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Cheebee said:
Gamerace said:
Cheebee said:
Wildvine53 said:
Looking at all the screen shots there are a few with a Danger symbol. Does this mean we can die in this game?

No. There'll be dangerous creatures like sharks and crocodiles and such, and those can 'threaten' you, which is when the danger-symbol will appear. Then, you can use a pulsar-gun to calm them down. But they can't actually physically hurt you, as far as I know.

On a side note, that same gun can also be used to heal sick or injured fish.

Actually, I'm not so sure about that.    In videos of the game they show a airtank and whenever you get bitten you lose some air.   The guy was swimming through a bunch of piranha and they were biting him, each bite costing one bar of air out of about 20 bars.   So if you lose all your air I doubt you'll die but it might force a return to the boat.   Even that though, you'd have to just be sitting there, antagonizing dangerous fish/animals until your air/health was depleted.  As they don't attack quickly or often.    It adds some small degree of realism but you're never in any real danger.   If it was really realistic he'd have been blood and bones - which would have been cool to watch but not really the relaxing atmosphere this game goes for.

Ah, you're right. I'd never actually noticed that, and every preview I read so far said the fish couldn't harm you, so that's what I assumed. But I checked around and you do actually lose some oxygen when a fish attacks you. Still, I was somewhat right too, as they still can't physically harm you.

Ayway, so yeah, this brings me to another detail which I believe I haven't even added to the OP yet, I'll check in a moment and add it if it's not there yet: you don't have unlimited health. I'm sure most people already knew that, anyway, but for the sake of completeness I thought I'd point it out.

I hope when a shark or croc attacks you, you lose more than one measely bit of oxygen.   I hope they just don't attack too often.   A shark should take a quarter of a tank and then give you time to zap them.  A croc should grab you and continuously take small amounts of oxygen until you zap them the hell off.     Nothing life or game threatening still but if a great white only nibbles on me it might as well not bother attacking at all.

I wonder if we'll have to watch out for Stingrays, electric eels and puffer fish too.   Lol.  That would be funny, poking a puffer - poke, poke, po-PUFF  OW!  That didn't happen last game.