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Matt_IGN said:
Wow. I'm a bit surprised to see the reactions here.

Yes, we at the Nintendo team think Nintendo has screwed up this generation, an yes all you Nintendo fanboys seem to be blinded somehow.

You just can't ignore the Wii's lack of horsepower, lack of quality games and lack of achievements. The Wii is basically a GameCube with a flawed controller, and we from IGN are attempting a wake-up call for Nintendo. Things need to change, otherwise Nintendo might as well drop out of the gaming business and start creating toys for kids.

p.s. I'm not fat, just a tad big boned


On the very off chance that this is actually real, and responses will actually be read:

So they screwed up this generation and the N64 and Gamecube generations were just AMAZINGLY AWESOME AND PEACHY PERFECT?

Lack of quality Wii games: I've said this before so I'll go ahead and say it again, 3rd parties are not supporting the Wii, they didn't in the N64 or Gamecube days.  You seem like a nice guy so it pains me to say this: I think you're too fucking stupid to actually see what's going on here so I'll explain it simply.

When they played along by the rules (last generation) the third party response was to ignore them almost completely. Remember third place? Remember something like 20 million consoles sold and waiting 6 months between good releases? Now look at the Wii, agree or disagree with their business strategy, it's the most popular console ever, growing faster than the PS2 by a long shot.

So, far and away the most popular console, HUGE userbase, and 3rd parties STILL will not support Nintendo. That's right--bigger than the PS2 and they can't seem to get a non-Nintendo exclusive that doesn't suck a herpes ridden goat penis. You're pissing up the wrong flagpole, duder. Nintendo is 1 company, and they've held themselves afloat for 3 goddamn generations. Just like the last 2 generations they're supporting their console all by themselves with absolutely no help from the outside.

If you want someone to be pissed off at, be pissed off at 3rd parties. They're the ones adding shovelware to the system. They're the reason you have nothing to do between Nintendo titles. All Nintendo is doing is tending to its MASSIVE and DIVERSE body of customers which unlike the last few generations is not just hardcore Nintendo fans.

So stop crying like a little bitch with a skinned knee.

Want someone to endlessly attack and rip into? Go after 3rd parties. I'm sure if you actually blamed them for once you'll see an endless supply of shit to throw at them for their failures over the last 3 years.  Seriously grow some balls and actually attack the ones who put Nintendo in this position in the first place and STILL won't support them in spite of their massive lead.