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LordTheNightKnight said:

The problem is you are both assuming chaotic=greater system use. Smash Bros Melee is more chaotic than Rogue Leader, but the latter got the highest polygon count of a GC launch game. That's just one example off the top of my head.

Those screens posted to NOT give hard numbers. They don't tell us which game has more polygons in the RAM, or more textures, shading, and and many things that cannot be seen by screenshots.

Are you seriously trying to argue that NSMBWii is more detailed than Brawl? Seriously?

And yes, more chaotic does require more out of the system. There are more calculations happening simultaneously. The more it has to calculate, the more the system resources will be used. Set items to very high, and bombs only. The number of explosions, damage, knock back, and general need to draw what is going on will take more out of the Wii than a one on one fight with no items at all.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229