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The only thing that would change is that the "race" so to speak would be a lot tighter, that's all. XBox 360 would lose out the most in that scenario honestly being that the only thing that really makes them distinct is XBox Live. PS3 with momentum from PS2 would be a much stronger competitor free from the clouds of doom. Wii would STILL make the impact it's doing now but its dominance wouldn't be as clear cut until later. PS3 would be its competitor. And whoever won Japan first would end up winning the world. That's the golden rule in consoles, a beast of Japan as we've seen in a recent post. Consoles are now a Japanese thing since the mid-80's & those who focus on what Japanese market needs first later adjusting aspects of strategy to other world markets will always win out. This is how the PS1, PS2, DS & Wii became the phenomena they became in the first place. John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot