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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN N-Podcast 60 and Summary - How Wii doesn't even compare to Current Gen.

LordTheNightKnight said:

Asking for proof and hard numbers is the same as fanatical religion? You really don't know how games and specs work.

Why is the burden of proof entirely on the other side of the argument? You are the one arguing the counter-intuitive side of the fence. I cannot think of many people who would claim Brawl is less detailed than NSMBWii, and yet you assert this is true. Demanding evidence while providing none does nothing to prove your point.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Around the Network
Gnizmo said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

Asking for proof and hard numbers is the same as fanatical religion? You really don't know how games and specs work.

Why is the burden of proof entirely on the other side of the argument? You are the one arguing the counter-intuitive side of the fence. I cannot think of many people who would claim Brawl is less detailed than NSMBWii, and yet you assert this is true. Demanding evidence while providing none does nothing to prove your point.

Hey I already gave the Miyamoto thing. Once you argue with the word of God, asking for proof isn't unreasonable

Before saying this, I will admit that I have not listed to the podcast. But from the traffic, my first two thoughts are:

1. Were they incapacitated by some sort of artificial substance? (drunk, high, stoned, etc.).

2. Is this the News Corp. influence? (Stake out a position and be loud).

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


Gnizmo said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

The problem is you are both assuming chaotic=greater system use. Smash Bros Melee is more chaotic than Rogue Leader, but the latter got the highest polygon count of a GC launch game. That's just one example off the top of my head.

Those screens posted to NOT give hard numbers. They don't tell us which game has more polygons in the RAM, or more textures, shading, and and many things that cannot be seen by screenshots.

Are you seriously trying to argue that NSMBWii is more detailed than Brawl? Seriously?

And yes, more chaotic does require more out of the system. There are more calculations happening simultaneously. The more it has to calculate, the more the system resources will be used. Set items to very high, and bombs only. The number of explosions, damage, knock back, and general need to draw what is going on will take more out of the Wii than a one on one fight with no items at all.

The calculations are not the only thing that uses a lot of system resources. That's a physics issue, not an overal system issue.

Gnizmo said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

Asking for proof and hard numbers is the same as fanatical religion? You really don't know how games and specs work.

Why is the burden of proof entirely on the other side of the argument? You are the one arguing the counter-intuitive side of the fence. I cannot think of many people who would claim Brawl is less detailed than NSMBWii, and yet you assert this is true. Demanding evidence while providing none does nothing to prove your point.

 That's twisting my words. I'm not making a claim. I'm pointing out whe don't know which uses more. You are claiming Brawl uses more. I'm asking for proof the ENITRE WII SYSTEM is used up by Brawl more than NSMBWii. Screenshots do not come with "the polygon count is X, the texture resolution for each model is Y, the physics calculations are Z, the AI calculations are A, the... thereby making a total of XMB of RAM, and X% of CPU us and X% of GPU use."

THAT is what I mean by proof.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Khuutra said:

Hey I already gave the Miyamoto thing. Once you argue with the word of God, asking for proof isn't unreasonable

I have already offered an extremely logical explanation for what he could mean. Given it is not hard evidence, but Miyamoto was also fairly vague. Given the complete lack of any form of slow down during gameplay it is safe to say the game could push the system slightly harder. I really do think it comes down to what is considered acceptable performance levels.

Besides all that, Miyamoto isn't a programmer. Anything he puts forth is second hand at best.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Around the Network

"I have already offered an extremely logical explanation for what he could mean."

That's not proof. That's assumption. We want hard evidence. Show us the things I asked for in my last post, as those are things that actually use up system resources.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Matt_IGN said:
Wow. I'm a bit surprised to see the reactions here.

Yes, we at the Nintendo team think Nintendo has screwed up this generation, an yes all you Nintendo fanboys seem to be blinded somehow.

You just can't ignore the Wii's lack of horsepower, lack of quality games and lack of achievements. The Wii is basically a GameCube with a flawed controller, and we from IGN are attempting a wake-up call for Nintendo. Things need to change, otherwise Nintendo might as well drop out of the gaming business and start creating toys for kids.

p.s. I'm not fat, just a tad big boned


On the very off chance that this is actually real, and responses will actually be read:

So they screwed up this generation and the N64 and Gamecube generations were just AMAZINGLY AWESOME AND PEACHY PERFECT?

Lack of quality Wii games: I've said this before so I'll go ahead and say it again, 3rd parties are not supporting the Wii, they didn't in the N64 or Gamecube days.  You seem like a nice guy so it pains me to say this: I think you're too fucking stupid to actually see what's going on here so I'll explain it simply.

When they played along by the rules (last generation) the third party response was to ignore them almost completely. Remember third place? Remember something like 20 million consoles sold and waiting 6 months between good releases? Now look at the Wii, agree or disagree with their business strategy, it's the most popular console ever, growing faster than the PS2 by a long shot.

So, far and away the most popular console, HUGE userbase, and 3rd parties STILL will not support Nintendo. That's right--bigger than the PS2 and they can't seem to get a non-Nintendo exclusive that doesn't suck a herpes ridden goat penis. You're pissing up the wrong flagpole, duder. Nintendo is 1 company, and they've held themselves afloat for 3 goddamn generations. Just like the last 2 generations they're supporting their console all by themselves with absolutely no help from the outside.

If you want someone to be pissed off at, be pissed off at 3rd parties. They're the ones adding shovelware to the system. They're the reason you have nothing to do between Nintendo titles. All Nintendo is doing is tending to its MASSIVE and DIVERSE body of customers which unlike the last few generations is not just hardcore Nintendo fans.

So stop crying like a little bitch with a skinned knee.

Want someone to endlessly attack and rip into? Go after 3rd parties. I'm sure if you actually blamed them for once you'll see an endless supply of shit to throw at them for their failures over the last 3 years.  Seriously grow some balls and actually attack the ones who put Nintendo in this position in the first place and STILL won't support them in spite of their massive lead.

LordTheNightKnight said:

The calculations are not the only thing that uses a lot of system resources. That's a physics issue, not an overal system issue.

 That's twisting my words. I'm not making a claim. I'm pointing out whe don't know which uses more. You are claiming Brawl uses more. I'm asking for proof the ENITRE WII SYSTEM is used up by Brawl more than NSMBWii. Screenshots do not come with "the polygon count is X, the texture resolution for each model is Y, the physics calculations are Z, the AI calculations are A, the... thereby making a total of XMB of RAM, and X% of CPU us and X% of GPU use."

THAT is what I mean by proof.

Nonsense. If the only way to know which one taxes a system more is to have the hard numbers for everything then the original comment would never have been made. The fact is you can actually judge what is being don't onscreen without having 100% of all the data available. You can continue to claim a 2D platformer requires more than a 2D fighter with obviously greater attention to detail (either implicitly or explicitly) but it will never make intuitive sense. That is why I maintain the burden of proof lies on the other side.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

The calculations are not the only thing that uses a lot of system resources. That's a physics issue, not an overal system issue.

 That's twisting my words. I'm not making a claim. I'm pointing out whe don't know which uses more. You are claiming Brawl uses more. I'm asking for proof the ENITRE WII SYSTEM is used up by Brawl more than NSMBWii. Screenshots do not come with "the polygon count is X, the texture resolution for each model is Y, the physics calculations are Z, the AI calculations are A, the... thereby making a total of XMB of RAM, and X% of CPU us and X% of GPU use."

THAT is what I mean by proof.

Nonsense. If the only way to know which one taxes a system more is to have the hard numbers for everything then the original comment would never have been made. The fact is you can actually judge what is being don't onscreen without having 100% of all the data available. You can continue to claim a 2D platformer requires more than a 2D fighter with obviously greater attention to detail (either implicitly or explicitly) but it will never make intuitive sense. That is why I maintain the burden of proof lies on the other side.

The weakness here is that NSMBWii doesn't just render what's on-screen, and often deals with many, many, many more moving objects with individual path-drawing (try those damn water levels with school of about thirty fish, each with individual pathfinding)

LordTheNightKnight said:
"I have already offered an extremely logical explanation for what he could mean."

That's not proof. That's assumption. We want hard evidence. Show us the things I asked for in my last post, as those are things that actually use up system resources.

I'll give you hard evidence when someone who can reasonably be expected to have hard evidence speaks on the subject. A game designer, who very likely lacks much of the details you request, making an offhand comment about a feature he didn't want to implement is not a very good defense.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229