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I have been thinking about buying Endless Ocean(1) since about Summer 2008 and I have yet to get it and was still thinking about buying it again about last week and still didn't...

It looked interesting but kind of stupid at the same time so I was like "Ok um... No" everytime I was about to buy it. Endless Ocean Blue World looks very fun and more interesting then the 1st one. It also looks to me like the game will improve over the 1st game in a big way. So my Endless Ocean opinion has now gone from "Kind of stupid" to "I want this game" with Blue World!

Also I have some questions(I am sorry if these were answered in the thread but its big so I didn't want to read any of it but the opening post) :

1.Can you die in this game?
2.How many different animals are in this game?
3.Does this game come with Wii Speak for free?(I was looking on Gamestop and Toys R Us and it said E.O.B.W was $30 and E.O.B.W with Wii Speak was also $30 but this is only on those 2 web sites.)