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Forums - Sales Discussion - If Wii/360/PS3 all cost 200?

Kwaad said: fooflexible - first off. The point is, "if all consoles were the same price." I'd buy all 3. I would have bought all 3 at once... for the cost of my PS3. The real question is. Wich one would you buy if they all cost 400$ (happy middle price between highest console, and lowest console)
I understand the point as I've said in my earlier post. My point is that if you agree on 200 dollars your really asking, what would you buy(and I'm only using the ps3 and Wii because they represent the two prices extremes) A Wii for $50 less, or a ps3 for $400 less? You see, it's not really a fair comparison. And that goes with any price. Take your $400 price tag, your asking would you buy a Wii if it was $150 more, or a ps3 if it was $200 less? How is that fair? My point being is that for the most part the price you pay parrellels the hardware your getting. If Nintendo was forced to create $600 Wii I'm sure it would have at least X360 graphics, with a bigger hard drive, High-Def support, perhaps some other innovative interesting component thrown in. But it doesn't BECAUSE it's 250 dollars. So I think the best comparison here to make is this: If we all recieved all three consoles for free, which system would you be buying the most games for, and spending the most time playing? That is fair, as the system war really comes down to software purchase, regardless of the platform the winner is really decided buy time and money spent on a system.

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fooflexible said: Kwaad said: fooflexible - first off. The point is, "if all consoles were the same price." I'd buy all 3. I would have bought all 3 at once... for the cost of my PS3. The real question is. Wich one would you buy if they all cost 400$ (happy middle price between highest console, and lowest console) I understand the point as I've said in my earlier post. My point is that if you agree on 200 dollars your really asking, what would you buy(and I'm only using the ps3 and Wii because they represent the two prices extremes) A Wii for $50 less, or a ps3 for $400 less? You see, it's not really a fair comparison. And that goes with any price. Take your $400 price tag, your asking would you buy a Wii if it was $150 more, or a ps3 if it was $200 less? How is that fair? My point being is that for the most part the price you pay parrellels the hardware your getting. If Nintendo was forced to create $600 Wii I'm sure it would have at least X360 graphics, with a bigger hard drive, High-Def support, perhaps some other innovative interesting component thrown in. But it doesn't BECAUSE it's 250 dollars. So I think the best comparison here to make is this: If we all recieved all three consoles for free, which system would you be buying the most games for, and spending the most time playing? That is fair, as the system war really comes down to software purchase, regardless of the platform the winner is really decided buy time and money spent on a system.
I was thinking "If they were free wich ones would you get." But I just thought... Crap, I'd get all 3 if they were 200$... They wouldnt even have to be free. But I like your idea. If which would you buy the most games for. If I just picked up all 3 consoles yesterday, and I was not on a limited budget. I would be buying... 360 - dead rising, and about 4 of the RPGs. And gears just to try it. (hey, If I was spending all the money in the world... I'd buy to try) Wii - Zelda, Raving rabbids, Wii Play. PS3 - Resistance, Motorstorm. I by the end of the year I plan on having more PS3 games then both Wii+360 combined tho. (in real life)

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

Alacrist said: I know they are different prices for different reasons so, ok someone help me out what would be in the systems if they were 200?
Okay I'll give it a shot. I'll try to surmise what each system would have for $200. This is assuming that they are trying to at least break even. Also the 360 specs are assuming that MS launched at $200. Wii: Same as now 360: Single core G5 based CPU (2.5 Ghz) 256MB GDDR3 RAM ATI Radeon X1900 based GPU (500mhz) 20GB Hard Drive DVD Drive PS3: Single core G5 based CPU (3.0 Ghz) 128MB XDR Main RAM 128MB GDDR3 Video RAM Nvidia GeForce 7800 based GPU (550mhz) 40GB Hard Drive DVD Drive Bah, much harder than I thought.

If all systems were 200, I'd still be getting a Wii first (as right now it's the only console I intend to get. After that, I'd get the 360. As for the PS3, I would still consider the PS2 to be a better deal. And I haven't even gotten one of those yet.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

The only thing that would change is that the "race" so to speak would be a lot tighter, that's all. XBox 360 would lose out the most in that scenario honestly being that the only thing that really makes them distinct is XBox Live. PS3 with momentum from PS2 would be a much stronger competitor free from the clouds of doom. Wii would STILL make the impact it's doing now but its dominance wouldn't be as clear cut until later. PS3 would be its competitor. And whoever won Japan first would end up winning the world. That's the golden rule in consoles, a beast of Japan as we've seen in a recent post. Consoles are now a Japanese thing since the mid-80's & those who focus on what Japanese market needs first later adjusting aspects of strategy to other world markets will always win out. This is how the PS1, PS2, DS & Wii became the phenomena they became in the first place. John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



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Darc Requiem said: Alacrist said: I know they are different prices for different reasons so, ok someone help me out what would be in the systems if they were 200? Okay I'll give it a shot. I'll try to surmise what each system would have for $200. This is assuming that they are trying to at least break even. Also the 360 specs are assuming that MS launched at $200. Wii: Same as now 360: Single core G5 based CPU (2.5 Ghz) 256MB GDDR3 RAM ATI Radeon X1900 based GPU (500mhz) 20GB Hard Drive DVD Drive PS3: Single core G5 based CPU (3.0 Ghz) 128MB XDR Main RAM 128MB GDDR3 Video RAM Nvidia GeForce 7800 based GPU (550mhz) 40GB Hard Drive DVD Drive Bah, much harder than I thought.
This is a completely different topic. the point of this thread is to see which console is the best irrelevant of price, which ones selling point is greater than the others. Wii: Motion sensing controller... PS3: Far more powerful than anything else avaliable, blu-ray player, good brand, (In USA) good BC with massive library of brilliant games, very good 1st party studios (remember God of War, pretty much the greatest PS2 action game ever) large and expandable hard drive, motion sensing "traditional" game contoller, Home, great second party games (warhawk, uncharted, ratchet and clank, next Jak?, Resistance 2 and more) Xbox 360: I really don't know??? Maybe Halo 3

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What's the point? A Ferrari 599 GTB is nicer than a Porsche 911. So freaking what? I still wouldn't mind either car.

I think if they were all 200$ that the 360 wouldd be much more popular, but the PS3 would only slightly be becuase of the hindering bad press. Wii would do well to becuase 250>200.

this kind of question isn't quite as bad as "would you cutoff your arm if doing that could save the world" but it's not that far off either.

the Wii is an epidemic.

The Wii would keep selling out, and keep selling out about 1 or 2 months longer. The 360 would double it's sales per month to 400k-ish. The PS3 would triple it's sales per month to 350k-ish, then more once major titles were released. Next question!

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.