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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN N-Podcast 60 and Summary - How Wii doesn't even compare to Current Gen.

LordTheNightKnight said:

That is NOT WHAT I WROTE. I wrote the CHARACTER MODELS are on the level of the character models of that game. There is a difference.

Don't give me this "demonstrably better" crap, when I've already stated that levels are not the same in Smash Bros.

And just being a goomba is not an argument. One is an 8-bit sprite and one is a 3D model. That you think those are even comparable makes it look as though you don't really have an idea of how computer specs work.

If you really think that the wii has trouble rendering 7 or 8 goombas at a time, or can't "process" having more somewhere in the level waiting for you, I'm guessing you don't really know how computer specs work either. The wii isn't a beast by any stretch of the imagination, but come on, look at the game!



That is not the pinnacle of what the wii can handle! Do you think those koopa troopers are more complex than the enemies in the conduit? Really? You think those teeter totter physics are more intense than those of Boom blox? Or is it the combination of the teeter totter physics with the koopa troopa, and keeping track of which direction those coins are moving that is really pushing it?

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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I have to agree with Vagabond on this one. NSMBWii maxing out the Wii is utter bullshit. The game is a marvel, but I can't buy that it is more taxing than the absolute chaos of 12 person Mario Kart, or 4 player Brawl. Those games have the craziest shit happening at any, and every moment. NSMBWii is comparatively very tame and predictable.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Siko1989 said:
you know the nintendo seal of quality? thats changed at the moment, i mean nintendo are letting 3rd party's put shovelware on there machine so they can gain there 3rd party support again and thats fine by me.. nintendo had a love/hate relationship with 3rd party's in the past so nintendo are trying to change that, i thought most of you would be happy that nintendo is trying to gain that support again?


Are you saying the Nes and Snes didn't had shovelware??????

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. So It doesn't offend your common sense that the wii is able to do vastly more complex games with online and wiispeak, and that the max the wii can handle is keeping track of where 15 koopa troopas are, walking back and forth in a set simplistic pattern? The goombas don't activate until you get close to them, they just walk in a straight line, oh, but there are those moving platforms that might be moving even if you're not on screen....that's gotta take some power to keep track of, right?

The turtles do dance to the beat at some points so I'm sure that takes some additional resources. Maybe if the turtles didn't dance it could have supported wii speak and online play.


The_vagabond7 said:

If you really think that the wii has trouble rendering 7 or 8 goombas at a time, or can't "process" having more somewhere in the level waiting for you, I'm guessing you don't really know how computer specs work either. The wii isn't a beast by any stretch of the imagination, but come on, look at the game!




That is not the pinnacle of what the wii can handle! Do you think those koopa troopers are more complex than the enemies in the conduit? Really? You think those teeter totter physics are more intense than those of Boom blox? Or is it the combination of the teeter totter physics with the koopa troopa, and keeping track of which direction those coins are moving that is really pushing it?

The best explanation I can think of is they looked at it in terms of network latency. The Wii couldn't handle all of that and keep an acceptably low ping under most circumstances. Some games handle some slow down better than others, and NSMBWii does require twitch reflexes on occasion.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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Gnizmo said:
I have to agree with Vagabond on this one. NSMBWii maxing out the Wii is utter bullshit. The game is a marvel, but I can't buy that it is more taxing than the absolute chaos of 12 person Mario Kart, or 4 player Brawl. Those games have the craziest shit happening at any, and every moment. NSMBWii is comparatively very tame and predictable.

The problem is you are both assuming chaotic=greater system use. Smash Bros Melee is more chaotic than Rogue Leader, but the latter got the highest polygon count of a GC launch game. That's just one example off the top of my head.

Those screens posted to NOT give hard numbers. They don't tell us which game has more polygons in the RAM, or more textures, shading, and and many things that cannot be seen by screenshots.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

I'm going to leave this topic with the same words I leave people that tell me to repent because Jesus is coming soon.

You keep thinking that, I'm going back to reality.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

The_vagabond7 said:
I'm going to leave this topic with the same words I leave people that tell me to repent because Jesus is coming soon.

You keep thinking that, I'm going back to reality.

Asking for proof and hard numbers is the same as fanatical religion? You really don't know how games and specs work.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

LordTheNightKnight said:

The problem is you are both assuming chaotic=greater system use. Smash Bros Melee is more chaotic than Rogue Leader, but the latter got the highest polygon count of a GC launch game. That's just one example off the top of my head.

Those screens posted to NOT give hard numbers. They don't tell us which game has more polygons in the RAM, or more textures, shading, and and many things that cannot be seen by screenshots.

Are you seriously trying to argue that NSMBWii is more detailed than Brawl? Seriously?

And yes, more chaotic does require more out of the system. There are more calculations happening simultaneously. The more it has to calculate, the more the system resources will be used. Set items to very high, and bombs only. The number of explosions, damage, knock back, and general need to draw what is going on will take more out of the Wii than a one on one fight with no items at all.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

The_vagabond7 said:
Khuutra said:
Is this discussion suddenly about arguing the merits of the Wii? Are we supposed to be arguing with the statements by IGN here?

I have no idea. I'm just arguing that they are perfectly justfied in critisizing the wii for it's shortcomings, and that the wii doesn't some how get a free pass when they critisize every system. Regardless of whether or not a person thinks that Zelda should have voice acting, they mentioned a great many problems the wii has, and simply calling them trolls is a crass way of trying to cover up the many valid critisisms that they make.

Justifiable criticism would be fine, however, this podcast does not even come close to being justifiable.

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