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Gnizmo said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

Actually, I might ask them if I knew how. But you still are making a claim, and I am challenging it. You still require evidence for your counter claim. Either present it or grow up and admit you don't have it.

And before you accuse me of anything, I can be convinced with evidence. You show me proof in the manner that shows the hard specs leave room for online, and I will be convinced (which is why vagabond was acting like a coward when he refused to even acknowledge my asking for it). But if you don't, why is it so hard to admit you don't?

You evade me far more than I evade anything you ask. I have given you examples of games that it would make sense for it to be more demanding on the system hardware. Either explain what in NSMBWii actually requires so much horsepower, or grow up and admit you just don't want to be wrong.

I have seen you in enough of these debates to know exactly how this would play out before I made my first response. You claim neutrality, but demand only evidence from one side of the argument. Give me a logical reason Miyamoto could be expected to know how hard the game is pushing the software. Give me a logical reason why 12 player Mario Kart Wii, despite having far more going on in a single course, requires less of the system than NSMBWii. Justify your position, or admit you just want to defend Nintendo for no real reason.

Evade what? You're not asking me anything. You're presenting things that aren't proof and pretending they are. Spece are numbers. You need numbers to go with them. How is that hard to understand?

And again, Nintendo would best give some proof themselves, but I don't know if they would give it. Yetthey would at least just not give it, not act as though they gave proof when they didn't.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs