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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN N-Podcast 60 and Summary - How Wii doesn't even compare to Current Gen.

Khuutra said:

The weakness here is that NSMBWii doesn't just render what's on-screen, and often deals with many, many, many more moving objects with individual path-drawing (try those damn water levels with school of about thirty fish, each with individual pathfinding)

Fair to say. That is also why I am not restricting the argument to just Brawl. There have been a number of games that require rendering of a rather large area done online. You can have 2 people play MKWii online with 10 other players. Rendering all the possible cars on screen, along with whatever zany levels (many of which have as many NPC objects) can be done extremely well. Mario Kart, however, is much more forgiving in the lag area.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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LordTheNightKnight said:
Gnizmo said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

The problem is you are both assuming chaotic=greater system use. Smash Bros Melee is more chaotic than Rogue Leader, but the latter got the highest polygon count of a GC launch game. That's just one example off the top of my head.

Those screens posted to NOT give hard numbers. They don't tell us which game has more polygons in the RAM, or more textures, shading, and and many things that cannot be seen by screenshots.

Are you seriously trying to argue that NSMBWii is more detailed than Brawl? Seriously?

And yes, more chaotic does require more out of the system. There are more calculations happening simultaneously. The more it has to calculate, the more the system resources will be used. Set items to very high, and bombs only. The number of explosions, damage, knock back, and general need to draw what is going on will take more out of the Wii than a one on one fight with no items at all.

The calculations are not the only thing that uses a lot of system resources. That's a physics issue, not an overal system issue.

Gnizmo said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

Asking for proof and hard numbers is the same as fanatical religion? You really don't know how games and specs work.

Why is the burden of proof entirely on the other side of the argument? You are the one arguing the counter-intuitive side of the fence. I cannot think of many people who would claim Brawl is less detailed than NSMBWii, and yet you assert this is true. Demanding evidence while providing none does nothing to prove your point.

 That's twisting my words. I'm not making a claim. I'm pointing out whe don't know which uses more. You are claiming Brawl uses more. I'm asking for proof the ENITRE WII SYSTEM is used up by Brawl more than NSMBWii. Screenshots do not come with "the polygon count is X, the texture resolution for each model is Y, the physics calculations are Z, the AI calculations are A, the... thereby making a total of XMB of RAM, and X% of CPU us and X% of GPU use."

THAT is what I mean by proof.

If it's worth anything, using Brawl in the first place as an example of online capabilities was a bad choice, as Brawl's was horrible.

In any event, I don't know why some people have a hard time believing that the Wii gets trolled by the gaming press moreso than the other consoles (e.g., IGN's podcast).


To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

Christian (+50).  Arminian(+20). AG adherent(+20). YEC(+20). Pre-tribulation Pre-milleniumist (+10).  Republican (+15) Capitalist (+15).  Pro-Nintendo (+5).  Misc. stances (+30).  TOTAL SCORE: 195 <---- Fun theology quiz
Gnizmo said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
"I have already offered an extremely logical explanation for what he could mean."

That's not proof. That's assumption. We want hard evidence. Show us the things I asked for in my last post, as those are things that actually use up system resources.

I'll give you hard evidence when someone who can reasonably be expected to have hard evidence speaks on the subject. A game designer, who very likely lacks much of the details you request, making an offhand comment about a feature he didn't want to implement is not a very good defense.

But he made the game. When people prove people made something wrong, they have EVIDENCE.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

LordTheNightKnight said:

But he made the game. When people prove people made something wrong, they have EVIDENCE.

He designed the game, yes. He did not program the game, no. He had no interest in online. Not being a programmer, he does not know what it would require, system resource wise, to put online in the game. I would give you whatever odds you desire that Miyamoto could not give you the details you have requested in this thread. You are requiring one side provide far more evidence than the other.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

But he made the game. When people prove people made something wrong, they have EVIDENCE.

He designed the game, yes. He did not program the game, no. He had no interest in online. Not being a programmer, he does not know what it would require, system resource wise, to put online in the game. I would give you whatever odds you desire that Miyamoto could not give you the details you have requested in this thread. You are requiring one side provide far more evidence than the other.

Actually, I might ask them if I knew how. But you still are making a claim, and I am challenging it. You still require evidence for your counter claim. Either present it or grow up and admit you don't have it.

And before you accuse me of anything, I can be convinced with evidence. You show me proof in the manner that shows the hard specs leave room for online, and I will be convinced (which is why vagabond was acting like a coward when he refused to even acknowledge my asking for it). But if you don't, why is it so hard to admit you don't?

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Around the Network
LordTheNightKnight said:

Actually, I might ask them if I knew how. But you still are making a claim, and I am challenging it. You still require evidence for your counter claim. Either present it or grow up and admit you don't have it.

And before you accuse me of anything, I can be convinced with evidence. You show me proof in the manner that shows the hard specs leave room for online, and I will be convinced (which is why vagabond was acting like a coward when he refused to even acknowledge my asking for it). But if you don't, why is it so hard to admit you don't?

You evade me far more than I evade anything you ask. I have given you examples of games that it would make sense for it to be more demanding on the system hardware. Either explain what in NSMBWii actually requires so much horsepower, or grow up and admit you just don't want to be wrong.

I have seen you in enough of these debates to know exactly how this would play out before I made my first response. You claim neutrality, but demand only evidence from one side of the argument. Give me a logical reason Miyamoto could be expected to know how hard the game is pushing the software. Give me a logical reason why 12 player Mario Kart Wii, despite having far more going on in a single course, requires less of the system than NSMBWii. Justify your position, or admit you just want to defend Nintendo for no real reason.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
The_vagabond7 said:

If you really think that the wii has trouble rendering 7 or 8 goombas at a time, or can't "process" having more somewhere in the level waiting for you, I'm guessing you don't really know how computer specs work either. The wii isn't a beast by any stretch of the imagination, but come on, look at the game!




That is not the pinnacle of what the wii can handle! Do you think those koopa troopers are more complex than the enemies in the conduit? Really? You think those teeter totter physics are more intense than those of Boom blox? Or is it the combination of the teeter totter physics with the koopa troopa, and keeping track of which direction those coins are moving that is really pushing it?

The best explanation I can think of is they looked at it in terms of network latency. The Wii couldn't handle all of that and keep an acceptably low ping under most circumstances. Some games handle some slow down better than others, and NSMBWii does require twitch reflexes on occasion.

Besides the explanation of wanting to focus on local multiplayer I think this is the only reasonable explanation for not including online.

Have played 232 hours on Mario Kart (most of it online) I can very much see how the kind of problems seen in it's online could reek havoc on a 2D Mario game and before you say it I have decent internet with low ping. 

In Mario Kart I can't count the number of times that I have crossed the line in first place only to discover i've actually finished second or third.  I once spent an entire race against one other person comfortably holding off their challenge but wondering why they didn't use their red shells to then discover i was the one actually sitting in second place for the entire race.  Weapons, particularly shells, can be extremely unreliable online, I've had shells materialise under the wheels of my kart, karts appear in front of my eyes as if from no where but in the end Mario Kart still works because it still has one very basic principle to fall back on.  Weapons might play a role in the game but if latency causes issues with collision detection and precise positions of characters and items on the track the game can still rely on ye olde, who get's from point A to point B the fastest.

This simply wouldn't be good enough in a competitive or cooperative game of NSMBWii because it's not about who gets from point A to point B the fastest.  It's primarly about interaction with the other characters and items on screen in a very precise fashion.  What happens when your partner throws a koopa shell against a pipe which rebounds and kills you even though the koopa is still walking undisturbed on your screen?  What happens when the game goes to recalculate the precise positions of the four characters on the screen and discovers that the leading character and trailing character are actually four screens apart?

Now maybe someone who knows more about network latency and how Nintendo handles it's online can tell me that these problems could be overcome in NSMBWii but these are the problems that first occured to me when I thought about the possibility of online on in this game.

Eh. The tone here is not as friendly as I would like. Adieu, gentlemen.

Gnizmo said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

Actually, I might ask them if I knew how. But you still are making a claim, and I am challenging it. You still require evidence for your counter claim. Either present it or grow up and admit you don't have it.

And before you accuse me of anything, I can be convinced with evidence. You show me proof in the manner that shows the hard specs leave room for online, and I will be convinced (which is why vagabond was acting like a coward when he refused to even acknowledge my asking for it). But if you don't, why is it so hard to admit you don't?

You evade me far more than I evade anything you ask. I have given you examples of games that it would make sense for it to be more demanding on the system hardware. Either explain what in NSMBWii actually requires so much horsepower, or grow up and admit you just don't want to be wrong.

I have seen you in enough of these debates to know exactly how this would play out before I made my first response. You claim neutrality, but demand only evidence from one side of the argument. Give me a logical reason Miyamoto could be expected to know how hard the game is pushing the software. Give me a logical reason why 12 player Mario Kart Wii, despite having far more going on in a single course, requires less of the system than NSMBWii. Justify your position, or admit you just want to defend Nintendo for no real reason.

Evade what? You're not asking me anything. You're presenting things that aren't proof and pretending they are. Spece are numbers. You need numbers to go with them. How is that hard to understand?

And again, Nintendo would best give some proof themselves, but I don't know if they would give it. Yetthey would at least just not give it, not act as though they gave proof when they didn't.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

LordTheNightKnight said:

Evade what? You're not asking me anything. You're presenting things that aren't proof and pretending they are. Spece are numbers. You need numbers to go with them. How is that hard to understand?

And again, Nintendo would best give some proof themselves, but I don't know if they would give it. Yetthey would at least just not give it, not act as though they gave proof when they didn't.

Requiring hard numbers to counter a claim that does not involve hard numbers is complete nonsense. You are holding one side of the argument to a much much higher standard for entirely arbitrary reasons. It is ridiculous, and you damn well know it.

Nintendo also never made the claim. For the umpteenth time, someone who logically has no reason to know what you are asking me made the claim. A game designer made the claim. If he said the game would suck with online, then I will take his word for it no questions asked. That is his are of expertise. Instead he is claiming something far outside his area of expertise, and you are acting as if there was a mountain of numbers behind it.

If there is a logical reason that NSMBWii demands more of a system then you should be able to present it to counter my claim that MKWii has more going on. I can go into great detail why MKWii would require a far greater involvement from the system at all times. Instead you require proof and ignore evidence. You require I have a greater knowledge than the other side likely possesses. How on Earth does that make sense?

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229