch cry... the pure helplessness one feels when captured by a smoker or a jumper, knowing that they need an ally to save them, and that ally is already quite busy with a swarm of zombies.

The anger for your own survival when an ally stupidly ventures too far on his own and you have the dilema of trying to save his stupid ass or risk being a man down against the horde.


It conveys everything through gameplay and gives you all the story it needs.  It doesn't TELL you about a zombie apocolypse.  It puts you IN a zombie apocolypse and replicates that feeling great.


Getting most stuff across while controlling the player, and making stories and expierences more and more mallable to player interaction is the art of videogames.  It is the uniqueness of it's medium that sets it apart from things like movie and TV.

The interactivity.

bonkers555 said:

I will be honest here. The poll is very subjective. If we talking for history of gaming then its Japan hands down no question ask. But for some reason a lot of people are soooo fascinated about Japanese that they have loyalty with Japanese products and what come out from it.


For example I got a white friend who LOVE anime and always talk down to about my love for American Comics.  Anime and American Comics are completely different but he always compare the two.  I personally HATE Anime BTW.

Most American comics tend to lack the depth of anime, and I would assume that you have been a victim of mainstream anime (DBZ which I myself dislike). Granted I enjoy Wolverine's story as much as Batman (although Bruce Wayne comes off as emo to me at times). The Ghost in the Shell saga is a written masterpiece in itself, although the simpleminded average intelligence person wouldn't be able to understand that one. S-cry-ed is what X-men should have been as far as storyline depth. Superman returning pretty much killed my faith in DC comics. I did like Todd Mcfarlane's direction with Spawn though, it felt original and a breath of fresh air for american comics. The introduction of Venom in Spiderman also added to my interest many years ago.

I am personally a fan of both, but the depth in anime has swayed me to that side. Bleach (manga), S-cry-ed, Saint Seiya, Ghost in the Shell (including S.A.C), Trinity Blood (mainly the novels because the anime was VERY incomplete because the creator died), Bassalisk, Bastard, Trigun, Cowboy Beebop, Outlaw Star, Gundam Wing (along with Endless Waltz), Neon Genesis: Evangeleon (which btw, a US studio owns the rights for the movie and Jerry Bruckheimer and Steven Spielberg have expressed huge interest in working on this movie adaptation). Your "HATE" for anime seems to be stemmed from your closeminded friend dismissing American Comics, but I assure you, if you give the mentioned series a shot, I am very sure you will find a couple you like. Oh and ya, check out Hellsing as well.

Make games, not war (that goes for ridiculous fanboys)

I may be the next Maelstorm or not, you be the judge  hopefully I can be more of an asset than a fanboy to VGC hehe.

peachbuggy said:
Hasn't anyone noticed that the J man simply stirred up a wasps nest and ran? He seems to enjoy stirring up controversy/trying to wind people up and then sitting back and laughing at the mayhem he has caused. Considering he has not made ONE effort to justify his opinion i can only assume it's not even his opinion, he just knew it would be a topic that would cause endless arguments. It obviously appeals to his sick sense of humour. All he had to do was to check the poll to see what the majority of peoples' opinions were. By arguing against it he has stirred the vocal minority into action. Yet there has not been one post from him giving any ebvidence as to why he thought this way. That's probably because he doesn't.

Wow......can I put this post in my sig? Because it reeks of hater....and the J man loves the smell of haters.


N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

peachbuggy said:
Hasn't anyone noticed that the J man simply stirred up a wasps nest and ran? He seems to enjoy stirring up controversy/trying to wind people up and then sitting back and laughing at the mayhem he has caused. Considering he has not made ONE effort to justify his opinion i can only assume it's not even his opinion, he just knew it would be a topic that would cause endless arguments. It obviously appeals to his sick sense of humour. All he had to do was to check the poll to see what the majority of peoples' opinions were. By arguing against it he has stirred the vocal minority into action. Yet there has not been one post from him giving any ebvidence as to why he thought this way. That's probably because he doesn't.

Meh, don't take life so seriously. If you don't want to read it don't click on the thread, and definetly don't post in the thread


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I actually agree with the J Man for once. Japan is so far behind when it comes to development its not even funny.

Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.

dsister44 said:
peachbuggy said:
Hasn't anyone noticed that the J man simply stirred up a wasps nest and ran? He seems to enjoy stirring up controversy/trying to wind people up and then sitting back and laughing at the mayhem he has caused. Considering he has not made ONE effort to justify his opinion i can only assume it's not even his opinion, he just knew it would be a topic that would cause endless arguments. It obviously appeals to his sick sense of humour. All he had to do was to check the poll to see what the majority of peoples' opinions were. By arguing against it he has stirred the vocal minority into action. Yet there has not been one post from him giving any ebvidence as to why he thought this way. That's probably because he doesn't.

Meh, don't take life so seriously. If you don't want to read it don't click on the thread, and definetly don't post in the thread


Stop being so sensible dsister....apparently it doesnt appeal to my "sick sense of humour".

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

jonnhytesta said:
lets see white knight chronicles, ff13,resonance of fate,ff14,etc. netx year. JAPAN WINS

Yes..... Japan definitely wins next year versus:

Splinter Cell conviction (AAA)


Fable 3 (AAA)

Mass Effect 2 (AAA)

Bioshock 2 (AAA)

Halo Reach (AAA)

Heavy Rain (AAA)

M.A.G. (AAA)

DC Universe


Champions Online


The Secret World

Star Wars: KOTOR 3 (AAA)

Kingdom Under Fire 2

Crackdown 2 (AAA)

Alan Wake (AAA)

L.A. Niore

Mod Nation Racers

Twisted Metal

Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Max Payne 3

Dantes Inferno (AAA)

Dark Void

Mafia 2




Rage (AAA)

Darksiders (AAA)

UFC 2010 (AAA)


NBA 2K11

Army of Two: 40th day

Kasz216 said:
leatherhat said:
Kasz216 said:
leatherhat said:
Kasz216 said:
leatherhat said:
Kasz216 said:
leatherhat said:
Kasz216 said:
The wii is the most popular system this generation... driven by... software from Nintendo mostly.

So... no, i'd say Japan makes the best.

Wii sales are driven by some of the lowest quality software I've ever seen, not exactly a great argument for quality.

That's what we'd call a personal opinion.

It isn't backed up by sales.  Which is basically the only way of judging a medium that isn't based on performance (like cars) or artistic merit. (Like books or movies.)


1. "lowest quality software Ive ever seen" implied that it was my opinion even I didn't come out and say it

2. Games have no artistic merit? I gotta leave this thread somebody just opened pandoras box.

Some games do... however the Wii actually wins in that regard.

For a piece of work to have artistic merit it needs to embrace the strengths of it's medium.  Few games do this.

Most run from it... like say MGS4 which tries to be "like a movie."


You won't see a movie praised for "Being just like a book by having large walls of text."

Games like Shadow of the Collosus, Super Mario Brothers, The Mario Kart games... these games actually have way  more artistic merit then the games most people mistake for artistic because they have a lot of cutscenes.

Who said anything about Metal Gear? I was talking about Demons Souls. And please don't tell me you don't think it embraces the medium.

Couldn't say, haven't played it.

It's still one game versus... well many. 

Also on a side not, I'm a huge metal gear fan and realize that the cutscenes are a turnoff for some, but I was just doing some verbal jujistu to throw you off. I think Metal Gear has huge artistic value, and Kojima has embraced the medium in a big way to make a great entertainment experince. Just think about Psycho Mantis. You want to tell me that wasn't embracing the medium? Look past the cutscenes and you find one of the richest gameplay experiences in history.

The fact that you like MGS is why I brought it up.

I'll put it simply.  Take Citizen Kane.  Often considered the best movie of all time.

Say you replaced about half the scenes with scrolling text that read like a book.  Is this still the greatest movie of all time?  No, is it even to 100?  No.


It's not pure gameplay expierence that defines the artistic value, but instead what that gameplay conveys...


I'll use another HD example, one I have played.  L4D.   You know pretty much nothing about the characters but what visual cues say, and what they say during gameplay.  You don't even really know why everyone else is a zombie.

The story though is told purely through gameplay.  The horror of giant swams of zombies, the unease of hearing a witch cry... the pure helplessness one feels when captured by a smoker or a jumper, knowing that they need an ally to save them, and that ally is already quite busy with a swarm of zombies.

The anger for your own survival when an ally stupidly ventures too far on his own and you have the dilema of trying to save his stupid ass or risk being a man down against the horde.


It conveys everything through gameplay and gives you all the story it needs.  It doesn't TELL you about a zombie apocolypse.  It puts you IN a zombie apocolypse and replicates that feeling great.


Getting most stuff across while controlling the player, and making stories and expierences more and more mallable to player interaction is the art of videogames.  It is the uniqueness of it's medium that sets it apart from things like movie and TV.

The interactivity.

I understand that cutscenes turn people off, and Metal Gear is the king of cutscenes. And thats cool that you don't appreciate that, a lot of people don't like that and thats their opinion and they're welcome to it. However cutscenes don't made a game less of a game. They've been around since the nes days and ninja gaiden, but not many people would say ninja gaiden is less of a game because of that.

Very few games go anywhere near the amount of cutscenes that metal gear has, even "cinematic" games like Uncharted and mass effect have few cutscenes. And then you have a game like Demons souls that has a short opening and ending and no cinemas in between. Does that make it more of a game then Metal Gear? Maybe, but it mostl comes down to opinion.

As for games like wii sports, sure it has no story or anything like that, but the gameplay is simple and gets old very fast. Wii sports is pure gameplay, nothing else, but does its gameplay stand up against Metal Gear's sneaking, Uncharted's climbing and shooting, Demons soul's slaying, or mass effect's battle system? Again a matter of opinion, I would say no, there just isn't any depth to it. And for those that would say that because wii sports is more "fun" focused then those games, its not up to them what fun is for someone else. My fun is questing against huge landscapes, killing demons that can one hit kill you with a look, and sneaking up on guards while they're pissing and putting them in choke holds. Hell, I would but metal gear even if it had all the story removed and consisted of sneaking around and messing with guards. It might be famous for its story, but Metal Gear would never have become so popular if it hadn't been for its gameplay. And one final note, with some spoilers, the final scene of MGS4 where you crawl with snake through the microwave tunnel as he slowly dies is probably the single most griping gameplay moment of this gen, with a lot more emotional impact then any of the cutscenes.

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype


N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!