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LordTheNightKnight said:

The calculations are not the only thing that uses a lot of system resources. That's a physics issue, not an overal system issue.

 That's twisting my words. I'm not making a claim. I'm pointing out whe don't know which uses more. You are claiming Brawl uses more. I'm asking for proof the ENITRE WII SYSTEM is used up by Brawl more than NSMBWii. Screenshots do not come with "the polygon count is X, the texture resolution for each model is Y, the physics calculations are Z, the AI calculations are A, the... thereby making a total of XMB of RAM, and X% of CPU us and X% of GPU use."

THAT is what I mean by proof.

Nonsense. If the only way to know which one taxes a system more is to have the hard numbers for everything then the original comment would never have been made. The fact is you can actually judge what is being don't onscreen without having 100% of all the data available. You can continue to claim a 2D platformer requires more than a 2D fighter with obviously greater attention to detail (either implicitly or explicitly) but it will never make intuitive sense. That is why I maintain the burden of proof lies on the other side.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229