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Gamerace said:
Cheebee said:
Gamerace said:
phisheep said:
Areas featured (from that Japanese Wiki again) are:

a South Pacific Atoll (which should be pretty familiar to players of the original)
Aegean Sea (Northeast Mediterranean)
Arctic, Northern Canada
Antarctic - Weddell Sea
a freshwater tributary of the Amazon
Red Sea

Why is it when ever there's a game set in Canada it's nothing but snow and ice?  First Mario and Sonic, now this.   

 I'm kidding here, but it is true in general, racing games, fighting games (Virtua), etc all put you in some winter scene.    At least Tiger Woods has the lovely Banff Springs course in the summer, or was it Fall?

Aside from the Arctic, Canada does have 1/3 of all the freshwater in the world, including the Great Lakes, shame a northern Freshwater area wasn't in the game.   Of course, why am I complaining?   I can dive in one of those right now!  If it wasn't such a winter wonderland here.

A certain lake in Scotland might've been interesting too...

Well, what kind of a silly question is that, it's because Canada is made of snow and ice, and so are Canadians, everybody knows that!

lol j/k of course.

Also, that Loch Ness idea, awesome! I hadn't even thought of that, how cool would it be to have that in EO3? I approve, haha, though I doubt anything like that'll happen, EO seems to focus mainly on realism when it comes to creatures. Still, it would be nice to have some fantasy influences... like prehistoric fish and such.

Only 2 more weeks, btw!

There was a prehistoric fish in the original in the Whale Bones Chasm in the abyss behind the hot water guysers.    Not sure if it was a fish still in existence or if you were just discovering that, holy s--- it's still in existence.   The later I think but someone feel free to correct me.

At any rate, EO did dabble in a little fantasy so I wouldn't rule it out completely.   I think everyone would get goosebump if they suddenly found themselves diving into Loch Ness.   We'd all be like, 'Oh no they didn't, did they?  I got to see this!'    Remember to bring your pulsar gun....

Yeah I remember that one. I actually didn't know those still existed, thanks for pointing that out, Naraku!

But I agree, they did dabble in fantasy, a little bit, with the white mother and such, but so far it seems the developer's going for a realistic approach. IT would be really sweet though to bring some fantasy elements into the mix, just a tiny bit. Loch Ness would be beyond cool. By the way, the Abyss was truly awesome to dive into in EO1... I really hope they'll have something similar in EO2, that would be so great.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046