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The_vagabond7 said:

If you really think that the wii has trouble rendering 7 or 8 goombas at a time, or can't "process" having more somewhere in the level waiting for you, I'm guessing you don't really know how computer specs work either. The wii isn't a beast by any stretch of the imagination, but come on, look at the game!




That is not the pinnacle of what the wii can handle! Do you think those koopa troopers are more complex than the enemies in the conduit? Really? You think those teeter totter physics are more intense than those of Boom blox? Or is it the combination of the teeter totter physics with the koopa troopa, and keeping track of which direction those coins are moving that is really pushing it?

The best explanation I can think of is they looked at it in terms of network latency. The Wii couldn't handle all of that and keep an acceptably low ping under most circumstances. Some games handle some slow down better than others, and NSMBWii does require twitch reflexes on occasion.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229