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LordTheNightKnight said:

Evade what? You're not asking me anything. You're presenting things that aren't proof and pretending they are. Spece are numbers. You need numbers to go with them. How is that hard to understand?

And again, Nintendo would best give some proof themselves, but I don't know if they would give it. Yetthey would at least just not give it, not act as though they gave proof when they didn't.

Requiring hard numbers to counter a claim that does not involve hard numbers is complete nonsense. You are holding one side of the argument to a much much higher standard for entirely arbitrary reasons. It is ridiculous, and you damn well know it.

Nintendo also never made the claim. For the umpteenth time, someone who logically has no reason to know what you are asking me made the claim. A game designer made the claim. If he said the game would suck with online, then I will take his word for it no questions asked. That is his are of expertise. Instead he is claiming something far outside his area of expertise, and you are acting as if there was a mountain of numbers behind it.

If there is a logical reason that NSMBWii demands more of a system then you should be able to present it to counter my claim that MKWii has more going on. I can go into great detail why MKWii would require a far greater involvement from the system at all times. Instead you require proof and ignore evidence. You require I have a greater knowledge than the other side likely possesses. How on Earth does that make sense?

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229