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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The official Endless Ocean: Blue world thread of pure Joy and Awesomeness

Gamerace said:
Cheebee said:
Gamerace said:
phisheep said:
Areas featured (from that Japanese Wiki again) are:

a South Pacific Atoll (which should be pretty familiar to players of the original)
Aegean Sea (Northeast Mediterranean)
Arctic, Northern Canada
Antarctic - Weddell Sea
a freshwater tributary of the Amazon
Red Sea

Why is it when ever there's a game set in Canada it's nothing but snow and ice?  First Mario and Sonic, now this.   

 I'm kidding here, but it is true in general, racing games, fighting games (Virtua), etc all put you in some winter scene.    At least Tiger Woods has the lovely Banff Springs course in the summer, or was it Fall?

Aside from the Arctic, Canada does have 1/3 of all the freshwater in the world, including the Great Lakes, shame a northern Freshwater area wasn't in the game.   Of course, why am I complaining?   I can dive in one of those right now!  If it wasn't such a winter wonderland here.

A certain lake in Scotland might've been interesting too...

Well, what kind of a silly question is that, it's because Canada is made of snow and ice, and so are Canadians, everybody knows that!

lol j/k of course.

Also, that Loch Ness idea, awesome! I hadn't even thought of that, how cool would it be to have that in EO3? I approve, haha, though I doubt anything like that'll happen, EO seems to focus mainly on realism when it comes to creatures. Still, it would be nice to have some fantasy influences... like prehistoric fish and such.

Only 2 more weeks, btw!

There was a prehistoric fish in the original in the Whale Bones Chasm in the abyss behind the hot water guysers.    Not sure if it was a fish still in existence or if you were just discovering that, holy s--- it's still in existence.   The later I think but someone feel free to correct me.

At any rate, EO did dabble in a little fantasy so I wouldn't rule it out completely.   I think everyone would get goosebump if they suddenly found themselves diving into Loch Ness.   We'd all be like, 'Oh no they didn't, did they?  I got to see this!'    Remember to bring your pulsar gun....

That's the coelacanth you're referring to. It is still alive.

Around the Network
Gamerace said:
Cheebee said:
Gamerace said:
phisheep said:
Areas featured (from that Japanese Wiki again) are:

a South Pacific Atoll (which should be pretty familiar to players of the original)
Aegean Sea (Northeast Mediterranean)
Arctic, Northern Canada
Antarctic - Weddell Sea
a freshwater tributary of the Amazon
Red Sea

Why is it when ever there's a game set in Canada it's nothing but snow and ice?  First Mario and Sonic, now this.   

 I'm kidding here, but it is true in general, racing games, fighting games (Virtua), etc all put you in some winter scene.    At least Tiger Woods has the lovely Banff Springs course in the summer, or was it Fall?

Aside from the Arctic, Canada does have 1/3 of all the freshwater in the world, including the Great Lakes, shame a northern Freshwater area wasn't in the game.   Of course, why am I complaining?   I can dive in one of those right now!  If it wasn't such a winter wonderland here.

A certain lake in Scotland might've been interesting too...

Well, what kind of a silly question is that, it's because Canada is made of snow and ice, and so are Canadians, everybody knows that!

lol j/k of course.

Also, that Loch Ness idea, awesome! I hadn't even thought of that, how cool would it be to have that in EO3? I approve, haha, though I doubt anything like that'll happen, EO seems to focus mainly on realism when it comes to creatures. Still, it would be nice to have some fantasy influences... like prehistoric fish and such.

Only 2 more weeks, btw!

There was a prehistoric fish in the original in the Whale Bones Chasm in the abyss behind the hot water guysers.    Not sure if it was a fish still in existence or if you were just discovering that, holy s--- it's still in existence.   The later I think but someone feel free to correct me.

At any rate, EO did dabble in a little fantasy so I wouldn't rule it out completely.   I think everyone would get goosebump if they suddenly found themselves diving into Loch Ness.   We'd all be like, 'Oh no they didn't, did they?  I got to see this!'    Remember to bring your pulsar gun....

Yeah I remember that one. I actually didn't know those still existed, thanks for pointing that out, Naraku!

But I agree, they did dabble in fantasy, a little bit, with the white mother and such, but so far it seems the developer's going for a realistic approach. IT would be really sweet though to bring some fantasy elements into the mix, just a tiny bit. Loch Ness would be beyond cool. By the way, the Abyss was truly awesome to dive into in EO1... I really hope they'll have something similar in EO2, that would be so great.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Looking at all the screen shots there are a few with a Danger symbol. Does this mean we can die in this game?

Warrior of Light #66

"I'm not illiterate, my parents were married!"

3DS FC: 2878 9589 2016

Wildvine53 said:
Looking at all the screen shots there are a few with a Danger symbol. Does this mean we can die in this game?

No. There'll be dangerous creatures like sharks and crocodiles and such, and those can 'threaten' you, which is when the danger-symbol will appear. Then, you can use a pulsar-gun to calm them down. But they can't actually physically hurt you, as far as I know.

On a side note, that same gun can also be used to heal sick or injured fish.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Cheebee said:
Wildvine53 said:
Looking at all the screen shots there are a few with a Danger symbol. Does this mean we can die in this game?

No. There'll be dangerous creatures like sharks and crocodiles and such, and those can 'threaten' you, which is when the danger-symbol will appear. Then, you can use a pulsar-gun to calm them down. But they can't actually physically hurt you, as far as I know.

On a side note, that same gun can also be used to heal sick or injured fish.

Thats so cool! thanks for clearing that up

Warrior of Light #66

"I'm not illiterate, my parents were married!"

3DS FC: 2878 9589 2016

Around the Network
Cheebee said:
Wildvine53 said:
Looking at all the screen shots there are a few with a Danger symbol. Does this mean we can die in this game?

No. There'll be dangerous creatures like sharks and crocodiles and such, and those can 'threaten' you, which is when the danger-symbol will appear. Then, you can use a pulsar-gun to calm them down. But they can't actually physically hurt you, as far as I know.

On a side note, that same gun can also be used to heal sick or injured fish.

Actually, I'm not so sure about that.    In videos of the game they show a airtank and whenever you get bitten you lose some air.   The guy was swimming through a bunch of piranha and they were biting him, each bite costing one bar of air out of about 20 bars.   So if you lose all your air I doubt you'll die but it might force a return to the boat.   Even that though, you'd have to just be sitting there, antagonizing dangerous fish/animals until your air/health was depleted.  As they don't attack quickly or often.    It adds some small degree of realism but you're never in any real danger.   If it was really realistic he'd have been blood and bones - which would have been cool to watch but not really the relaxing atmosphere this game goes for.


Gamerace said:
Cheebee said:
Wildvine53 said:
Looking at all the screen shots there are a few with a Danger symbol. Does this mean we can die in this game?

No. There'll be dangerous creatures like sharks and crocodiles and such, and those can 'threaten' you, which is when the danger-symbol will appear. Then, you can use a pulsar-gun to calm them down. But they can't actually physically hurt you, as far as I know.

On a side note, that same gun can also be used to heal sick or injured fish.

Actually, I'm not so sure about that.    In videos of the game they show a airtank and whenever you get bitten you lose some air.   The guy was swimming through a bunch of piranha and they were biting him, each bite costing one bar of air out of about 20 bars.   So if you lose all your air I doubt you'll die but it might force a return to the boat.   Even that though, you'd have to just be sitting there, antagonizing dangerous fish/animals until your air/health was depleted.  As they don't attack quickly or often.    It adds some small degree of realism but you're never in any real danger.   If it was really realistic he'd have been blood and bones - which would have been cool to watch but not really the relaxing atmosphere this game goes for.

Ah, you're right. I'd never actually noticed that, and every preview I read so far said the fish couldn't harm you, so that's what I assumed. But I checked around and you do actually lose some oxygen when a fish attacks you. Still, I was somewhat right too, as they still can't physically harm you.

Ayway, so yeah, this brings me to another detail which I believe I haven't even added to the OP yet, I'll check in a moment and add it if it's not there yet: you don't have unlimited health. I'm sure most people already knew that, anyway, but for the sake of completeness I thought I'd point it out.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Cheebee said:
Gamerace said:
Cheebee said:
Wildvine53 said:
Looking at all the screen shots there are a few with a Danger symbol. Does this mean we can die in this game?

No. There'll be dangerous creatures like sharks and crocodiles and such, and those can 'threaten' you, which is when the danger-symbol will appear. Then, you can use a pulsar-gun to calm them down. But they can't actually physically hurt you, as far as I know.

On a side note, that same gun can also be used to heal sick or injured fish.

Actually, I'm not so sure about that.    In videos of the game they show a airtank and whenever you get bitten you lose some air.   The guy was swimming through a bunch of piranha and they were biting him, each bite costing one bar of air out of about 20 bars.   So if you lose all your air I doubt you'll die but it might force a return to the boat.   Even that though, you'd have to just be sitting there, antagonizing dangerous fish/animals until your air/health was depleted.  As they don't attack quickly or often.    It adds some small degree of realism but you're never in any real danger.   If it was really realistic he'd have been blood and bones - which would have been cool to watch but not really the relaxing atmosphere this game goes for.

Ah, you're right. I'd never actually noticed that, and every preview I read so far said the fish couldn't harm you, so that's what I assumed. But I checked around and you do actually lose some oxygen when a fish attacks you. Still, I was somewhat right too, as they still can't physically harm you.

Ayway, so yeah, this brings me to another detail which I believe I haven't even added to the OP yet, I'll check in a moment and add it if it's not there yet: you don't have unlimited health. I'm sure most people already knew that, anyway, but for the sake of completeness I thought I'd point it out.

I hope when a shark or croc attacks you, you lose more than one measely bit of oxygen.   I hope they just don't attack too often.   A shark should take a quarter of a tank and then give you time to zap them.  A croc should grab you and continuously take small amounts of oxygen until you zap them the hell off.     Nothing life or game threatening still but if a great white only nibbles on me it might as well not bother attacking at all.

I wonder if we'll have to watch out for Stingrays, electric eels and puffer fish too.   Lol.  That would be funny, poking a puffer - poke, poke, po-PUFF  OW!  That didn't happen last game.


Gamerace said:

I hope when a shark or croc attacks you, you lose more than one measely bit of oxygen.   I hope they just don't attack too often.   A shark should take a quarter of a tank and then give you time to zap them.  A croc should grab you and continuously take small amounts of oxygen until you zap them the hell off.     Nothing life or game threatening still but if a great white only nibbles on me it might as well not bother attacking at all.

I wonder if we'll have to watch out for Stingrays, electric eels and puffer fish too.   Lol.  That would be funny, poking a puffer - poke, poke, po-PUFF  OW!  That didn't happen last game.

I dunno about that, I guess the more dangerous the creatures are, the more oxygen they'd take off... would make sense, imo. Anyway, from the vids I've seen, all creatures including the dangerous ones are pretty docile, and don't generally attack you lot, unless provoked or if you stay too close for too long. From what I saw you can just swim into schools of piranha and past crocs and such, and they won't attack you much. Sometimes not at all. And certainly not a lot at once. You gotta remember that this game has an E for Everyone rating, so even youngsters would have to be able to play the game without too much effort I guess.

Here's a good vid demonstrating some dangerous fish-gameplay: (no real spoilers in there, but still, there might be some stuff in there that some people would rather not see beforehand, dunno, so... you've been warned people. )

I guess we're gonna have to be careful around stingrays and the likes, don't wanna end up like Steve Irwin, the poor guy.

The guy in the above video also mentions the stun gun doesn't work on electric eels... which is only logical, I guess, so they might end up being the most dangerous in the game, haha.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


I have been thinking about buying Endless Ocean(1) since about Summer 2008 and I have yet to get it and was still thinking about buying it again about last week and still didn't...

It looked interesting but kind of stupid at the same time so I was like "Ok um... No" everytime I was about to buy it. Endless Ocean Blue World looks very fun and more interesting then the 1st one. It also looks to me like the game will improve over the 1st game in a big way. So my Endless Ocean opinion has now gone from "Kind of stupid" to "I want this game" with Blue World!

Also I have some questions(I am sorry if these were answered in the thread but its big so I didn't want to read any of it but the opening post) :

1.Can you die in this game?
2.How many different animals are in this game?
3.Does this game come with Wii Speak for free?(I was looking on Gamestop and Toys R Us and it said E.O.B.W was $30 and E.O.B.W with Wii Speak was also $30 but this is only on those 2 web sites.)